White House is not ruling out slapping auto tariffs on Canada


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Canada has 500k auto related jobs and not even one domestic auto company. Is this the lack of reciprocity President Trump has been talking about? I'd say so.

I warned Canada, the Golden Goose wasn't going to lay eggs for the exploitive socialists forever. Notice in the first paragraph the indication of various nations auto makers, they can't say "Canadian car makers" as Canada doesn't have any, so they just state "vehicles made in Canada".

The feeling here is that Trump awoke Americans to the reality of job theft, trade abuses and the like, and even after his two terms, many Americans will view Canada differently.

White House is not ruling out slapping auto tariffs on Canada, an official says

A handshake agreement between the U.S. and the European Unionreached in late July may have staved off the imposition of auto tariffs for German, French and Italian carmakers.

Still, the White House is reserving the right to impose the tariffs on vehicles made in Canada, a senior administration official told CNBC on Friday. Ford, General Motors, Honda and Fiat Chrysler are among the automakers with operations in Canada.

European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker told reporters last month that getting the White House to back down from auto tariffs was a "major concession." Yet President Donald Trump is still directing the Commerce Department to finish the investigation and prepare a menu of options for the White House, even if Europe is exempt.

"Probably sometime in the month of August we'll be willing to render a report. It may not be necessary, or it may be necessary. We will see," Commerce Sec. Wilbur Ross told reporters aboard Air Force One on July 26. "But the work is continuing."
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With Americans not wanting American cars, I wonder what effect European tariffs have on American imports? I wonder if we gained anything in the deal with the EU?

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