5 Reasons Why Chick Fil-A Is Not What You Think

This one is dedicated to the always ClosedMinded author of the ridiculously dopey OP.

The officials at Chick-fil-A are allowed to identify marriage as they fucking deem suitable, according to their religious beliefs, etc.

I agree

AND, you asshat, they have the right to verbalize those thoughts.

Yeah, I know dickhole

FURTHERMORE, you imbecile, when a bunch of left wing hacks try to organize a boycott of that company to protest those thoughts and the expression of such thoughts, it is absolutely and unquestionably proper to stand in opposition to the fucking attempted boycott.

"Attempted Boycott"? Is that the same as no boycott at all? Yep, you've been dupped.

I don't even agree with the position expressed by Chick-fil-A. But I have NO problem in seeing the effort, by the left wing anti-free-speech scumbags to sanction Chick-fil-A's free speech, get undermined. I applaud the rebound effect.

I dont agree with the position of Chick Fil A either but I support their right to say it. Eating a deluxe chicken sandwich is going to make change! Republicans have the silliest protest ideas evar! Freedom Fries, Meat Mondays and now this. Your head just blew up because Closed Minded isnt at all.

Stop you whining. And stop pretending I have a problem with Chick Fil A just so you can go into your flailing your arms mode.
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Apparently, OWS parasites think the Best way to show support for a cause is to disrupt businesses, destroy public and private property, and engage in all manner of criminal behavior. No wonder they hate law abiding normal people like the tea party and those supporting chik fil as right to think poofters are as hideous as the rest of us normal people do.
Seriously? Did Republicans actually convince people to eat at Chik Fil A in support for opposing gays? Instead of protests this is the only grass roots idea I've seen happen for repubs and it consists of going out and.... stuffing your pie holes?

Didya have some Freedom Fries with it? :lol: Republicans

:eusa_drool:Well doombag it wasn't for the support for opposing gays. It was to support the Right that owner had to show how he opposes gay marriages. Also to let the gov't know they don't have the right to ban the opening of Chik Fil A in other cities just because they don't aggree with his thoughts. If you are againt this then go eat somewhere else. Don't go running to the gov't to put him out of business. If the gov't tries this they are only going to put themselves out of business.

By eating? :badgrin::badgrin: Sure you showed govt that they cant do that while eating a Cool Wrap! Seriously ridiculous...If the Salad bar said the same thing you wouldnt see such an outpour of support. :badgrin:
Seriously? Did Republicans actually convince people to eat at Chik Fil A in support for opposing gays? Instead of protests this is the only grass roots idea I've seen happen for repubs and it consists of going out and.... stuffing your pie holes?

Didya have some Freedom Fries with it? :lol: Republicans

:eusa_drool:Well doombag it wasn't for the support for opposing gays. It was to support the Right that owner had to show how he opposes gay marriages. Also to let the gov't know they don't have the right to ban the opening of Chik Fil A in other cities just because they don't aggree with his thoughts. If you are againt this then go eat somewhere else. Don't go running to the gov't to put him out of business. If the gov't tries this they are only going to put themselves out of business.

By eating? :badgrin::badgrin: Sure you showed govt that they cant do that while eating a Cool Wrap! Seriously ridiculous...If the Salad bar said the same thing you wouldnt see such an outpour of support. :badgrin:
Maybe we should follow the lead of you OWS parasites and shit in public, rape us some bitches, destroy some homo businesses, all in a haze of pot smoke and abject filth. Naw, We are better than your crowd. We will go about expressing ourselves in a peaceful, law abiding manner. That's how normal people conduct themselves.
oye....this is so fucking stooopid. Here is what the man said
"We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit," Cathy said. "We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that'"

The Chik-Fil-A CEO did not bash gays, he simply stated his beliefs. If you want to punish people for being against gay marriage, go to any black church. They are vehemently opposed to homosexuality.

I am in favor of gay marriage, I oppose stupidity.

He financially supports, in a big way, organizations that do bash gays. He's a major supporter of NOM, which does advocate boycotts of companies that support same sex marriage.

Lemme get this straight. You're accusing an organization of 'bashing' homosexuals because they boycott companies that support same sex marriage, while in the same breath supporting organizations that boycott companies that support the traditional definition of marriage.

First, I don't see any 'bashing', I see boycotts. Hyperbole much?

Second, "What's good for the goose..." Hypocrite much?
I think some people are scared seeing the sleeping giant they have awakened so close to the elections...

really they should be:eusa_clap:
Seriously? Did Republicans actually convince people to eat at Chik Fil A in support for opposing gays? Instead of protests this is the only grass roots idea I've seen happen for repubs and it consists of going out and.... stuffing your pie holes?

Didya have some Freedom Fries with it? :lol: Republicans

:eusa_drool:Well doombag it wasn't for the support for opposing gays. It was to support the Right that owner had to show how he opposes gay marriages. Also to let the gov't know they don't have the right to ban the opening of Chik Fil A in other cities just because they don't aggree with his thoughts. If you are againt this then go eat somewhere else. Don't go running to the gov't to put him out of business. If the gov't tries this they are only going to put themselves out of business.

By eating? :badgrin::badgrin: Sure you showed govt that they cant do that while eating a Cool Wrap! Seriously ridiculous...If the Salad bar said the same thing you wouldnt see such an outpour of support. :badgrin:

God you cannot be this stupid, so I'm just going to assume you just want to dick with posters.

The ony reason that it's "eating" is because the product in this case happens to be food.
If it were Home Depot, we would have been out buying extra 2X4's.

We are telling Chik-Fil-A that we have your back, so feel free to speak your mind !
:eusa_drool:Well doombag it wasn't for the support for opposing gays. It was to support the Right that owner had to show how he opposes gay marriages. Also to let the gov't know they don't have the right to ban the opening of Chik Fil A in other cities just because they don't aggree with his thoughts. If you are againt this then go eat somewhere else. Don't go running to the gov't to put him out of business. If the gov't tries this they are only going to put themselves out of business.

By eating? :badgrin::badgrin: Sure you showed govt that they cant do that while eating a Cool Wrap! Seriously ridiculous...If the Salad bar said the same thing you wouldnt see such an outpour of support. :badgrin:

God you cannot be this stupid, so I'm just going to assume you just want to dick with posters.

The ony reason that it's "eating" is because the product in this case happens to be food.
If it were Home Depot, we would have been out buying extra 2X4's.

We are telling Chik-Fil-A that we have your back, so feel free to speak your mind !

Of course he's that stupid, he proves it with almost EVERY post he makes.
By eating? :badgrin::badgrin: Sure you showed govt that they cant do that while eating a Cool Wrap! Seriously ridiculous...If the Salad bar said the same thing you wouldnt see such an outpour of support. :badgrin:

God you cannot be this stupid, so I'm just going to assume you just want to dick with posters.

The ony reason that it's "eating" is because the product in this case happens to be food.
If it were Home Depot, we would have been out buying extra 2X4's.

We are telling Chik-Fil-A that we have your back, so feel free to speak your mind !

Of course he's that stupid, he proves it with almost EVERY post he makes.

very true...it's like arguing with a idiot
oye....this is so fucking stooopid. Here is what the man said

The Chik-Fil-A CEO did not bash gays, he simply stated his beliefs. If you want to punish people for being against gay marriage, go to any black church. They are vehemently opposed to homosexuality.

I am in favor of gay marriage, I oppose stupidity.

He financially supports, in a big way, organizations that do bash gays. He's a major supporter of NOM, which does advocate boycotts of companies that support same sex marriage.

Lemme get this straight. You're accusing an organization of 'bashing' homosexuals because they boycott companies that support same sex marriage, while in the same breath supporting organizations that boycott companies that support the traditional definition of marriage.

First, I don't see any 'bashing', I see boycotts. Hyperbole much?

Second, "What's good for the goose..." Hypocrite much?

Wait, so boycotts are a good thing now?
i imagine if you tried harder, you could miss the point by a wider margin, but i don't think so.

hint: it's got nothing to do with gay marriage

It has everything to do with gay marriage, and anti-gay rights. It is all but entirely partisan.

When is the last time you saw conservatives rally en masse to defend 'rights' when they didn't agree with the beliefs of the people they were defending?

it was right around the last time i saw liberals rally en masse to defend "rights" of people they didn't agree with.

The ACLU does it every day.
Fuck, why defend Chick-fil-A so strongly? It's a fucking corporate change machine. It's not a person.

the CEO? Dipshit Bigshot who got slapped for opening his big mouth
he hasn't been slapped, and he HAS the same First Amendment Rights that you do. Which means that government cannot begin to think about doing anything to him for his opinion and views.

Not to hard to understand really.

BTW....He did NOT get slapped for opening his big mouth. Government got slapped, and hard. Kicked in the nuts too, because it was government that backed down.

Last time I checked, the owner of Chik-fil-a hasn't changed his views, hasn't bowed down to oppression of speech. He is still standing and the left are trembling in impotent anger at their inability to cow him.

That just brightens My day. The left getting so resoundingly bitch slapped.

Bad publicity all around. Oh my!!!!! :cuckoo:

:the wave:

you people are nuts. Nothing happened

:badgrin:No you are nuts. The public proved the gov't gets out of line many times. Only thing is this time they got put back in their place. The people won.
Seriously? Did Republicans actually convince people to eat at Chik Fil A in support for opposing gays? Instead of protests this is the only grass roots idea I've seen happen for repubs and it consists of going out and.... stuffing your pie holes?

Didya have some Freedom Fries with it? :lol: Republicans

I don't know how eating junk food means you are supporting the ban on same sex marriage, but I am sure the Republicans know the secret.

it consists of going out and.... stuffing your pie holes?

And when it happens for dems, it consists of going out and stuffing your ... holes.
He financially supports, in a big way, organizations that do bash gays. He's a major supporter of NOM, which does advocate boycotts of companies that support same sex marriage.

Lemme get this straight. You're accusing an organization of 'bashing' homosexuals because they boycott companies that support same sex marriage, while in the same breath supporting organizations that boycott companies that support the traditional definition of marriage.

First, I don't see any 'bashing', I see boycotts. Hyperbole much?

Second, "What's good for the goose..." Hypocrite much?

Wait, so boycotts are a good thing now?

Boycotts are fine, regardless of who is doing them. The uproar is over government entities using their power to try and silence opinions that they don't like.
It has everything to do with gay marriage, and anti-gay rights. It is all but entirely partisan.

When is the last time you saw conservatives rally en masse to defend 'rights' when they didn't agree with the beliefs of the people they were defending?

it was right around the last time i saw liberals rally en masse to defend "rights" of people they didn't agree with.

The ACLU does it every day.

I've no problem with the ALCU, or any group or citizen critisizing another in the USA.

But when the critics are in government, and they persecute anyone for their religious beliefs........

Get ready for Krystallnacht 2012:

oye....this is so fucking stooopid. Here is what the man said

The Chik-Fil-A CEO did not bash gays, he simply stated his beliefs. If you want to punish people for being against gay marriage, go to any black church. They are vehemently opposed to homosexuality.

I am in favor of gay marriage, I oppose stupidity.

He financially supports, in a big way, organizations that do bash gays. He's a major supporter of NOM, which does advocate boycotts of companies that support same sex marriage.

Lemme get this straight. You're accusing an organization of 'bashing' homosexuals because they boycott companies that support same sex marriage, while in the same breath supporting organizations that boycott companies that support the traditional definition of marriage.

First, I don't see any 'bashing', I see boycotts. Hyperbole much?

Second, "What's good for the goose..." Hypocrite much?

Nice strawman, moron. Where did I say "I" supported the boycott? I just want you Nutsack Suckers to accept that by spending your money in Chick-Fil-A, that you're indirectly supporting boycotts of General Mills and Starbucks. Ironic that you'll probably be needing some General Mills products to clear your arteries after your idiotic diet.

So why do you fucking make up shit to make an argument? Were you born a liar, or did you learn that grradually?
I think some people are scared seeing the sleeping giant they have awakened so close to the elections...

really they should be:eusa_clap:

Not at all. It shows the public, in general, what pathetic bigots the right wing is.

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