10 Myths about atheists debunked

10 Myths Many Religious People Hold About Atheists, Debunked

Atheists are moral, loving and multicultural.

By Amanda Marcotte / AlterNet

April 14, 2015

In a regular poll conducted by political scientists Robert Putnam and David Campbell on American political attitudes, atheists recently lost their spot as as the most disliked group in America to the Tea Party. Still, number two is simply way too high in the unpopularity rankings for a group of people who just happen to spend Sunday mornings in bed instead of in church. Polling data shows that nearly half of Americans would disapprove if their child married an atheist and nearly 40 percent of Americans don’t see atheists as sharing their vision of American society, numbers that outstripped similar prejudices toward Muslims and African Americans.

Of course, the real reason atheists are so hated has little to do with jealousy for all their free time, but largely because most Americans are better acquainted with myths than with the realities of atheists' lives. Unfortunately, atheists often have these myths tossed in their faces, usually by believers who would rather talk about what they heard atheists are like rather than uncomfortable subjects such as the lack of proof for any gods.

These myths do more than hurt atheists. They also harm the basic religious freedoms of all Americans, regardless of their beliefs. Religious freedom and tolerance don’t mean much if they can’t be expanded to include those without religion. With that in mind, here’s 10 of the ugliest myths about atheists, debunked:

I had no idea that some people feel this strongly about atheism or that atheists are hated BECAUSE they're atheists.

Read the list at the link.
1) There are no atheists in foxholes. more of a joke than anything else
2) Atheists are just angry with God just reading some of the threads here will prove that
3) Atheists are aggressive and rude. leftist atheist are clearly very rude
4) Atheism is a white dude thing never heard of this, ever. so it sounds made up
5) Atheism is just a faith like any other doesn't pass the Webster check of the word
6) Atheists don’t have a moral code I can see how this comes off, since leftist atheist are so full of hate and disregard for innocent life.
7) Atheist lives are bleak and lack meaning
as much as anyones
8) Atheists are hedonists who don’t understand the true meaning of love. pfft, wutevs
9) Atheists have no way to cope after losing loved ones without the belief in an afterlife this assumes we think the same
10) Atheists are out to destroy Christmas. No, just leftist.
Back in 1963 or so, I asked my Sunday school teacher, WHERE DID GOD come from? Ask him when you get into heaven, she replied. put me on the fence theistically. I nearly drown, father saves me, religion looks good. But Then, religion lost out after My father died in my arms, and my catholic priest , father X died of cirrhosis a year or two later. Gods will. Free will. Whatever.

and somehow you drew the conclusion that there isn't a God because of death ? Go ahead--see if science can keep you going forever.
No reason to get your panties in a bunch. You can have all the gawds you want. Go ahead--invent any version of the gawds who placate your fears and superstitions.
You both go to an 'argument' that fails as a composition fallacy.
Really. I wasn't arguing. How many people died believing in Jesus to resurrect them from the grave? Biggest con job ever. And then there is Islam, the biggest con so far. Harm non believer infidels and YOU get a special place in heaven! Drink deep of the purple kool aid.

What difference does it make what kind of drama people believe in while they are alive ? Do you get some special points after you die for being an atheist ? Are you superior to religious people ?

The 'drama' a person believes in can lead to actions that affect you.

There are no special points to being an atheist. Superiority? I doubt you can argue that atheism tells atheist they are superior to religious people. IN fact, for some religions, it is argued the other way around.
Yea but we do sort of feel smarter than theists because we dont believe the unbelievable.

no---you believe in what some "scientist" tells you when you have no personal proof of its validity much of what they claim to be true is still a theory yet to proven. )
I recommend that no one accept anything from that evil "science".
I believe in Oxygen, without IT everyone dies, end of story. We can't live without bread and water. But we can live without Mohamed, Buddha, Jesus. The usual bollocks, we can make do without.

End of story ? You think the universe disappears when humans do ?? It must be one of those scientific theories.
Exactly. Long after ants and frogs and humans all die and our sun and planet are gone the cosmos will continue.

Maybe gods parents will buy him another ant farm where he can hide and be indifferent as we struggle to live and die.
Back in 1963 or so, I asked my Sunday school teacher, WHERE DID GOD come from? Ask him when you get into heaven, she replied. put me on the fence theistically. I nearly drown, father saves me, religion looks good. But Then, religion lost out after My father died in my arms, and my catholic priest , father X died of cirrhosis a year or two later. Gods will. Free will. Whatever.

and somehow you drew the conclusion that there isn't a God because of death ? Go ahead--see if science can keep you going forever.
Same with your god hypothesis. Nothing lives forever including you.
Really. I wasn't arguing. How many people died believing in Jesus to resurrect them from the grave? Biggest con job ever. And then there is Islam, the biggest con so far. Harm non believer infidels and YOU get a special place in heaven! Drink deep of the purple kool aid.

What difference does it make what kind of drama people believe in while they are alive ? Do you get some special points after you die for being an atheist ? Are you superior to religious people ?

The 'drama' a person believes in can lead to actions that affect you.

There are no special points to being an atheist. Superiority? I doubt you can argue that atheism tells atheist they are superior to religious people. IN fact, for some religions, it is argued the other way around.
Yea but we do sort of feel smarter than theists because we dont believe the unbelievable.

no---you believe in what some "scientist" tells you when you have no personal proof of its validity much of what they claim to be true is still a theory yet to proven. )
I recommend that no one accept anything from that evil "science".

Oh you part pooper. The science drama is as good as any.
Back in 1963 or so, I asked my Sunday school teacher, WHERE DID GOD come from? Ask him when you get into heaven, she replied. put me on the fence theistically. I nearly drown, father saves me, religion looks good. But Then, religion lost out after My father died in my arms, and my catholic priest , father X died of cirrhosis a year or two later. Gods will. Free will. Whatever.

and somehow you drew the conclusion that there isn't a God because of death ? Go ahead--see if science can keep you going forever.
Same with your god hypothesis. Nothing lives forever including you.

atheism and theism. A tie.
Back in 1963 or so, I asked my Sunday school teacher, WHERE DID GOD come from? Ask him when you get into heaven, she replied. put me on the fence theistically. I nearly drown, father saves me, religion looks good. But Then, religion lost out after My father died in my arms, and my catholic priest , father X died of cirrhosis a year or two later. Gods will. Free will. Whatever.

and somehow you drew the conclusion that there isn't a God because of death ? Go ahead--see if science can keep you going forever.
Same with your god hypothesis. Nothing lives forever including you.

atheism and theism. A tie.
Agree. They dont know a god exists and we can't know one doesnt. And you dont know if multiple exist. Like the avengers.

What difference does it make what kind of drama people believe in while they are alive ? Do you get some special points after you die for being an atheist ? Are you superior to religious people ?

The 'drama' a person believes in can lead to actions that affect you.

There are no special points to being an atheist. Superiority? I doubt you can argue that atheism tells atheist they are superior to religious people. IN fact, for some religions, it is argued the other way around.
Yea but we do sort of feel smarter than theists because we dont believe the unbelievable.

no---you believe in what some "scientist" tells you when you have no personal proof of its validity much of what they claim to be true is still a theory yet to proven. )
I recommend that no one accept anything from that evil "science".

Oh you part pooper. The science drama is as good as any.
Until you need competent medical care when rattling bones, burning incense or reading tea leaves won't cure an ailment.
Back in 1963 or so, I asked my Sunday school teacher, WHERE DID GOD come from? Ask him when you get into heaven, she replied. put me on the fence theistically. I nearly drown, father saves me, religion looks good. But Then, religion lost out after My father died in my arms, and my catholic priest , father X died of cirrhosis a year or two later. Gods will. Free will. Whatever.

and somehow you drew the conclusion that there isn't a God because of death ? Go ahead--see if science can keep you going forever.
Same with your god hypothesis. Nothing lives forever including you.

atheism and theism. A tie.
Except in the rational world. Tell us how your gawds are true and extant to the exclusion of Amun Ra, the god who your gawds are subordinate to.
The 'drama' a person believes in can lead to actions that affect you.

There are no special points to being an atheist. Superiority? I doubt you can argue that atheism tells atheist they are superior to religious people. IN fact, for some religions, it is argued the other way around.
Yea but we do sort of feel smarter than theists because we dont believe the unbelievable.

no---you believe in what some "scientist" tells you when you have no personal proof of its validity much of what they claim to be true is still a theory yet to proven. )
I recommend that no one accept anything from that evil "science".

Oh you part pooper. The science drama is as good as any.
Until you need competent medical care when rattling bones, burning incense or reading tea leaves won't cure an ailment.

Now when did Jesus ever tell anyone to never go to a doctor ?
Back in 1963 or so, I asked my Sunday school teacher, WHERE DID GOD come from? Ask him when you get into heaven, she replied. put me on the fence theistically. I nearly drown, father saves me, religion looks good. But Then, religion lost out after My father died in my arms, and my catholic priest , father X died of cirrhosis a year or two later. Gods will. Free will. Whatever.

and somehow you drew the conclusion that there isn't a God because of death ? Go ahead--see if science can keep you going forever.
Same with your god hypothesis. Nothing lives forever including you.

atheism and theism. A tie.
Except in the rational world. Tell us how your gawds are true and extant to the exclusion of Amun Ra, the god who your gawds are subordinate to.

Rational world? The one that man uses to try to understand his universe with ? How is that better than a irrational one ?
Yea but we do sort of feel smarter than theists because we dont believe the unbelievable.

no---you believe in what some "scientist" tells you when you have no personal proof of its validity much of what they claim to be true is still a theory yet to proven. )
I recommend that no one accept anything from that evil "science".

Oh you part pooper. The science drama is as good as any.
Until you need competent medical care when rattling bones, burning incense or reading tea leaves won't cure an ailment.

Now when did Jesus ever tell anyone to never go to a doctor ?
When did the jeebus recommend anyone see a dentist for that painful cavity?

Life expectancy during the time of jeebus was roughly half what it is today. People died from simple toothaches - cavity, abscess, infection, death.
Back in 1963 or so, I asked my Sunday school teacher, WHERE DID GOD come from? Ask him when you get into heaven, she replied. put me on the fence theistically. I nearly drown, father saves me, religion looks good. But Then, religion lost out after My father died in my arms, and my catholic priest , father X died of cirrhosis a year or two later. Gods will. Free will. Whatever.

and somehow you drew the conclusion that there isn't a God because of death ? Go ahead--see if science can keep you going forever.
Same with your god hypothesis. Nothing lives forever including you.

atheism and theism. A tie.
Except in the rational world. Tell us how your gawds are true and extant to the exclusion of Amun Ra, the god who your gawds are subordinate to.

Rational world? The one that man uses to try to understand his universe with ? How is that better than a irrational one ?
Its not. Fear and superstition will always trump reason and rationality.
no---you believe in what some "scientist" tells you when you have no personal proof of its validity much of what they claim to be true is still a theory yet to proven. )
I recommend that no one accept anything from that evil "science".

Oh you part pooper. The science drama is as good as any.
Until you need competent medical care when rattling bones, burning incense or reading tea leaves won't cure an ailment.

Now when did Jesus ever tell anyone to never go to a doctor ?
When did the jeebus recommend anyone see a dentist for that painful cavity?

Life expectancy during the time of jeebus was roughly half what it is today. People died from simple toothaches - cavity, abscess, infection, death.

He might have recommended that someone have a tooth pulled-----they may have just forgot to write it down. Probably not that big of a deal at the time.
and somehow you drew the conclusion that there isn't a God because of death ? Go ahead--see if science can keep you going forever.
Same with your god hypothesis. Nothing lives forever including you.

atheism and theism. A tie.
Except in the rational world. Tell us how your gawds are true and extant to the exclusion of Amun Ra, the god who your gawds are subordinate to.

Rational world? The one that man uses to try to understand his universe with ? How is that better than a irrational one ?
Its not. Fear and superstition will always trump reason and rationality.

Huh ? In which game is that ?
Atheists just come to the conclusion that they are smarter than the person that believes in creationism so are close minded and condescending. It's amazing how a large group like atheists all have a higher IQ than every creationist.
Atheists just come to the conclusion that they are smarter than the person that believes in creationism so are close minded and condescending. It's amazing how a large group like atheists all have a higher IQ than every creationist.
Sorry if we aren't open minded about virgin births and walking on water and I'm sorry but if you can't present one fact proving a god exists but you still believe it means you are practicing cognitive dissonance. I other words you suspend reality and believe what you want to believe.

Its why creation science isnt a science at all. Now go talk to your god about your racist feelings. Lol
Atheists just come to the conclusion that they are smarter than the person that believes in creationism so are close minded and condescending. It's amazing how a large group like atheists all have a higher IQ than every creationist.
Sorry if we aren't open minded about virgin births and walking on water and I'm sorry but if you can't present one fact proving a god exists but you still believe it means you are practicing cognitive dissonance. I other words you suspend reality and believe what you want to believe.

Its why creation science isnt a science at all. Now go talk to your god about your racist feelings. Lol
I don't see any evidence that the kind of evolution scientists claim to have happened actually happened. I'm not the one making the claims. I don't think either should be taught in schools at all unless it's a field someone wants to specifically study. I think it's way better than thinking we developed from monkeys.

I don't know what creation science is... It's all just science to me. My belief about the world's beginning has nothing to do with proven scientific facts.
Atheists just come to the conclusion that they are smarter than the person that believes in creationism so are close minded and condescending. It's amazing how a large group like atheists all have a higher IQ than every creationist.
Sorry if we aren't open minded about virgin births and walking on water and I'm sorry but if you can't present one fact proving a god exists but you still believe it means you are practicing cognitive dissonance. I other words you suspend reality and believe what you want to believe.

Its why creation science isnt a science at all. Now go talk to your god about your racist feelings. Lol
I don't see any evidence that the kind of evolution scientists claim to have happened actually happened. I'm not the one making the claims. I don't think either should be taught in schools at all unless it's a field someone wants to specifically study. I think it's way better than thinking we developed from monkeys.

I don't know what creation science is... It's all just science to me. My belief about the world's beginning has nothing to do with proven scientific facts.
Watch both Cosmos series. The truth is so much more amazing than anything you come up with thru religion.

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