10 Yr Old Rape Victim: A Terrible Tale of Illegal Immigration

Deprive women through a medical procedure of having children in the future because they're ending their pregnancy in the present? The laws you're suggesting are draconian and inhumane.
But not unheard of, even in this country. Very very few women have just one abortion. Most have multiple abortions. Helping them in this way is doing them a favor. Read back at your own arguments for abortion. Poverty, alienation, sex as a cheap form of entertainment, sterilization is doing them a favor.
Deprive women through a medical procedure of having children in the future because they're ending their pregnancy in the present? The laws you're suggesting are draconian and inhumane.

It seems to me a perfectly reasonable treatment of women who have an established history of murdering their own children in cold blood, to stop them from having any more.

Those who murder children, of course, deserve much, much, much worse, but stopping them from having and murdering any more is certainly a good start.

Of course, being an admitted Communist, an adherent to one of the most murderous and Satanic of all cults, I wouldn't expect you to get this.
But not unheard of, even in this country. Very very few women have just one abortion. Most have multiple abortions. Helping them in this way is doing them a favor. Read back at your own arguments for abortion. Poverty, alienation, sex as a cheap form of entertainment, sterilization is doing them a favor.
If they choose to sterilize themselves, then it's fine. It's not up to you or me to "clip clip". If I read back at my own arguments I see no moral or logical justification for the forced sterilization of women. Rather right-wing Mormon men like you and Evangelicals should be sterilized, cutting down the Republican population and religious men in general.
It seems to me a perfectly reasonable treatment of women who have an established history of murdering their own children in cold blood, to stop them from having any more.

Those who murder children, of course, deserve much, much, much worse, but stopping them from having and murdering any more is certainly a good start.

Of course, being an admitted Communist, an adherent to one of the most murderous and Satanic of all cults, I wouldn't expect you to get this.

Mormom men like you should be sterilized or committed to insane asylums.
Deprive women through a medical procedure of having children in the future because they're ending their pregnancy in the present? The laws you're suggesting are draconian and inhumane.
Preventing future homicide is not draconian.

We shouldn’t allow these killings, ideally they would just be banned, but if we’re going to allow them in any state then that state should make it a combo deal. You elect one, you elect sterilization - no sterilization, no legal abortion.

Now lobotomy or decapitation would also work to prevent recidivism but I feel you might object. Sterilization seems a good compromise point.

These fucking monsters should never be allowed around children anyway after killing one for their own personal gain.
If they choose to sterilize themselves, then it's fine. It's not up to you or me to "clip clip". If I read back at my own arguments I see no moral or logical justification for the forced sterilization of women. Rather right-wing Mormon men like you and Evangelicals should be sterilized, cutting down the Republican population and religious men in general.
I'm not a Mormon and I'm not a man. It is to everyone's benefit to help these women control their sexuality. Communist China has done it for years.
I'm not a Mormon and I'm not a man. It is to everyone's benefit to help these women control their sexuality. Communist China has done it for years.

"Communist" China, assuming they force women to permanently sterilize themselves, isn't exactly the "standard" for communism or human rights around the world. Is Saudi Arabia the standard for capitalism and human rights?

The government can't control anyone's sexuality, that's an absurd, futile endeavor, and wrong. A woman's sexuality is her business and prerogative. If she gets pregnant and doesn't want to remain that way she can simply end her pregnancy. I would be for doctors offering sterilization as an option, but not as a requirement for treatment. If women had better access to healthcare and medication, perhaps they could get on the pill. She could afford contraception. Also, if our citizens had a human right to food, housing, healthcare, and employment, fewer women would feel the need to abort their pregnancies. They would have the material resources to raise their children. Communists will actually reduce abortions by providing women with the means to remain pregnant, give birth, and raise their children.
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Yes, that is one of you Communist's big things. The abuse of alleged psychiatry to suppress political dissent.

You even made up your own mental disease, with which to diagnose those who dared to think other than what you wanted them to think. You called it вялотеку́щая шизофрени́я, or “sluggish schizophrenia”.
I have no sympathy for people like you who want to force-sterilize women. So what's good for the goose is good for the gander. If you want to force-sterilize women perhaps you should be sterilized or committed to the psych ward. How do you like that? You can read your book of Mormon mythology there and women will be safe from your evil desire to hurt them. As far as what you said about communists inventing new mental illnesses to force their political rivals into insane asylums, that's mostly nothing more than Western cold war propaganda. Is it possible that it occurred once or even a few times? Maybe, but was is it official policy or the norm? No. There are people being held now in Guantanamo without trial, and some of them have been there for over 20 years. The story of Sharam Muhammad, an Afghan goat herder who was buying some goats at an auction raided by US forces was taken prisoner and spent 12 years in Guantanamo. Ever heard of Abu Ghraib? The American-run POW facility in Iraq?





I have names of victims, and actual images of the crimes the US government has committed against others, yet all you have are campfire stories. Western Cold War rhetoric, polemics, propaganda against communists, that's all you have. You have no moral high ground, at all. ZERO. Nothing. You should do yourself a favor and just debate economics with communists, not resort to mud-slinging and accusing others of atrocities and body counts, that your own side is guilty of. Capitalism, America, is just as bad if not worse than the communists, so stick to economics, maybe you'll have a better chance there.
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I have no sympathy for people like you who want to force-sterilize women.
It’s kind of offensive and misogynistic of you to suggest that pieces of shit who kill their own kids are “women.”

No one is saying anything should happen to normal, sane, non-monstrous folks.
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It’s kind of offensive and misogynistic of you to suggest that pieces of shit who kill their own kids are “women.”

No one is saying anything should happen to normal, sane, non-monstrous folks.

The actual pieces of shit are those who reduce the value of children's lives and human beings in general, to zygotes, embryos and undeveloped, unviable fetuses.
The actual pieces of shit are those who reduce the value of children's lives and human beings in general, to zygotes, embryos and undeveloped, unviable fetuses.
Yeah, I get it you hate equality and you just want those you hate to die, it’s nothing special, your heroes Stalin and Mao are the biggest mass murderers in history.
Yeah, I get it you hate equality and you just want those you hate to die, it’s nothing special, your heroes Stalin and Mao are the biggest mass murderers in history.
Only in your warped mind and world is an embryo equal to a woman or child. Stalin and Mao actually weren't mass murderers, they were that only according to capitalist propagandists and their enemies. Capitalist imperialists are the real mass murderers.
Stalin and Mao actually weren't mass murderers, they were that only according to capitalist propagandists and their enemies.
Oh fuck right off, tankie lunatic. You clearly just stan for monsters in general.

We got a live one here.

Capitalist imperialists are the real mass murderers.
Capitalism is freedom. Understandably, tankie, you hate it.
Disgusting, she doesn't deserve her kids. Child abuse is wrong and he needs to be jailed for the rest of his life as there is no rehab for molesters.
Oh fuck right off, tankie lunatic. You clearly just stan for monsters in general.

We got a live one here.

Capitalism is freedom. Understandably, tankie, you hate it.
Ok, now we descend further into profanity and insults. Stalin and Mao were heroes, regardless of how you feel about it or what false claims you make against them. Capitalism is an obsolete, exploitative, destructive economic system that is soon to be replaced with socialism. You should become a socialist now, ahead of time, it will help you...



  • Another view of Stalin - Martens, Ludo.pdf
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