2022: The truth about “mass shootings” and ‘assault weapons’ in the US

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
Mass shootings as defined by:
Mass Shootings in 2022 | Gun Violence Archive
Supplemental / detailed information from;
US mass shootings, 1982–2022: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation

Total mass shootings: 636
Total killed, mass shootings: 660
Average killed per shooting: 1.04

Assault weapons:
Total shootings: 9
Total killed: 54
% of total incidents: 1.42
% of total killed: 8.18

Total murders in US, 2022: ~10500
% mass shootings: ~6.29%
% AW mass shootings: ~0.54%

Blue states:
57.08% shootings, 54.24% deaths
Red states:
42.92% incidents, 45.76% deaths

Most mass shootings are in blue states
Most people killed in mass shootings are in blue states
Mass shootings make up 6.29% of total murders in the US
“Assault weapons” involved in mass shootings represent 0.54% of total murders in the US

It is impossible to soundly demonstrate the necessity for, and the efficacy of, a ban on ‘assault weapons’.
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Its not supposed to be logical, my man.
If federal supremacists were logical, they wouldnt be federal supremacists.
It is impossible to soundly demonstrate the necessity for, and the efficacy of, a ban on ‘assault weapons’.
The agenda of the Leftest has never been public safety. It has been to take away the ability of the people to resist the Leftest from making the USA a Socialist shithole.
It is impossible to soundly demonstrate the necessity for, and the efficacy of, a ban on ‘assault weapons’.
Yeah, you really need to get rid of handguns the most. Around 50% of homicides in the US are committed with handguns, as well as a few of the mass killings.

After all, what are the multiple massacres using military style semi automatics of a few school children in the great scheme of things? They're happy to lay down their lives for your freedoms.
Mass shootings as defined by:
Mass Shootings in 2022 | Gun Violence Archive
Supplemental / detailed information from;
US mass shootings, 1982–2022: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation

Total mass shootings: 636
Total killed, mass shootings: 660
Average killed per shooting: 1.04

Assault weapons:
Total shootings: 9
Total killed: 54
% of total incidents: 1.42
% of total killed: 8.18

Total murders in US, 2022: ~10500
% mass shootings: ~6.29%
% AW mass shootings: ~0.54%

Blue states:
57.08% shootings, 54.24% deaths
Red states:
42.92% incidents, 45.76% deaths

Most mass shootings are in blue states
Most people killed in mass shootings are in blue states
Mass shootings make up 6.29% of total murders in the US
“Assault weapons” involved in mass shootings represent 0.54% of total murders in the US

It is impossible to soundly demonstrate the necessity for, and the efficacy of, a ban on ‘assault weapons’.

Yeah...you shouldn't use the Gun Violence Archive...they lie. I know, I know, stating that an anti-gun group of fanatics are a bunch of liars is calling water wet.....but they lie about mass public shootings with the intent of deceiving uninformed Americans....

Mother Jones, the better source, uses the FBI definition of mass public shootings.......
Yeah, you really need to get rid of handguns the most. Around 50% of homicides in the US are committed with handguns, as well as a few of the mass killings.

After all, what are the multiple massacres using military style semi automatics of a few school children in the great scheme of things? They're happy to lay down their lives for your freedoms.

Yeah....and in Europe, they gave up their guns and in 6 years murdered over a million children......more children murdered in Europe than in the entire 246 year history of the United States and gun murder........

Care to reply to that fact, asshat...........?
Yeah, you really need to get rid of handguns the most. Around 50% of homicides in the US are committed with handguns, as well as a few of the mass killings.

After all, what are the multiple massacres using military style semi automatics of a few school children in the great scheme of things? They're happy to lay down their lives for your freedoms.
I was in the military, I have two children that are serving now. My Father, two Uncles and maternal grandfather served in Vietnam and none of us where ever issued the semi-automatic firearms you claim are "military style". As always you anti-constitutional loons do not know what the fuck your talking about.
Mass shootings as defined by:
Mass Shootings in 2022 | Gun Violence Archive
Supplemental / detailed information from;
US mass shootings, 1982–2022: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation

Total mass shootings: 636
Total killed, mass shootings: 660
Average killed per shooting: 1.04

Assault weapons:
Total shootings: 9
Total killed: 54
% of total incidents: 1.42
% of total killed: 8.18

Total murders in US, 2022: ~10500
% mass shootings: ~6.29%
% AW mass shootings: ~0.54%

Blue states:
57.08% shootings, 54.24% deaths
Red states:
42.92% incidents, 45.76% deaths

Most mass shootings are in blue states
Most people killed in mass shootings are in blue states
Mass shootings make up 6.29% of total murders in the US
“Assault weapons” involved in mass shootings represent 0.54% of total murders in the US

It is impossible to soundly demonstrate the necessity for, and the efficacy of, a ban on ‘assault weapons’.

So you are just talking about mass public shootings? Mother jones lists the weapons for each mass public shootings so they are a good source for that……..the gun violence archive is crap though.
So you are just talking about mass public shootings? Mother jones lists the weapons for each mass public shootings so they are a good source for that……..the gun violence archive is crap though.
Using the left's numbers to prove your argument against them gives them nowhere to go.
Yeah, you really need to get rid of handguns the most. Around 50% of homicides in the US are committed with handguns, as well as a few of the mass killings.

After all, what are the multiple massacres using military style semi automatics of a few school children in the great scheme of things? They're happy to lay down their lives for your freedoms.
It ain't the guns.
Mass shootings as defined by:
Mass Shootings in 2022 | Gun Violence Archive
Supplemental / detailed information from;
US mass shootings, 1982–2022: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation

Total mass shootings: 636
Total killed, mass shootings: 660
Average killed per shooting: 1.04

Assault weapons:
Total shootings: 9
Total killed: 54
% of total incidents: 1.42
% of total killed: 8.18

Total murders in US, 2022: ~10500
% mass shootings: ~6.29%
% AW mass shootings: ~0.54%

Blue states:
57.08% shootings, 54.24% deaths
Red states:
42.92% incidents, 45.76% deaths

Most mass shootings are in blue states
Most people killed in mass shootings are in blue states
Mass shootings make up 6.29% of total murders in the US
“Assault weapons” involved in mass shootings represent 0.54% of total murders in the US

It is impossible to soundly demonstrate the necessity for, and the efficacy of, a ban on ‘assault weapons’.
Okay, so I looked up the GVA report for 2022:
And it doesn't have nearly as much information in it as the OP does. I downloaded the MS Excel doc and got this:

Total mass shootings: 648
Total killed: 674
Average killed per shooting: 1.04. So far, so good.

Assault weapons: Where does this info come from? Did someone open every incident and count them up?

Same with Blue/Red states. Who determines which state is which? Which one is Colorado? How about Pennsylvania? Virginia? North Carolina? New Hampshire? Georgia?
However, with the magic of MS Excel I can calculate amounts per state pretty quickly.
If we consider red states to be those who cast more than 50% of their votes for Trump in 2020, they were responsible for 285 deaths from mass shootings in 2022; the leader of all states was Texas, which had 90 by itself.
Blue states, those who cast more than 50% of their votes for Biden in 2020, were responsible for 275, led by California (62) and Illinois (51).
Swing states, where neither candidate reached 50%, were responsible for 106. They were NC (17), AZ (16), WI (18), GA (32), and PA (23). DC had 8.

But even this overlooks another aspect that you didn't include: relative population. It makes sense that Texas, California, and Illinois rank so highly, because they have a ton of people. If we divide those numbers by the states' populations:
On the blue team, those 0.3 and up include: VA (0.43), CO (0.4), IL (0.41), and MD (0.51). Four; not good.
In the swing states, only WI (0.31).
On the red team, we have OK (0.58), NE (0.32), LA (0.31), MS (0.55), and TX (0.3). Five, including the two all-time leaders.


So, red states actually have more killings by mass shootings than blue states, and half of the top ten states by population, including numbers one and two.

Now, this was just me fiddling around on my MS Excel on the night before the Championship Games, but it does roughly correlate to other reliable, related studies such as "Firearm Mortality by State, 2020." It also shows that it is the red states that have the highest death rates by firearm—granted, not exactly the same study, but as I said, it correlates. There are lots of other studies out there as well that show that more guns means more shooting deaths, not fewer.

I don't have it in me to open and read all 648 news articles to determine which firearms were used. I'll leave that to you, since you apparently like to use the "left's" firearm statistics so much.
Okay, so I looked up the GVA report for 2022:
And it doesn't have nearly as much information in it as the OP does. I downloaded the MS Excel doc and got this:

Total mass shootings: 648
Total killed: 674
Average killed per shooting: 1.04. So far, so good.

Assault weapons: Where does this info come from? Did someone open every incident and count them up?

Same with Blue/Red states. Who determines which state is which? Which one is Colorado? How about Pennsylvania? Virginia? North Carolina? New Hampshire? Georgia?
However, with the magic of MS Excel I can calculate amounts per state pretty quickly.
If we consider red states to be those who cast more than 50% of their votes for Trump in 2020, they were responsible for 285 deaths from mass shootings in 2022; the leader of all states was Texas, which had 90 by itself.
Blue states, those who cast more than 50% of their votes for Biden in 2020, were responsible for 275, led by California (62) and Illinois (51).
Swing states, where neither candidate reached 50%, were responsible for 106. They were NC (17), AZ (16), WI (18), GA (32), and PA (23). DC had 8.

But even this overlooks another aspect that you didn't include: relative population. It makes sense that Texas, California, and Illinois rank so highly, because they have a ton of people. If we divide those numbers by the states' populations:
On the blue team, those 0.3 and up include: VA (0.43), CO (0.4), IL (0.41), and MD (0.51). Four; not good.
In the swing states, only WI (0.31).
On the red team, we have OK (0.58), NE (0.32), LA (0.31), MS (0.55), and TX (0.3). Five, including the two all-time leaders.

View attachment 751887

So, red states actually have more killings by mass shootings than blue states, and half of the top ten states by population, including numbers one and two.

Now, this was just me fiddling around on my MS Excel on the night before the Championship Games, but it does roughly correlate to other reliable, related studies such as "Firearm Mortality by State, 2020." It also shows that it is the red states that have the highest death rates by firearm—granted, not exactly the same study, but as I said, it correlates. There are lots of other studies out there as well that show that more guns means more shooting deaths, not fewer.

I don't have it in me to open and read all 648 news articles to determine which firearms were used. I'll leave that to you, since you apparently like to use the "left's" firearm statistics so much.

How about you look at the actual number of mass public shootings....go to Mother Jones.......they use the actual definition of mass public shootings and don't throw in gang shootings......which anti-gunners use to inflate the numbers...........

US mass shootings, 1982–2023: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation

Dating back to at least 2005, the FBI and leading criminologists essentially defined a mass shooting as a single attack in a public place in which four or more victims were killed. We adopted that baseline for fatalities when we gathered data in 2012 on three decades worth of cases.

  • Here is a description of the criteria we use:

    • The perpetrator took the lives of at least four people. A 2008 FBI report identifies an individual as a mass murderer—versus a spree killer or a serial killer—if he kills four or more people in a single incident (not including himself), typically in a single location. (*In 2013, the US government’s fatality baseline was revised down to three; our database reflects this change beginning from Jan. 2013, as detailed above.)
    • The killings were carried out by a lone shooter. (Except in the case of the Columbine massacre and the Westside Middle School killings, which involved two shooters.)
    • The shootings occurred in a public place. (Except in the case of a party on private property in Crandon, Wisconsin, and another in Seattle, where crowds of strangers had gathered, essentially constituting a public crowd.) Crimes primarily related to gang activity or armed robbery are not included, nor are mass killings that took place in private homes (often stemming from domestic violence).
    • Perpetrators who died or were wounded during the attack are not included in the victim tallies.
    • We included a handful of cases also known as “spree killings“—cases in which the killings occurred in more than one location, but still over a short period of time, that otherwise fit the above criteria.
Our research focused on indiscriminate rampages in public places resulting in four or more victims killed by the attacker. We exclude shootings stemming from more conventionally motivated crimes such as armed robbery or gang violence. (Or in which the perpetrators have not been identified.) Other news outlets and researchers have since published larger tallies that include a wide range of gun crimes in which four or more people have been either wounded or killed. While those larger datasets of multiple-victim shootings are useful for studying the broader problem of gun violence, our investigation provides an in-depth look at a distinct phenomenon—from the firearms used and mental health factors to the growing copycat problem. Tracking mass shootings is complex; we believe ours is the most useful approach for studying this specific phenomenon.

The actual number of mass shootings from Mother Jones......

Here you go...the number of mass public shootings according to Mother Jones...rabid, anti gun, left wing news source.....not the NRA...

The list below comes from the old definition of 4 killed to make a shooting a mass shooting...if you now go to the link there are more than listed below...but that is because Mother Jones changed the list from the time I first posted it...and changed to obama's new standard of only 3 dead to make a mass shooting...

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation





2018... 12

2017: 11 ( 5 according to the old standard)


2015....4 ( obama's new standard....7)

2014....2 (4)












2002 not listed so more than likely 0

















1985... not listed so probably 0


1983...not listed so probably 0


US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

Deer kill 200 people a year.....

Lawn mowers between 90-100 people a year....

Ladders 300 people a year....

bathtubs 350 people a year...

Cars killed over 39,000 people in 2019...
Okay, so I looked up the GVA report for 2022:
And it doesn't have nearly as much information in it as the OP does. I downloaded the MS Excel doc and got this:

Total mass shootings: 648
Total killed: 674
Average killed per shooting: 1.04. So far, so good.

Assault weapons: Where does this info come from? Did someone open every incident and count them up?

Same with Blue/Red states. Who determines which state is which? Which one is Colorado? How about Pennsylvania? Virginia? North Carolina? New Hampshire? Georgia?
However, with the magic of MS Excel I can calculate amounts per state pretty quickly.
If we consider red states to be those who cast more than 50% of their votes for Trump in 2020, they were responsible for 285 deaths from mass shootings in 2022; the leader of all states was Texas, which had 90 by itself.
Blue states, those who cast more than 50% of their votes for Biden in 2020, were responsible for 275, led by California (62) and Illinois (51).
Swing states, where neither candidate reached 50%, were responsible for 106. They were NC (17), AZ (16), WI (18), GA (32), and PA (23). DC had 8.

But even this overlooks another aspect that you didn't include: relative population. It makes sense that Texas, California, and Illinois rank so highly, because they have a ton of people. If we divide those numbers by the states' populations:
On the blue team, those 0.3 and up include: VA (0.43), CO (0.4), IL (0.41), and MD (0.51). Four; not good.
In the swing states, only WI (0.31).
On the red team, we have OK (0.58), NE (0.32), LA (0.31), MS (0.55), and TX (0.3). Five, including the two all-time leaders.

View attachment 751887

So, red states actually have more killings by mass shootings than blue states, and half of the top ten states by population, including numbers one and two.

Now, this was just me fiddling around on my MS Excel on the night before the Championship Games, but it does roughly correlate to other reliable, related studies such as "Firearm Mortality by State, 2020." It also shows that it is the red states that have the highest death rates by firearm—granted, not exactly the same study, but as I said, it correlates. There are lots of other studies out there as well that show that more guns means more shooting deaths, not fewer.

I don't have it in me to open and read all 648 news articles to determine which firearms were used. I'll leave that to you, since you apparently like to use the "left's" firearm statistics so much.

And again......Red States have blue cities, including Tennessee where the 6 biggest cities are all under the control of the democrats...then you have this...

In February 2022, CBS News published a report about cities with the highest homicide rate, "Murder map: Deadliest U.S. cities." Of the top 10 deadliest cities in the country, all of them are cities with Democratic mayors. Moreover, of the 65 cities on this list with the highest murder rates, the overwhelming majority had Democratic mayors. And, to quote Clinton, "that's just a fact."
On Nov. 4, the Heritage Foundation released a study showing that "high-crime counties are governed largely by Democrats." It revealed that of the 30 cities with the highest murder rates in the country, 27 have Democratic mayors. Furthermore, of those 27 cities, nearly half (14) have radical left-wing prosecutors funded or inspired by affluent billionaire and leftist political activist George Soros and the Open Society Foundation.
"The high murder rate is almost exclusively cabined in cities run by Democrats and with Democrat district attorneys, many of whom are Soros bought-and-paid-for rogue prosecutors or inspired by Soros, groups like the egregiously misnamed Fair and Just Prosecution and other battering rams of the movement," the authors of the study stated.

Don't believe Democrats' lies — blue cities, not red states, have the violent crime problem

From poster, Toobfreak.

I chose 58 cities as that was the largest number I could fit on a page. I then went through each city one by one to look up the major of every city. Aside from the fact that you can forget finding any pattern of cities in "red" states being the most with the highest crime as the idiot Marc tries to claim, but I went down the list marking all the mayors of the highest crimes cities in America in BRIGHT RED who were DEMOCRATS.

Look at what I found:

Screen Shot 2022-10-05 at 7.02.25 PM.png

Every city above in red is RUN BY A DEMOCRAT!

Murder map: Deadliest U.S. cities


The No. 1 state on Third Way’s list is Mississippi. Sure enough, the statewide vote in the 2020 election was for Trump. But within the state, Hinds County residents voted for Joe Biden, 3 to 1. Mississippi’s biggest city, Jackson, is in Hinds County. You know where this is going.

Reporting on Jackson last year, CNN declared it “one of the deadliest U.S. cities.”

The mayor of Jackson is Chokwe Antar Lumumba, a Democrat. The district attorney is Jody Owens, a Democrat.

No. 2 on the list is Louisiana. Trump won that state, too. But on the more local level, he lost Orleans, the parish that contains New Orleans, the state’s most populous city. Residents there went for Biden almost 8 to 1.

“New Orleans had the highest homicide rate of any major city so far this year, with about 41 homicides per 100,000 residents.”— The Wall Street Journal, Sep. 16, 2022

The mayor of New Orleans is LaToya Cantrell, a Democrat. The district attorney is Jason Williams, also a Democrat.
No. 3 on the list is Kentucky, another red state that voted to elect Trump. But Kentucky’s biggest city Louisville is in Jefferson County and 60 percent of those voters supported Biden.

This is from Kentucky-based think tank Pegasus Institute in August: “In the last decade, the city of Louisville has seen unprecedented increases in shootings and homicides. 2020 became Louisville’s deadliest year on record, and 2021 have proven to continue that trend.” The organization reported last year that Louisville’s homicide rate was competing with the likes of Chicago and Philadelphia.

The mayor of Louisville is Greg Fischer, a Democrat. The district attorney is Thomas B. Wine. He is also a Democrat.

Next is Alabama at No. 4, another 2020 red state. But Biden won the most votes in the most populous county, also called Jefferson. He won 56 percent to Trump’s 43. Within Jefferson is the city of Birmingham, which has the third-highest murder ratein all of the U.S.

The mayor of Birmingham is Randall Woodfin. He’s a Democrat, just like the district attorney, Danny Carr.

In slot No. 5 is Missouri. Again, a Trump state. And again, with the county containing its biggest city, St. Louis, going for Biden, 61 percent to Trump’s 37. St. Louis has the fourth-highest murder rate in the country.

Mayor: Tishaura Jones, Democrat.

County prosecuting attorney: Wesley Bell, same.

No. 6 is South Carolina. Trump won that state, but Charleston County, with the city of North Charleston, went for Biden with 56 percent of the vote. North Charleston has the highest murder rate in the state.

Finally, here we have a city with a mayor, Keith Summey, from the Republican Party. The county solicitor — Charleston does not have a district attorney — is Scarlett Wilson, also a Republican.

Not that we’re keeping score, but that brings the number on this list of Republicans who might feasibly be held accountable for raging crime in their cities to a grand total of two. For Democrats, it’s so far 10.

The next two states on Third Way’s report, New Mexico and Georgia, went blue in 2020, so we’ll skip those.

No. 9 is Arkansas, which was red. But again, Pulaski County, with the state’s biggest city of Little Rock, went blue with 60 percent of voters choosing Biden. That city reportedly has one of the highest violent crime rates in the state.

The mayor of Little Rock is Frank Scott, a Democrat. The county prosecutor, Larry Jegley, is a Democrat as well.

Lastly, at No. 10, is Tennessee. Another red state with a major blue county that went for Biden. That county here would be Shelby, with 64 percent of the vote going to the president. In Shelby is the city of Memphis, which, according to The New York Times, “is often ranked among the nation’s most violent cities.”

The mayor of Memphis is Jim Strickland, a Democrat. Steve Mulroy, a Democrat, is the recently-elected district attorney.
To recap, of the eight red states listed in Third Way’s report as being among the top 10 with the highest murder rate, the cities where all that murder is happening are run almost exclusively by Democrats. All but one had a Democrat mayor. And all but one had a Democrat responsible for pursuing criminal prosecutions.

The Left's Funny New Lie: It's The 'Red States' With More Crime!
How about you look at the actual number of mass public shootings....go to Mother Jones.......they use the actual definition of mass public shootings and don't throw in gang shootings......which anti-gunners use to inflate the numbers...........

US mass shootings, 1982–2023: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation
There is no "actual number" of mass public shootings, because different sources use different standards. The Gun Violence Archive sets a minimum of three people shot, while Mother Jones (et. al.) sets a standard of four people killed, excluding the shooter. Other sites use other standards. I based my post on the Gun Violence Archive because:
... that's what M14 used, and I was responding to him. If I was responding to you, or to Mother Jones (which he had listed only as a 'supplemental source'), I may have used different standards.
And again......Red States have blue cities, including Tennessee where the 6 biggest cities are all under the control of the democrats...then you have this...

In February 2022, CBS News published a report about cities with the highest homicide rate, "Murder map: Deadliest U.S. cities." Of the top 10 deadliest cities in the country, all of them are cities with Democratic mayors. Moreover, of the 65 cities on this list with the highest murder rates, the overwhelming majority had Democratic mayors. And, to quote Clinton, "that's just a fact."
Here, you're just blatantly changing the subject.

M14 set the standard of measuring red states vs. blue states, so that was my response. You are trying to move someone else's goalposts to instead examine the cities within those states, even though it is states rather than cities that determine the majority of gun control laws, and almost all large cities have Democratic mayors anyhow.

The upshot is: M14 was talking about blue and red states, so I was responding about blue and red states. If you want to talk cities, that's fine, but you should know that your statistics there, too, are fundamentally flawed, and I don't need to cut and paste a hundred lines of filler to show it.
There is no "actual number" of mass public shootings, because different sources use different standards. The Gun Violence Archive sets a minimum of three people shot, while Mother Jones (et. al.) sets a standard of four people killed, excluding the shooter. Other sites use other standards. I based my post on the Gun Violence Archive because:

... that's what M14 used, and I was responding to him. If I was responding to you, or to Mother Jones (which he had listed only as a 'supplemental source'), I may have used different standards.

No...there is.....people understand an actual mass public shooting is an individual going to a public place to commit murder against innocent people......they are not gang members shooting at a party hosted by a rival gang.....two very different crimes...but only the gang shootings happen in the large numbers you and democrats need to fool uninformed people into giving you more power and control.

Mother Jones uses the actual definition, the Gun Violence Archive inflates the numbers to push their agenda.
Here, you're just blatantly changing the subject.

M14 set the standard of measuring red states vs. blue states, so that was my response. You are trying to move someone else's goalposts to instead examine the cities within those states, even though it is states rather than cities that determine the majority of gun control laws, and almost all large cities have Democratic mayors anyhow.

The upshot is: M14 was talking about blue and red states, so I was responding about blue and red states. If you want to talk cities, that's fine, but you should know that your statistics there, too, are fundamentally flawed, and I don't need to cut and paste a hundred lines of filler to show it.

No.....democrats in these cities set the policies.....they have attacked the police to the point the police will no longer do their jobs....for fear of left wing destruction of their lives....so criminals run free. The democrat prosecutors and judges in these cities will release the most violent and dangerous criminals over and over again, no matter how often they are caught with felonies and illegal guns....

The "Red States," all have major democrat party Blue cities that cause the gun murder rates......

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