14 Shot in Chicago on Obama Day

It's a sad fact that no one here who goes on and on about Chicago can even articulate why it's a big deal to them. They've been so well groomed to care about Chicago because they've been ordered to care about Chicago.....and that's as far as their tiny minds can go.

We can also discuss D.C., Baltimore, St. Louis....... any city that has been controlled by democrats for decades .... again, we don't want you asshats running the entire country into the ground the way you have destroyed Chicago, Illinois, or California...
Turns out St. Louis is the worst of all of them. But because of Michael Brown nobody in the media will touch St Louis with a ten meter cattle prod.

Smaller shitholes have also have a smaller national media presence, hence they get ignored more.
We need to stop thinking about these shit bags as human fucking beings. Animals.
Keep in mind.... the democrats in Chicago are in bed with the gangs.... one of the reasons they keep getting let out of jail over and over again...


Democrats. What a massive sludge of corruption and thuggery rests behind that.

Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit has retweeted an invaluable article from the January 2012 issue of Chicago magazine about how the city's famed violence is all the result of gangs and Democrats being in bed with each other, one hand washing the other, and in those very districts named above. Democratic politicians sidle up to gang leaders for votes and use their thugs as substitutes for their political organizations. They muscle voters to the polls for the Democrats, and anyone who rebels gets a beating. Gang leaders in turn make demands of politicians for protection from police and get flows of city funds from these same Democrats, generally as city subcontractors, calling it "jobs for youth" and "second chances" or something. The left benefits, so it gives the gangs what they want.

Is this a revolting picture? Obviously, with the stepped up shootings, the Democrats don't seem to be worrying too much, given that they have the votes and deals they want, so word is out that they aren't going to do anything. Meanwhile, the cops have been ordered to stand down because of the political ties of the gangs, and word has gotten out about that, too. Now the gangs are challenging each other because Democrats have made the power so easy to get.

When is someone going to say something about how the Democrats have created this gang-hell bacchanal of murder, unknown in few places outside Caracas?

Most black people actually demand their 'representatives' be total scum. They love being abused, used, and left to rot. Democrats have always honored that desire.
Watching the destruction of former great cities of America is compelling. It's like a horror movie, a train wreck or 5 car accident on the freeway. Slow down there is blood and bodies to see.

Chicago was such an important city, so vital and alive that watching it decompose is riveting. The stockyards, the music, the history all rotting now. Detroit is a close second.

The only city that rivals Chicago as a loss worth mourning is San Francisco.

Add Baltimore, big chunks of southern cities, New Orleans is an illegal immigrant enclave now, but certainly no improvement there; most 'inner cities' are shitholes, and run by black politicians who specialize in taking them the rest of the way down the spiral. They're proud of that, though.

New Orleans... democrat mayors back to 1872......
And a recent one, Ray “Chocolate City” Nagin of Katrina fame, is currently working on his 10-year sentence for conviction on 20 of 21 counts of wire fraud, bribery, and money laundering on behalf of his chocolate brothers and sisters while serving as their mayor. Can I get an Amen?
When George Ryan was convicted and sent to prison on federal racketeering charges, was he doing that for his white brothers and sisters?

Why is it, anytime a black person does anything -- it always an indictment on all black people --- but not vice versa

lol You're the clowns who keep making big giant martyrs out of every piece of shit who wins a Darwin Award, complete with major riots, moron.
Rowdy Rudy Giuliani made an honest mistake. he inverted the number of deaths with the number of injured in Chicago. that incident got more press than the actual murders

thats a distraction

Giuliani by screwing up did Chicago a favor because he focused attention on it

the wealthy dont worry about Chicago, because the shootings happen in areas where poor folks live

well i'm not poor, i'm poo...i cant afford the r


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