5 Reasons Why Chick Fil-A Is Not What You Think

1. CFA donated $5 million to hate groups -- Yes, in liberal land, pro family groups are now hate groups. Geez, get over yourself already liberals.

2. The president has a Christian p.o.v and he had the audacity to share it.
-- Yea in libtardville, you can't express your beliefs any more; unless it's their beliefs of course. Then instead of being a demon, you're a saint, even a "civil rights activist" worthy of constant praise.

"are inviting God's judgment on our nation," and that we "shake our fist at Him" when we do. Dan Cathy also said same-sex marriage is the result of a "deprived" mind and called it "twisted up kind of stuff."

DC is not allowed to state his beliefs? He believes that it is natural for a man and woman to be in a union. I think nature would seem to be on his side since that is how we all got here and that is how we are all best nurtured.

So what's the problem? That he dares to say God said up that nature? Oh the humanity!

3. CFA supports orgs that seek to help people to not engage in homosexual activity. -

"pray away the gay" -- despite the fact that practically every major medical organization has stated that this is not only impossible but dangerous and harmful.

Who are these major medical organizations? Medical organizations generally regard the body and not the mind or the spirit. Let's not attribute undue power to these unnamed factions.

It'd be like me saying, every church has decided that Obama is a menace to society. First off, that's not in their purview. And second off, I doubt that "every" religious person would have that opinion anyways.

Even if you don't support same-sex marriage, do you support fake "science" that is known to harm the very people it claims to help?

I am so fucking tired of libs calling any obscure so-called scientific theory they agree with as scientific fact. Second off, CFA has beliefs. They don't worship your jury rigged science. And lastly, there are plenty of former gays who testify that they are much happier? And in the meantime who has the fucking highest suicide rate? Gay teens. THERE'S YOUR FUCKING SCIENCE.

4. We shouldn't support CFA b/c they are a cult. First off, the term cult is just fearmongering. Only haters even use that term without damn good reason. You can call a hippie commune a cult. Am I supposed to hate on them b/c you called them a cult? And what about Hollywood. How many of them are in the "cult" of scientology? Are libs writing editorials on boycotting hollywood? Nope.

5. CFA is forcing women to be stay-home moms. I have not seen any proof of this. We are supposed to just take the writer's interpretation of "court documents" after he just got done shoveling a load of bologna.

I wonder what the goal is here.

My guess - definitely could be wrong - is that gays just want to be accepted as part of society, given the same rights as anyone else, so that they can just go about living their lives. I'd agree with that. Some hearts and minds obviously need to be changed to get there, obviously.

So, and again I could be wrong, I'm assuming they have decided that (1) boycotting the business of someone who disagrees with them, (2) marching and demonstrating at those locations, (3) calling anyone who currently disagrees with them every name at the book at the top of one's lungs and (4) doing everything they can to stop these businesses from existing, is the general approach they have chosen.

Okay, it's their call. Doesn't seem like the logical strategy for changing hearts and minds, but that's just me.

He financially supports, in a big way, organizations that do bash gays. He's a major supporter of NOM, which does advocate boycotts of companies that support same sex marriage.

Repeating yourself over and over again does not make your statement true...

Refusing to look at all sides of the issue leaves one narrow.

yeah, those nazis had their good points too.

there is no other side, yo yo.

Sure there is ying ying, but I won't waste my time, because you never come back to topic.

I wonder what the goal is here.

My guess - definitely could be wrong - is that gays just want to be accepted as part of society, given the same rights as anyone else, so that they can just go about living their lives. I'd agree with that. Some hearts and minds obviously need to be changed to get there, obviously.

So, and again I could be wrong, I'm assuming they have decided that (1) boycotting the business of someone who disagrees with them, (2) marching and demonstrating at those locations, (3) calling anyone who currently disagrees with them every name at the book at the top of one's lungs and (4) doing everything they can to stop these businesses from existing, is the general approach they have chosen.

Okay, it's their call. Doesn't seem like the logical strategy for changing hearts and minds, but that's just me.


I don't know about the strategy__ but the message is 'How dare you have different beliefs than us. How dare you live according to your faith.' For years, even decades gay rights groups have bullied people in the name of their self-driven secularism. Now people are pushing back.
According to HuffPo (and I assume a few will crucify me for my source, but feel free to provide another) Chick Fil A have donated money to hate groups, who compare gay people to pedophiles, and want them exported out of the country.
They have also been sued more than a dozen times for employment discrimination. One women who is currently suing says she was sacked because the managers wanted her to be a 'stay at home mum'.

David Badash: Chick-fil-A: 5 Reasons It Isn't What You Think

If this is true, it goes beyond free speech.

The joke is that Dan Cathy contributes millions to organizations like NOM. NOM has been organizing boycotts of businesses that don't discriminate against employees. They organized boycotts against companies like General Mills and Starbucks.

Yet the right wing here believes that Dan Cathy is having HIS first amendment rights violated.

When the major of a town decides to stop a business from entering his city because he doesn't like the free speech of the owner, then yes, that is wrong.
Lets ask an owner of a business who is uber-Christian in values enough to not even conduct business on Sundays what he thinks of gay marriage, then act shocked and offended when he actually says the obvious answer...

And Christian groups who don't believe in gay marriage (just as they don't believe in things such as *GASP* divorce) are not "hate groups"... well, unless you think of gay groups that bash Christians and Christianity as also "hate groups"

It's not just his words, it's his actions. He contributes millions to homophobic organizations, including National Organization for Marriage. Don't you even see the height of your absurdity, since NOM organizes boycotts against companies that don't discriminate? So while you were wolfing down mediocre chicken today, to support free speech, part of your money actually supports organizing boycotts against companies that don't discriminate.

The problem is YOU and the huffpo call them hate groups and homophobic groups. YOU give them the most heinous labels you can and then use that false label as ammo against anyone who supports them. Just because you disagree doesn't mean they are a hate group.
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How about a mayor telling Ben and Jerry's that the pro gay rights position is unacceptable in his community and he won't let them open there? The company donates money to groups opposed to traditional marriage and it won't be tolerated in his community. How about pro gay businesses can't open near schools?

That's equality. That's treating all companies equally.
According to HuffPo (and I assume a few will crucify me for my source, but feel free to provide another) Chick Fil A have donated money to hate groups, who compare gay people to pedophiles, and want them exported out of the country.
They have also been sued more than a dozen times for employment discrimination. One women who is currently suing says she was sacked because the managers wanted her to be a 'stay at home mum'.

David Badash: Chick-fil-A: 5 Reasons It Isn't What You Think

If this is true, it goes beyond free speech.

What is wrong with any of that? Gays are connected to pedophilia. Most gays admit they were "recruited" when they were under-aged.

If they want to donate to a group that wants to make homosexual acts illegal why do you care? Is sodomy that important to you? Citizens aren't allowed to push for laws anymore? You may not agree with it, but it doesn't mean they don't have the right to lobby for it.
According to HuffPo (and I assume a few will crucify me for my source, but feel free to provide another) Chick Fil A have donated money to hate groups, who compare gay people to pedophiles, and want them exported out of the country.
They have also been sued more than a dozen times for employment discrimination. One women who is currently suing says she was sacked because the managers wanted her to be a 'stay at home mum'.

David Badash: Chick-fil-A: 5 Reasons It Isn't What You Think

If this is true, it goes beyond free speech.
You are correct, your link stinks. Huffpost has never been a good source for the truth.
Very effective strategy. Eat more junk and free speech will be saved.

One day, i hope you truly understand free speech and symbolism.

I guess republicans have demonized protesters so much that they've painted themselves into a corner. So now to show they're opposition or support they have "Meat Monday" "Chick Fil A Coronary day" and "freedom fries".

Seriously, this sounds like a bad Will Ferrell movie. And lets face it, asking Americans to eat fried chicken is not hard to do. Tell them the Salad Bar doesnt like gay and liberals hate Salad :lol:
The left cannot stand it that ordinary people would support an evil, rich, pro traditional marriage company.
Seriously? Did Republicans actually convince people to eat at Chik Fil A in support for opposing gays? Instead of protests this is the only grass roots idea I've seen happen for repubs and it consists of going out and.... stuffing your pie holes?

Didya have some Freedom Fries with it? :lol: Republicans

The Right wouldn't have engaged in its foolishness if the Left hadn't engaged in its foolishness, letting loose the PC Police on one guy and his company for his opinions.

I'm sure he thanks you for your efforts.

Bull shit you Ignorant Race Baiting Liberal. Their Support is common from Every Day People sick and tired of you fucking reactionary Left wing Loons calling for a Boycott every time someone says something you don't like.

You mean like the Dixie Chicks...?

I don't remember any mayors trying to keep Dixie Chick merchandise out of the local stores.
The people chose to either support the Chicks, or boycott them. The government officials didn't get involved.

so let me get this straight... it's ok for rick santorum and the tweeting twit to SUPPORT chick-fil-a but not ok for a politician to call them what they are.

cool... got it.
According to HuffPo (and I assume a few will crucify me for my source, but feel free to provide another) Chick Fil A have donated money to hate groups, who compare gay people to pedophiles, and want them exported out of the country.
They have also been sued more than a dozen times for employment discrimination. One women who is currently suing says she was sacked because the managers wanted her to be a 'stay at home mum'.

David Badash: Chick-fil-A: 5 Reasons It Isn't What You Think

If this is true, it goes beyond free speech.

What is wrong with any of that? Gays are connected to pedophilia. Most gays admit they were "recruited" when they were under-aged.

If they want to donate to a group that wants to make homosexual acts illegal why do you care? Is sodomy that important to you? Citizens aren't allowed to push for laws anymore? You may not agree with it, but it doesn't mean they don't have the right to lobby for it.

With all due respect to you my fellow conservative, you are mistaken. Pedophilia is most frequently an adult male and a underage female. I have gay and lesbian friends and none were sexually assaulted when underaged. In fact none were ever sexually assaulted.

Other than those two things, I agree with you.

I wonder what the goal is here.

My guess - definitely could be wrong - is that gays just want to be accepted as part of society, given the same rights as anyone else, so that they can just go about living their lives. I'd agree with that. Some hearts and minds obviously need to be changed to get there, obviously.

So, and again I could be wrong, I'm assuming they have decided that (1) boycotting the business of someone who disagrees with them, (2) marching and demonstrating at those locations, (3) calling anyone who currently disagrees with them every name at the book at the top of one's lungs and (4) doing everything they can to stop these businesses from existing, is the general approach they have chosen.

Okay, it's their call. Doesn't seem like the logical strategy for changing hearts and minds, but that's just me.


The Gay community has every right to boycott whomever they wish. We all do this all the time.
The difference here of course is having government (mayors) attempting to keep a business out of their town based on the ceo's belief in traditional marriage.
The blowback here was well deserved, and if I were a part of that community I would not appreciate the actions of those mayors.
It is certainly not a way to build bridges, it just causes people to dig in further.
Especially when you see a relationship between one of the mayors and Louis Farakhan of the Nation Of Islam, a religion that is also anti-gay marriage.
Seriously? Did Republicans actually convince people to eat at Chik Fil A in support for opposing gays? Instead of protests this is the only grass roots idea I've seen happen for repubs and it consists of going out and.... stuffing your pie holes?

Didya have some Freedom Fries with it? :lol: Republicans

The Right wouldn't have engaged in its foolishness if the Left hadn't engaged in its foolishness, letting loose the PC Police on one guy and his company for his opinions
I'm sure he thanks you for your efforts.


Ok since you don't understand, I don't agree with keeping a company out of an area for what they say. What Im saying is that the most effective protest strategy that the right can come up with is "eat stuff"! Not contacting you reps or letters, emails etc. Noooo, that would require doing something or god forbid...going somewhere that isn't a lunch counter.

It's funny and not effective.

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