39 I don't recall, I don't remember to the FBI

I bet you didn't try to destroy the records when you left either.

Actually, I deleted all my emails if they were over six months old.

Deflecting again, you know I was talking about using the courts to overturn the will of the voters. If you're going to quote me, quote the complete string like I do so people can see the real conversation, not just what you want them to see.

Well, so was I. The voters didn't put Bush into office, though, so probably investigating HIS criminality in regards to Iraq wouldn't actually be overturning the will of the voters, as they clearly thought electing him was a terrible idea.
You just can't stay on topic can you. ONLY ONE OF THEM WAS CRIMINAL AND IMPEACHABLE. Your opinion on Bush is irrelevant. Commiecrat liars are kool in your book.

Uh, no. only one of them resulted In THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE DYING.

And it wasn't Clinton lying about a blow job in some trailer trash's bullshit civil suit.

Just gonna keep telling that lie ain't ya? The UN and every major civilized country was in a conspiracy to lie about Sadam, you really need professional help.
Just gonna keep telling that lie ain't ya? The UN and every major civilized country was in a conspiracy to lie about Sadam, you really need professional help.

The UN wanted more time to conduct inspections... so did most of the civilized world. The French, the Germans, the Italians, the Japanese, the Saudis all wanted us to complete inspections, not invade.

Again, Bush lied, people died.

Clinton lied, a dress got ruined.

I wish you fucking wingnuts gave as much of a fuck about the thousands of American boys who came home in boxes that you give that poor Paula Jones couldn't slander the PResident in a bullshit civil suit.
When did I ever say Lois Lerner was going to jail? With the Obama Justice Department "investigating" the IRS she had a better chance of being struck by lightning in her basement than of getting getting charged with a crime by the most political Justice Department in memory!

YOu said it dozens of times... until the FBI announced, 'Um, no, she was actually doing her job busting tax cheats."

As usual, Joe...you're full of shit! Show me a single post of mine where I claimed Lois Lerner would be going to jail. Since you now claim that I said it "dozens of times" it should be really easy for you to find one...shouldn't it!

When did the FBI ever say that Lois Lerner was doing her job busting tax cheats? Lois Lerner took the 5th. She wouldn't answer questions because she was guilty of illegally targeting conservatives at the behest of the Obama White House. Once again...if we had a Justice Department that wasn't a farce (as it's been under Obama from the start!) we wouldn't have had to witness the fiasco that was Lerner taking the 5th...the prior head of the IRS resigning in disgrace and the new head of the IRS lying his ass off to Congress to try and cover up how bad things were at that agency!
Just gonna keep telling that lie ain't ya? The UN and every major civilized country was in a conspiracy to lie about Sadam, you really need professional help.

The UN wanted more time to conduct inspections... so did most of the civilized world. The French, the Germans, the Italians, the Japanese, the Saudis all wanted us to complete inspections, not invade.

Again, Bush lied, people died.

Clinton lied, a dress got ruined.

I wish you fucking wingnuts gave as much of a fuck about the thousands of American boys who came home in boxes that you give that poor Paula Jones couldn't slander the PResident in a bullshit civil suit.

You mean the "bullshit" suit that Bill Clinton settled with Jones out of court? Is that the one you're talking about? If he was innocent...why would Slick Willie DO that, Joe?
So tell us regressives, what good is experience if you can't remember it and draw from it? Come on folks, tell us again how she's the most qualified person to ever run for the office.

You mean she doesn't remember detailed stuff from things that happened four to eight years ago?

Most of us wouldn't.

I don't believe she was being asked what she ate for breakfast on April 4, 2012.

Exactly. She claimed she couldn't even recall security codes and procedures that she should have been quite familiar with after all these years.
Just gonna keep telling that lie ain't ya? The UN and every major civilized country was in a conspiracy to lie about Sadam, you really need professional help.

The UN wanted more time to conduct inspections... so did most of the civilized world. The French, the Germans, the Italians, the Japanese, the Saudis all wanted us to complete inspections, not invade.

Again, Bush lied, people died.

Clinton lied, a dress got ruined.

I wish you fucking wingnuts gave as much of a fuck about the thousands of American boys who came home in boxes that you give that poor Paula Jones couldn't slander the PResident in a bullshit civil suit.

You mean the "bullshit" suit that Bill Clinton settled with Jones out of court? Is that the one you're talking about? If he was innocent...why would Slick Willie DO that, Joe?

I bet there were some threats thrown into that settlement. Accept this offer or else!!
So tell us regressives, what good is experience if you can't remember it and draw from it? Come on folks, tell us again how she's the most qualified person to ever run for the office.

You mean she doesn't remember detailed stuff from things that happened four to eight years ago?

Most of us wouldn't.

Why did she blame it on her concussion? And how did she suddenly remember all those details in her congressional testimony which also occurred after the concussion? Oh, that's right, according to Comey, she lied to congress.

She claimed to "remember" never sending classified material because she thought she "remembered" that the "c" meant something else. She "remembered" only using one device and not 13 we discovered later. She "remembered" stuff in a way to try and keep her ass out of jail. And when the truth came out, the left says no one would remember such minute details. She didn't lie her ass off, she just forgot all about procedures meant to safeguard sensitive material. And if the left accepts that, then they should fear that she'll have more memory lapses in the future and forget about the same security measures and put us at risk.
You mean the "bullshit" suit that Bill Clinton settled with Jones out of court? Is that the one you're talking about? If he was innocent...why would Slick Willie DO that, Joe?

You mean why would he piss away millions of more dollars defending a lawsuit that had already been dismissed?

He already won the court case. Paying Jones to go back to the Trailer Park was just cutting his losses.
So tell us regressives, what good is experience if you can't remember it and draw from it? Come on folks, tell us again how she's the most qualified person to ever run for the office.
What were the 39 questions asked that she did not recall?

Do you care to know, or it doesn't matter?
So tell us regressives, what good is experience if you can't remember it and draw from it? Come on folks, tell us again how she's the most qualified person to ever run for the office.

Moot point. It's over, done.

FBI director: Clinton did not lie to FBI
FBI Director James Comey says there is no basis to conclude that Hillary Clinton lied to the FBI concerning her handling of classified materials.

See video here:
FBI director: Clinton did not lie to FBI - CNN Video

Is it, did she suddenly regain her memory? Also why didn't you answer the question?

I did answer. I showed why it's a moot point.
So Putin having classified information, doesn't bother you. I know it don't because a democrat let it happen. You are a prick. If Bush done the same thing, you would be outraged.

Meh, not really. I actually thought Democrats made too much about the Plame case, which was "classified" material being disseminated for real.

Between politicians who leak things for their own benefit and guys like Snowden and Manning stealing shit off the supposedly "Secure" systems Hillary didn't use, I just can't get worked up about how Putin gets "secrets".

So, in order for me to get upset, you have to prove

1) That the stuff that was on these e-mails really were classified things that we didn't want our enemies to know (and not stuff that some bureaucrat marks classified because he's bored)
2) That Hillary knowingly disseminated this information instead of just recieving it in an e-mail someone else sent after they had stripped it of it's classified markings.
3) That whatever the KGB is calling itself these days actually managed to locate Hillary and hack these particular e-mails out of the thousands she had on her e-mail ("Look, Comrade, I got her super secret cookie recipe!!!" "Sergei, you idiot, that's just chocolate chip!")

Yes, then, maybe I'd get upset... I guess. But you've just spent millions of dollars investigating this and probably publicized how outdated our computer systems in the government are.... so, no, not so much.
Comey said more than likely our enemies got classified information through her emails.
Link it!
He said nothing of the sort.
You mean the "bullshit" suit that Bill Clinton settled with Jones out of court? Is that the one you're talking about? If he was innocent...why would Slick Willie DO that, Joe?

You mean why would he piss away millions of more dollars defending a lawsuit that had already been dismissed?

He already won the court case. Paying Jones to go back to the Trailer Park was just cutting his losses.

Millions of dollars that weren't coming out of his pocket anyways? Clinton had two legal defense funds that were paying his lawyer's fees. He paid off Jones because he didn't want them digging up anymore women that he'd sexually harassed. How is settling "cutting his losses" when he won in criminal court? The truth is...the burden of proof is less in a civil suit and he was probably going to lose and get hit with punitive damages.
So were you going to show me the "dozens" of posts where I said Lois Lerner would be going to jail, Joe? Or should we just add that bullshit claim to the long list of other bullshit claims that you've made here?
So tell us regressives, what good is experience if you can't remember it and draw from it? Come on folks, tell us again how she's the most qualified person to ever run for the office.

Moot point. It's over, done.

FBI director: Clinton did not lie to FBI
FBI Director James Comey says there is no basis to conclude that Hillary Clinton lied to the FBI concerning her handling of classified materials.

See video here:
FBI director: Clinton did not lie to FBI - CNN Video

Well Comey had no problem telling everyone how stupid, careless and incompetent she is either.
So tell us regressives, what good is experience if you can't remember it and draw from it? Come on folks, tell us again how she's the most qualified person to ever run for the office.

Moot point. It's over, done.

FBI director: Clinton did not lie to FBI
FBI Director James Comey says there is no basis to conclude that Hillary Clinton lied to the FBI concerning her handling of classified materials.

See video here:
FBI director: Clinton did not lie to FBI - CNN Video

Well Comey had no problem telling everyone how stupid, careless and incompetent she is either.

That's fine but the suggestion was that Clinton somehow was not truthful in her testimony to the FBI because she could not recall the details of 39 question. I simply showed why the "concern" shown by the OP was moot by the fact that the FBI didn't concur.
by the fact that the FBI didn't concur

Since Comey is second behind Madeleine Albright as Hillary's biggest supporter, his credibility on anything related to Hillary is absolute zero.

Comey is a traitor, plain and simple. He cares about only one thing - Judaism.

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