
  1. deanrd

    Russian military eager to carry out plans Trump and Putin agreed to at secret meeting.

    Understanding the Syria moment at the Trump-Putin news conference Russian military offers to cooperate with US in Syria Russia's Defense Ministry says it's ready to boost cooperation with the U.S. military in Syria, following talks between U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President...
  2. deanrd

    You're a foreign country. Trump is president. Would you share classified material with the US?

    Knowing what Trump thinks of our intelligence community. Knowing that Trump already gave away classified material to Russia in the Oval Office. Material that came from Israel. Knowing that Trump invited Russian spies to come and work with our intelligence agencies. Knowing that Trump was...
  3. deanrd

    Trump is going to give a press conference in a little while. What do you think he'll say?

    What do you think he'll say? Fake news? I didn't say that? Putin really is our friend? Will he triple down or just lie?
  4. Cellblock2429

    Looks like the Muller Investigation is done. Stick a fork in it.

    Rosenstein made a remark at his big press conference. The Justice Department will now ā€˜transition responsibility for this case to our Departmentā€™s National Security Division while we await the apprehension of the defendants.'ā€ Well, there isnā€™t going to be any apprehension of the defendants...
  5. Cellblock2429

    Looks like the Muller Investigation is done. Stick a fork in it.

    Rosenstein made a remark at his big press conference. The Justice Department will now ā€˜transition responsibility for this case to our Departmentā€™s National Security Division while we await the apprehension of the defendants.'ā€ Well, there isnā€™t going to be any apprehension of the defendants...
  6. deanrd

    Will Trump order our Intel Agencies to show Russia how they gather intel?

    Now that Putin says "let's share", will Trump order our intel agencies to "share"? Is there a limit to how far Trump is willing to go to compromise National Security?
  7. Nosmo King

    Why does Trump deny Russian meddling?

    Given the indictments handed down last Friday detailing who, when and where the Russians actively interfered with the 2016 elections, why does Donald Trump still deny the Russians did what they clearly did? Is it because Special Counsel Mueller handed down the indictment? Is it because, in...
  8. deanrd

    They are about to begin a Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump joint press conference.

    You have to wonder if the collusion questions will be asked? Will some reporters die after this press conference? Will Donald Trump pledge his undying love for Vladimir Putin? Will Trump smear NATO members? Will Trump call our free press "fake"? I just can't wait!
  9. deanrd

    Russia hails 'partner' Trump ahead of summit: Kremlin

    Russia hails 'partner' Trump ahead of summit: Kremlin The Kremlin hailed US President Donald Trump as a "partner" on Friday ahead of his first summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Since coming to power last year, Trump has sought to improve relations with Putin. This isn't...
  10. Ecocertifmrl

    Trump and Putin going to meet in Finland on Sunday

    It's a farce, a circus. What are they meeting for? What are they actually have got to talk about?:auiqs.jpg: Who is this coming show for ? The americans? Europe? Russia? Their own amusement? Wft......:banana::banana::banana: Who wants to guess the shitload all media will be booming on...
  11. deanrd

    I can't believe what I'm seeing on Fox and Friends

    It's on right now. They are saying the Soviet Union is gone. NATO is obsolete. Then they are agreeing with Trump's call for every country to pay 4% of GDP. Let's arm everybody with as many weapons as we can. It's worked here. Ask Dylann Roof. Not once mentioning the invasions of Georgia...
  12. deanrd

    OMG! Trump feels we don't need friends. We've got Russia and North Korea. Does the GOP agree?

    Chief of European Council warns Donald Trump about lack of US allies ā€œDear America, appreciate your allies, after all you donā€™t have that many,ā€ Donald Tusk said after signing a joint European Union-NATO declaration on cooperation with alliance Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels...
  13. Ecocertifmrl

    It's called the Trump brain fever

    Putin hooked up with Trump way before he ever announced applying for the seat of the president. How we know this? Well, it goes like this. Narcissism - of which Putin has with his propaganda missles spread a word regarding Obama being a narcissist (which is very usual for narcissist - to...
  14. deanrd

    Notes from Donald Trump's breaking news conference

    These are the notes I took just a few minutes ago in order along with Trump answering reporter's questions: I don't criticize Kim's human rights because I don't want nuclear bombs to kill your family. Thousands of parents want their son's remains back from North Korea. Agreement says total...
  15. deanrd

    L'l Kim is going to play Dumb Donald the EXACT same way his father played Boy George.

    Kim Jong Il confronts Bush-and wins. A New Page in North-South Korean Relations | The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus L'l Kim's dad tricked Buh. Convincing Bush that North Korea wanted peace and friendship. L'l Kim's dad met with Boy George and we know how that went. Not the first time Boy...
  16. Eric Cartman

    Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7

    Unless you are brain dead you now know that Trump is Putin's bitch. Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7
  17. deanrd

    Fox News Military analyst leaves network calling Fox a propaganda machine hurting America

    Col Ralph Peters military analyst leaves Fox News Lt. Colonel: Convinced Putin has grip on Trump ----------- He said he is convinced Fox is damaging the country. Donald Trump, the president of the United States is frightened of Vladimir Putin. He said Fox used to be conservative and a...
  18. deanrd

    Trump to have a meeting with Putin in the White House. Details being worked out.

    Trump-Putin summit in the works Summit? Or update to Putin? Will Putin get a report early?
  19. deanrd

    Republicans are making the mistake of comparing a Trump impeachment with a Clinton impeachment.

    Remember, Clinton was impeached because he got a BJ after Ken Star's endless, year after year, investigation. Republicans would like to say he lied. Yea, he lied about a BJ. Without the BJ, you would have no lie. Republicans lost 40 seats after that midterm. It ended Newt's career. But...
  20. K9Buck

    A question for our Russian posters

    Can you share an example of something that Putin has done with which you disagree? Thanks in advance.
  21. rightwinger

    Our President once again backs off on Russian sanctions

    Color me surprised Trump puts the brake on new Russian sanctions, reversing Haleyā€™s announcement President Trump on Monday put the brakes on a preliminary plan to impose additional economic sanctions on Russia, walking back a Sunday announcement by U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki...
  22. cnelsen

    Is Trump our Putin?

    Jews love "democracy" because, since Jews control the press, majority rule means Jews rule; they have us dancing like trained monkeys. Just consider all the fools who now hate Russia. And they don't even know why. We have no trade disputes with Russia. No religious conflicts. No border...
  23. The Original Tree

    President Trump Needs To Force Congress To Act On Syria

    Syria is Congressā€™ Problem and The Previous Adminstrationā€™s Problem. It was Rice, Kerry, Obama and Clinton who brought Russia in to Syria to deal with Chemical Weapons instead of dealing with them directly. Instead Russia helped Syria build Military Bases while Congress did nothing. Congress...
  24. deanrd

    Why a Saudi Prince saying he owns Jared Kushner is a "bad" thing.

    Saudi Crown Prince Boasted That Jared Kushner Was ā€œIn His Pocketā€ Saudi prince said he owns Jared Kushner: Report Not only is the Saudi Crown Prince saying Jared is in his pocket, but he said he got Tillerson fired. Clearly, Putin has something on Trump. Now a Saudi says he "owns" the...
  25. Litwin

    Daily live in Muscovite army: "The major of the military unit forced the conscripts to "measure" the

    Daily live in Muscovite army, what do you think about quality of this what left from sralinĀ“s red army ? "The major of the military unit forced the conscripts to "measure" the sexual organs" And this was just one way of bullying soldiers"...
  26. Litwin

    500 Thousand Half a Million pray MUSLIM Eid al-Fitr celebrationsin Moscow

    does it mean that Muscovy is once again is a Muslim country ?
  27. Litwin

    Putin's Way PBS Documentary - 1999 Apartment Bombings/Second Chechen War

    this how vova putler came to power , a case for The Hague?
  28. Litwin

    PutinĀ“s communist party (KPRF) blames The Jews for GULAG and Stalinist killings

    PutinĀ“s communist party (KPRF) blames The Jews for GULAG and Stalinist killings. Why KPRF does it? comments? ""Gulag - was also (in the part of leadership) staffed by Yagoda (a Jew, its KPRFĀ“s main point ) on a national basis. The chief of the Main Directorate of Camps and Settlements...
  29. Litwin

    Putin says Trump should be 'respected'

    Putin again did it ..comments ? ps look like Vova is really in trouble LOL)) " Putin says Trump should be 'respected' - MSN.com https://www.msn.com/.../putin-says-trump-should-be-respected/... fƶr 8 timmar sedan - Putin says Trump should be 'respected'. Duration: 01:14 2 hrs ago ... at...
  30. Litwin

    Stalinist killers-record-breakers

    i posted already one of them Blokhin...here came 6 more butchers ... Š”тŠ°Š»ŠøŠ½ŃŠŗŠøŠµ ŠæŠ°Š»Š°Ń‡Šø-рŠµŠŗŠ¾Ń€Š“сŠ¼ŠµŠ½Ń‹ | Š‘Š»Š¾Š³ Š¢Š¾Š»ŠŗŠ¾Š²Š°Ń‚ŠµŠ»Ń sorry for google translate, but still Stalin's hangmen-record-breakers 02/07/2013 Stalinists and Soviet patriots undeservedly silent about another type of "Stakhanovites" -...
  31. Litwin

    McCain: Putin is a murderer and thug

    well, great statement from the great man. when Putin well the walls of the Hague, for his crimes ? McCain: Putin is a murderer and thug - CNN Video - CNN.com ā–¶ 0:47 www.cnn.com/.../john-mccain-vladimir-putin-murderer-thug-com... 9 feb. 2017 When asked about the alleged poisoning of a vocal...
  32. Litwin

    Great news, PutinĀ“s Kleptocracy sold Siberian Gold to China!!

    "Moscow agreed with Beijing on the conditions of gold mining" LOL, :banana: Great news, PutinĀ“s Kleptocracy sold Siberian Gold to China!! look like situation in Muscovite empire even worst than i thought ...whats next? Oil, Gas, women (Muscovites sold woe men even in 19c)? " Moscow agreed...
  33. Litwin

    Putin has found his perfect ā€˜useful idiotsā€™

    great story, my question is why we still call PutinĀ“s ā€˜useful idiotsā€™ for ā€˜useful idiotsā€™? but not the TRAITORS? , WHO THEY clearly ARE ...? " You cannot make this stuff up. ā€œRussian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday he would be willing to provide the U.S. Congress a record of...
  34. Litwin


  35. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Russia controlled BLM accounts on Facebook/Twitter and posted anti-fracking ads on Facebook

    ā€˜Blacktivistā€™ social media accounts linked to Russian government U.S. lawmakers ask Facebook, Twitter for information on anti-fracking ads Face it, the only Russian meddling going on was the Russians backing the Democrats. For example, here's Obama before he was reelected: Obama gets...
  36. Litwin

    Selfie Soldiers: "Russia" Checks in to Ukraine

    whats funny here most of them are people of color, look like Muscovy is very deep in a demographic hole . LOL)) comments ?
  37. Litwin

    "Russian"-linked Facebook ads reportedly aimed 'to sow chaos' between racial and religious groups

    I am 100% sure that behind all last racial conflicts we can find Kremlin kleptocracy , how MuscovyĀ“d be punished for what have they done already in USA? the new waves of sanctions against Muscovite oil/gas industries? " Russian operatives worked to capitalize on racial and religious...
  38. Litwin

    Top "Russian" general Valeryi Asapov killed in ISIS mortar shelling in Syria, reveals Vladimir Putin

    whats funny in this story Asapov terrorized Ukrainian state (and western world in general ) for years, + who , and how he was killed unknown..."Syria" is "A-stan" N2 for Muscovy already . When Putin will leave "Syria"? " FATAL STRIKE Top "Russian" general Valeryi Asapov killed in ISIS mortar...
  39. Litwin

    Putin/Hitler Geostrategy

    is there any chance for PutlerĀ“s revisionists plans to come thought ?
  40. Litwin

    "Russia" Quality Of Life Indicators Worse Than China's

    great article, does Putin know how poor Putin as a ruler ? why Muscovy is such terrible place? " .... when it comes to overall quality of life, Russia ranks lower than all of the big emerging markets. Even Mexico with its corruption and drug lords does better. According to the big data cost...

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