17,514 Georgia Voters with Out-of-State Forwarded Mail Addresses


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2019
Former FBI Special Agent Finds 17,514 Georgia Voters with Out-of-State Forwarded Mail Addresses

A former FBI special agent spent several hours scouring the over 580,000 registered voters in the Peach State. Derek Somerville found over 57,000 cast ballots in a county DIFFERENT than where they reside. And Derek found over 17,000 ballots with OUT OF STATE mail requests.

Don’t think there are voter issues in Georgia? I have 57,793 reasons to reconsider that.

Former FBI Special Agent Finds 17,514 Georgia Voters with Out-of-State Forwarded Mail Addresses

A former FBI special agent spent several hours scouring the over 580,000 registered voters in the Peach State. Derek Somerville found over 57,000 cast ballots in a county DIFFERENT than where they reside. And Derek found over 17,000 ballots with OUT OF STATE mail requests.

Don’t think there are voter issues in Georgia? I have 57,793 reasons to reconsider that.

And ALL of them voted for Tramp making Biden's landslide victory even more of a landslide!!!!
Georgia military personnel serving in harms way overseas would ALL have APO addresses ... duh ... why do you hate our finest men and women dedicated to the defense of our country? ...
Former FBI Special Agent Finds 17,514 Georgia Voters with Out-of-State Forwarded Mail Addresses

A former FBI special agent spent several hours scouring the over 580,000 registered voters in the Peach State. Derek Somerville found over 57,000 cast ballots in a county DIFFERENT than where they reside. And Derek found over 17,000 ballots with OUT OF STATE mail requests.

Don’t think there are voter issues in Georgia? I have 57,793 reasons to reconsider that.

Every time I ask someone if they believe the Gateway Pundit, they either say "Who?" or they say "never!"
That is what a mail in ballot is for
You will not be at your home residency during the election and request a ballot you can cast from somewhere else.

I used to travel extensively during my career and would cast mail in ballots from all over the country.
That is what a mail in ballot is for
You will not be at your home residency during the election and request a ballot you can cast from somewhere else.

I used to travel extensively during my career and would cast mail in ballots from all over the country.
these are about people that changed their address to out of state not going on vacation,,
Covid was used to change election laws at the last minute and combined with Dominion Smartmatic Fraud Apparatus, they stole the election. And here is how they did it.

US averages 20 Million cases of flu each year.

In 2015 flu cases were 30 million. In the last 3 months since September only 300 flu cases are recorded.

Additionally there are no excess deaths due to Covid or any other reason from 2019 to 2020.

Conclusion is, that we are being lied to, and that they are taking Flu Cases and swapping them for Covid cases, just like they rigged our election by swapping Trump votes for Biden votes.


Why were they so desperate to commit massive voter fraud to get China Joe in office?

The US is the single number 1 obstacle to The Global Reset and you must install a puppet like Joe Biden to get The United States to submit to it.

What is the Great Reset? No Cash, No Private Property, No Borders, No Immigration Law, No Debt, Digital ID, No Religious Freedom, No Right to Bear Arms, No Free Speech, a Mark of The Beast like Economy, Complete Compliance required or they cut you off from your funds.

This is Evil 666 Book of Revelation type crap. It will not only destroy small independent businesses but it will destroy National Sovereignty and Democracy itself.

Anyone who thinks this isn't real and isn't coming is a fool or has already sold their souls to Hell.

The short reason is, They had to get rid of The Trump Administration and illegitimately install a puppet Biden Administration to absorb America in to the Great Reset instead of having to fight them as they would have to under Donald J. Trump.

Let's appeal to The Court of Heaven that their Evil Plan will fail as it is God who appoints our leaders, not man actually.
That is what a mail in ballot is for
You will not be at your home residency during the election and request a ballot you can cast from somewhere else.

I used to travel extensively during my career and would cast mail in ballots from all over the country.
these are about people that changed their address to out of state not going on vacation,,
No, it is about people who requested a mail in ballot be sent to an out of state address.

Let’s say you are Corporal Jones and in the Army and your permanent home address is in Georgia, but you are stationed in Texas.

You request your mail in ballot be sent to an address in Texas
That is what a mail in ballot is for
You will not be at your home residency during the election and request a ballot you can cast from somewhere else.

I used to travel extensively during my career and would cast mail in ballots from all over the country.
these are about people that changed their address to out of state not going on vacation,,
No, it is about people who requested a mail in ballot be sent to an out of state address.

Let’s say you are Corporal Jones and in the Army and your permanent home address is in Georgia, but you are stationed in Texas.

You request your mail in ballot be sent to an address in Texas
the military works under a different system,,,

these are about people that moved and changed their address,,,
Former FBI Special Agent Finds 17,514 Georgia Voters with Out-of-State Forwarded Mail Addresses

A former FBI special agent spent several hours scouring the over 580,000 registered voters in the Peach State. Derek Somerville found over 57,000 cast ballots in a county DIFFERENT than where they reside. And Derek found over 17,000 ballots with OUT OF STATE mail requests.

Don’t think there are voter issues in Georgia? I have 57,793 reasons to reconsider that.

And ALL of them voted for Tramp making Biden's landslide victory even more of a landslide!!!!

What a loon! 2020 democrat Dominion Voter fraud is the Crime of the Century! Get Help!!
That is what a mail in ballot is for
You will not be at your home residency during the election and request a ballot you can cast from somewhere else.

I used to travel extensively during my career and would cast mail in ballots from all over the country.
these are about people that changed their address to out of state not going on vacation,,
No, it is about people who requested a mail in ballot be sent to an out of state address.

Let’s say you are Corporal Jones and in the Army and your permanent home address is in Georgia, but you are stationed in Texas.

You request your mail in ballot be sent to an address in Texas
the military works under a different system,,,

these are about people that moved and changed their address,,,
They request and receive the same mail in ballots as anyone else

People who moved permanently do not vote at their old residence.
That is what a mail in ballot is for
You will not be at your home residency during the election and request a ballot you can cast from somewhere else.

I used to travel extensively during my career and would cast mail in ballots from all over the country.
these are about people that changed their address to out of state not going on vacation,,
No, it is about people who requested a mail in ballot be sent to an out of state address.

Let’s say you are Corporal Jones and in the Army and your permanent home address is in Georgia, but you are stationed in Texas.

You request your mail in ballot be sent to an address in Texas
the military works under a different system,,,

these are about people that moved and changed their address,,,
They request and receive the same mail in ballots as anyone else

People who moved permanently do not vote at their old residence.
if you werent such an ignorant fool you would know they said the military ballots were in a different stack and not connected to the ballots in question,,,

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