$5.49 a gallon for gas in Los Angeles

I'm not sure why it is you people are not listening.

California, due to specific environmental policies, does not get its gas from the normal supply refineries that the rest of the country uses. Because of their restrictive formula's they have a very limited amount of refineries (All of which are I believe are in California) from which to get their supply of gasoline.

That means that the huge population must fuel their transportation on a very tiny supply.

However, this IS a policy decision and a direct result of environmental policy that is limited in understanding and scope of economic realities.

It is a refinery spike, but it is a spike of their own making.
Yet another reason why I'm glad I don't live in the land of fruits and nuts.

Gas prices exceed $5 a gallon at some Los Angeles area stations

"LOS ANGELES - As gas prices reached its highest level in the state of California since 2015, some Los Angeles area gas stations are charging more than $5 a gallon.

The average price of a gallon of self-serve regular gasoline in Los Angeles County was $4.25 on Wednesday, according to figures from the AAA and Oil Price Information Service. The average price is 4.5 cents higher than one week ago, 57.6 cents more than one month ago and 37.1 cents greater than one year ago. It has also risen 86.4 cents since the start of the year..."

The minimum wage is $15....nobody wants a. Cheaper house, gas in most of flyover states because there are no jobs. How many times we have to go through this....is pure capitalism as you like it.

Minimum wage in California is $12.00 per hour for 2019 if you have 26 or more employees or $11.00 per hour if they have fewer than 25 employees. California will be at $15.00 per hour in 2023, so still more than three years away.
Yet another reason why I'm glad I don't live in the land of fruits and nuts.

Gas prices exceed $5 a gallon at some Los Angeles area stations

"LOS ANGELES - As gas prices reached its highest level in the state of California since 2015, some Los Angeles area gas stations are charging more than $5 a gallon.

The average price of a gallon of self-serve regular gasoline in Los Angeles County was $4.25 on Wednesday, according to figures from the AAA and Oil Price Information Service. The average price is 4.5 cents higher than one week ago, 57.6 cents more than one month ago and 37.1 cents greater than one year ago. It has also risen 86.4 cents since the start of the year..."

The minimum wage is $15....nobody wants a. Cheaper house, gas in most of flyover states because there are no jobs. How many times we have to go through this....is pure capitalism as you like it.

Cali unemployment rate. 4.1

Indiana rate 3.3

Iowa 2.5

Colorado 3.4

Kansas 3.5

Try again
All of the states you mentioned combined are almost half of the population of California.....And those states that you mentioned Their GDP accounts of almost half or less than that of California who contributes a staggering 14% to the US GDP....California out pasted the National GDP growth, it also out pasted the national average in job creation and so much more......
I have said it before and i'll always say it without California and some Blue states the US would be like Afghanistan or Romania at most.
California have 40 million people for a reason, who the hell wants to move to Kansas or Iowa? for what ?
Yet another reason why I'm glad I don't live in the land of fruits and nuts.

Gas prices exceed $5 a gallon at some Los Angeles area stations

"LOS ANGELES - As gas prices reached its highest level in the state of California since 2015, some Los Angeles area gas stations are charging more than $5 a gallon.

The average price of a gallon of self-serve regular gasoline in Los Angeles County was $4.25 on Wednesday, according to figures from the AAA and Oil Price Information Service. The average price is 4.5 cents higher than one week ago, 57.6 cents more than one month ago and 37.1 cents greater than one year ago. It has also risen 86.4 cents since the start of the year..."

The minimum wage is $15....nobody wants a. Cheaper house, gas in most of flyover states because there are no jobs. How many times we have to go through this....is pure capitalism as you like it.

Minimum wage in California is $12.00 per hour for 2019 if you have 26 or more employees or $11.00 per hour if they have fewer than 25 employees. California will be at $15.00 per hour in 2023, so still more than three years away.
H was talking about LA county and I was answering accordingly....is almost $15 in Most cities here....infact I don't know anyone who makes less than $15 an hour for small jobs. Pay attention before you jump on my throat.
Other than the weather, and of course the excessive government handouts, and sanctuary for illegals, only an utter idiot would stay in California.

I stay here for the benefit of someone else. Not everyone can cut and run, so your assessment isnt quite accurate,
there are family farms, businesses etc. lives intertwine, so you know, not everyone can escape to Az or Texas.... though honestly at times I would love to

I fear for your safety... At the current rate of devastation California will either fail completely within the next 10 years or more likely undergo a very bloody Cleveland and Detroit style correction only it will be a statewide event not just a municipal one.

It will probably require military supervision as the municipalities will undergo total financial collapse and be unable to pay a regular police force.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Mexico make aggressive moves to annex some of that territory if they thought they could get away with it.

Of course, this has nothing to do with policy, and everything to do with the unfortunate coincidence of problems at more than one refinery at the same time. Not that these wingnut sacks care.

Not so fast, Fort Funny. It has everything to do with policy...

"The West Coast has 27 refineries in operation today, down by more than half from 1983, when 55 refineries were in operation. Prices continue to surge due to CARB-mandated fuels, which are not easy to produce, in addition to the nation's highest gas tax and also carbon program adding to the price of fuel..."

California Gas Prices Approaching Highest Level Since 2014 - GasBuddy.com

They're doing this to themselves. Now why do you think they're down to 27 refineries? Take a wild guess.

Of course, it could be worse: Europe's gas prices are reaching about $8.00 a gallon.. Loads of taxes to pay for free shit, ya know. Socialism isn't free.

What's really ironic is the fact that California is in the uniwue position to generate massive amounts hydrocarbon fuels using solar refining technology. 80% of the refining process is distillation under heat....If they can get over this stupid political correctness.... massive solar-powered refineries could turn out unimaginable volumes of hydrocarbon fuel at a greatly reduced cost. Don't hold your breath however.

I don't know many things that would turn California red ... but $6 a gallon gas ought to just about do it.
Of course, this has nothing to do with policy, and everything to do with the unfortunate coincidence of problems at more than one refinery at the same time. Not that these wingnut sacks care.
No lie is too stupid for them to tell.
Only $2.39 in south Fl. Amazing that, huh. Try again.
Obamagas was under $2 a gallon!

You have the fracking industry to thank for that. Obama was dead-set against the fracking industry, even putting certain areas off-limits. So they began fracking on privately-owned lands, which actually caused our oil production to rise, in spite of Obama's ruinous EPA regulations.

That and that alone, was the reason gasoline ever came down during the entire period he was in office.
The Great Obama knew how to get us low gas prices.

Crooked Donnie?
Not so much

LMAO The "Great" Obama had absolutely nothing to do with gas prices and neither does Trump.

I paid $2.41 for gas just yesterday. Guess in your view Trump controls gas prices just like your "Great" Obama did.

You really are quite stupid.
Someone finding an old Claudette post blaming Obama for high gas prices in 3...2...1...


So obama wanted low gas prices?

How the fuck does that logic work if he wanted people to buy electric cars ?

Yet another reason why I'm glad I don't live in the land of fruits and nuts.

Gas prices exceed $5 a gallon at some Los Angeles area stations

"LOS ANGELES - As gas prices reached its highest level in the state of California since 2015, some Los Angeles area gas stations are charging more than $5 a gallon.

The average price of a gallon of self-serve regular gasoline in Los Angeles County was $4.25 on Wednesday, according to figures from the AAA and Oil Price Information Service. The average price is 4.5 cents higher than one week ago, 57.6 cents more than one month ago and 37.1 cents greater than one year ago. It has also risen 86.4 cents since the start of the year..."

The minimum wage is $15....nobody wants a. Cheaper house, gas in most of flyover states because there are no jobs. How many times we have to go through this....is pure capitalism as you like it.

Minimum wage in California is $12.00 per hour for 2019 if you have 26 or more employees or $11.00 per hour if they have fewer than 25 employees. California will be at $15.00 per hour in 2023, so still more than three years away.
H was talking about LA county and I was answering accordingly....is almost $15 in Most cities here....infact I don't know anyone who makes less than $15 an hour for small jobs. Pay attention before you jump on my throat.

You are wrong about the county minimum wage being $15 an hour. Sorry facts are facts
I’m not reading through this entire Fake News shitshow, so I’ll just ask: has anyone posted why gas has gone up in California?

PG&E power outage brings lines for gas, batteries, groceries and generators

Good so gas isn't any higher in California than anywhere else. Thanks for setting the record straight! :rolleyes:
Yet another reason why I'm glad I don't live in the land of fruits and nuts.

Gas prices exceed $5 a gallon at some Los Angeles area stations

"LOS ANGELES - As gas prices reached its highest level in the state of California since 2015, some Los Angeles area gas stations are charging more than $5 a gallon.

The average price of a gallon of self-serve regular gasoline in Los Angeles County was $4.25 on Wednesday, according to figures from the AAA and Oil Price Information Service. The average price is 4.5 cents higher than one week ago, 57.6 cents more than one month ago and 37.1 cents greater than one year ago. It has also risen 86.4 cents since the start of the year..."

6 bucks a gallon for premium unleaded! Well at least Californians can see all that gas tax going to good use. LMAO :21:
Of course, this has nothing to do with policy, and everything to do with the unfortunate coincidence of problems at more than one refinery at the same time. Not that these wingnut sacks care.
To hear liberals nothing in california is liberals fault

the blackouts for instance which are a total democrat screwup
Yet another reason why I'm glad I don't live in the land of fruits and nuts.

Gas prices exceed $5 a gallon at some Los Angeles area stations

"LOS ANGELES - As gas prices reached its highest level in the state of California since 2015, some Los Angeles area gas stations are charging more than $5 a gallon.

The average price of a gallon of self-serve regular gasoline in Los Angeles County was $4.25 on Wednesday, according to figures from the AAA and Oil Price Information Service. The average price is 4.5 cents higher than one week ago, 57.6 cents more than one month ago and 37.1 cents greater than one year ago. It has also risen 86.4 cents since the start of the year..."

The minimum wage is $15....nobody wants a. Cheaper house, gas in most of flyover states because there are no jobs. How many times we have to go through this....is pure capitalism as you like it.

Cali unemployment rate. 4.1

Indiana rate 3.3

Iowa 2.5

Colorado 3.4

Kansas 3.5

Try again
All of the states you mentioned combined are almost half of the population of California.....And those states that you mentioned Their GDP accounts of almost half or less than that of California who contributes a staggering 14% to the US GDP....California out pasted the National GDP growth, it also out pasted the national average in job creation and so much more......
I have said it before and i'll always say it without California and some Blue states the US would be like Afghanistan or Romania at most.
California have 40 million people for a reason, who the hell wants to move to Kansas or Iowa? for what ?

If you care to look, California is already like Afghanistan or Romania you fool. In fact it's getting worse and more like central Africa today. Their are outbreaks of third world even midevil diseases, there is human excrement in the streets and I'm on my third day without electric power. The utility service I had in the Philippines was much superior to what I have in California. There are cold hard facts and reality, not some made up subjective bullshit.
Yet another reason why I'm glad I don't live in the land of fruits and nuts.

Gas prices exceed $5 a gallon at some Los Angeles area stations

"LOS ANGELES - As gas prices reached its highest level in the state of California since 2015, some Los Angeles area gas stations are charging more than $5 a gallon.

The average price of a gallon of self-serve regular gasoline in Los Angeles County was $4.25 on Wednesday, according to figures from the AAA and Oil Price Information Service. The average price is 4.5 cents higher than one week ago, 57.6 cents more than one month ago and 37.1 cents greater than one year ago. It has also risen 86.4 cents since the start of the year..."

The minimum wage is $15....nobody wants a. Cheaper house, gas in most of flyover states because there are no jobs. How many times we have to go through this....is pure capitalism as you like it.

Cali unemployment rate. 4.1

Indiana rate 3.3

Iowa 2.5

Colorado 3.4

Kansas 3.5

Try again
All of the states you mentioned combined are almost half of the population of California.....And those states that you mentioned Their GDP accounts of almost half or less than that of California who contributes a staggering 14% to the US GDP....California out pasted the National GDP growth, it also out pasted the national average in job creation and so much more......
I have said it before and i'll always say it without California and some Blue states the US would be like Afghanistan or Romania at most.
California have 40 million people for a reason, who the hell wants to move to Kansas or Iowa? for what ?

Percentages confound you.... obviously

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