3 officers in George Floyd case found guilty.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2019

St. Paul, Minnesota (CNN)Former Minneapolis police officers Tou Thao, J. Alexander Kueng and Thomas Lane were found guilty of violating George Floyd's civil rights by a federal jury in St. Paul, Minnesota, on Thursday.

The 12 jurors -- four men and eight women -- found Lane, Kueng and Thao guilty of depriving Floyd of his civil rights by showing deliberate indifference to his medical needs as former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin knelt on Floyd for more than 9 minutes on May 25, 2020 -- ultimately killing him. The jurors also found Thao and Kueng guilty of an additional charge for failing to intervene to stop Chauvin. Lane, who did not face the extra charge, testified that he asked Chauvin twice to reposition Floyd while restraining him but was denied both times.

3 former Minneapolis police officers found guilty of violating George Floyd's civil rights
Yeah like they should have known that Floyd was being “killed”
As long as thugs are celebrated and then grieved about the country will continue to decline toward abject emotionalism.
Yeah like they should have known that Floyd was being “killed”
As long as thugs are celebrated and then grieved about the country will continue to decline toward abject emotionalism.

I don't feel like they should get long sentences but the message this sends needs sent. You can't just stand around while your partner carelessly kills someone.
I don't feel like they should get long sentences but the message this sends needs sent. You can't just stand around while your partner carelessly kills someone.
Why not, why shouldn't they get long sentences?

Don't non-cop citizens get long sentences as accomplices?
I don't feel like they should get long sentences but the message this sends needs sent. You can't just stand around while your partner carelessly kills someone.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing
I imagine that group had been on other apprehensions that were difficult but the perp. wasn’t in the horrid condition that Floyd was so there was Nothing for them to recognize to take action against the other officer.
This is ALL ABOUT how bad this looked (feeling) and not about how bad it was(fact)
They could. Sadly cops are trained to not question their superiors. Hopefully this changes that kind of training.
It’s non thinking to change methods that work properly almost always over one that may not have with a criminal addict in horrid physical condition
Another emoter identified, addressed and defeated
George Floyd was a human parasite the world is far better off without.
Do you think we should just let cops kill whoever we feel the world would be better off without??

What if the cops feel that way about you and murder you based on this belief??

nevermind, you bootlickers always assume its "those other people" who will be on the receiving end of police brutality.....

Good! Punishment for police when they commit crimes.
Today, the trump Nazis were dealt a serious blow, as former Minneapolis police officers J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane, and Tou Thao were convicted for willfully depriving George Floyd of his liberty without due process while acting under color of law, including by failing to provide medical aid to him as he was being murdered by fellow officer Derek Chauvin. Former officers Kueng and Thao were also convicted of depriving Mr. Floyd of his constitutional right to be free from unreasonable seizure, which includes their willful failure to intervene to stop Chauvin’s fatal use of unreasonable force against Mr. Floyd in May 2020, while acting under color of law.

This verdict is very significant in advancing accountability for the actions of law enforcement. Officers must know that they will be held responsible for their failure to intervene to stop the criminal acts of fellow officers. Officers must understand that it is in their own interest to interrupt violent, unconstitutional conduct committed by fellow officers, and that their duty to intervene is an affirmative obligation under the law. “We followed orders,” is not and never has been a defense for officers of the state who participate in the violation of human or civil rights.

This trial has shown that officers Kueng, Lane, and Thao’s failure to intervene during the use of unreasonable force and their decisions to assist Derek Chauvin in restraining Mr. Floyd were just as devastating as affirmative acts of violence. Each of those bystander officers had a duty to save Mr. Floyd’s life, but instead exhibited a callous disregard for his humanity that cannot be forgotten or excused. The hierarchical and toxic culture of compliance in policing is in part to blame for this failure, but the sanctity of Mr. Floyd’s life was clear, and the three officers were dutybound to protect it, even from their senior officer.

Derek Chauvin may have murdered Mr. Floyd by pressing a knee to his neck for an excruciating nine minutes and 29 seconds, but Chauvin was enabled, supported, and undeterred by the three former officers convicted today.

As the U.S. Department of Justice’s pattern-or-practice investigation of the Minneapolis Police Department continues, we are reminded that accountability and justice in Minneapolis does not end with this trial. The DOJ’s investigation must consider whether officers’ failures to intervene are a systemic issue that contributes to a pattern or practice of excessive force, and whether this disproportionately affects Black members of the Minneapolis community.

The trump Nazis believe themselves to be experts in every subject, with their inherent knowledge of criminal law and civil rights being at or near the top of the list. So, they will no doubt be picking apart news items concerning this trial and verdict, explaining, in trump-Nazi-talking-points, where the prosecution was wrong and the mistakes made by the defense.

Hopefully, today’s convictions offer a measure of justice to the Floyd family and their community for their tragic loss.

St. Paul, Minnesota (CNN)Former Minneapolis police officers Tou Thao, J. Alexander Kueng and Thomas Lane were found guilty of violating George Floyd's civil rights by a federal jury in St. Paul, Minnesota, on Thursday.

The 12 jurors -- four men and eight women -- found Lane, Kueng and Thao guilty of depriving Floyd of his civil rights by showing deliberate indifference to his medical needs as former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin knelt on Floyd for more than 9 minutes on May 25, 2020 -- ultimately killing him. The jurors also found Thao and Kueng guilty of an additional charge for failing to intervene to stop Chauvin. Lane, who did not face the extra charge, testified that he asked Chauvin twice to reposition Floyd while restraining him but was denied both times.

3 former Minneapolis police officers found guilty of violating George Floyd's civil rights
another win for the good guys.

The close to a very ugly racial crime.
As you Dimmers celebrate the thug who stuck a gun in a pregnant woman's stomach, and chastise those who enforce the law. Typical mantra for the left.

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