
  1. deanrd

    Imagine if Democrats did the things Republicans do. Could you imagine the outcry? From Republicans?

    Think about it. Imagine if the Democrats did the Election Fraud Republicans did in North Carolina? Remember Trump started a commission to prove millions voted illegally. And what did they find? Nothing. But you can't say that about Republicans in most Red States. What about Trump kicking...
  2. P@triot

    H.R. 1

    Once again the left is expanding their efforts to steal elections through various forms of voter fraud... H.R. 1 would sabotage state voter ID laws, which currently combat impersonation and voter registration fraud, duplicate voting, and voting by ineligible individuals like illegal aliens...
  3. deanrd

    Fox says Beto O'Rourke can't be president. They said he is too "Trumpian". Too much like Trump.

    Fox News Hosts: Beto O'Rourke's Lack Of Experience Is 'Very Trumpian' And 'Dangerous' ā€œThere are a lot of Republicans who could probably vote for this guy,ā€ Asman remarked. ā€œBecause he has appeal to the middle ā€” to the great middle. Hereā€™s a guy who voted strong on criminal justice, he voted...
  4. DOTR

    Republican voter suppression methods

    Republicans use a four pronged attack to suppress Democrat voters.
  5. P@triot

    Democrats refuse to accept that elections have consequences

    They loved that phrase when Barack Insane Obama sat in the Oval Office. But after the American people spoke, and elected President Trump, the Democrats have refused to accept the results of the election or the voice of the people. Elections have consequences, Democrats. MaObama smugly declared...
  6. deanrd

    Democrats release their 2020 Presidential Debate Schedule

    The Democratic National Committee just outlined its primary debate schedule for 2020 I really hope they limit it to Democrats. Remember, Bernie said he wouldn't support Democrats, he would take money from Democrats but he wouldn't help raise money for Democrats. If he wants to win the...
  7. deanrd

    The midterms proved that Republicans are trying to destroy our democracy

    The midterms proved that Republicans are trying to destroy our democracy. So what are they doing exactly? Look at Wisconsin. The top five state posts were won by Democrats. So what is the Republican lame duck legislature do? They are passing bills to decimate the power of the top five posts...
  8. WaitingFor2020

    Dems gain another seat in the House....Mia Love concedes

    Is there no other thread about this??? Republican Rep. Mia Love concedes to Democrat Ben McAdams in Utahā€™s 4th District Oooh....I can hear Trump yelling at people and throwing things from here.
  9. deanrd

    Elections over: Republicans can finally stop pretending they care about Healthcare.

    20 states can still lose their protections for pre existing conditions because of the lawsuit Republicans have going to end Obamacare and the protections, including protecting those with pre existing conditions. Now that the elections are over it's clear America wasn't fooled. Everyone knows...
  10. deanrd

    White woman running in Mississippi jokes about her black opponent and a public hanging

    Mississippi senator, whose runoff opponent is black, jokes about 'public hanging' White woman running in Mississippi jokes about her black opponent and a public hangings G thatā€™s just too hilarious for words. Republicans talking about hanging black people. And they swear theyā€™re not racist...
  11. deanrd

    Ebola, caravan, marriage, race, can Republicans use the same fear twice?

    Ebola, caravan, race, can Republicans use the same fear twice? So if they donā€™t use one of the fears that they used before, whatā€™s the next fear? Or do they recycle them? Will the next one be gay people? Muslims? Marriage? Anyone?
  12. deanrd

    GOP election mess in Florida proves why GOP canā€™t run the government

    GOP election mess in Florida proves why GOP canā€™t run the government The governor of Florida is a Republican. The attorney general of Florida is a Republican. All the election people in charge in Florida are Republicans. And now theyā€™re complaining about the election process? What has Rick...
  13. deanrd

    Former Felons in Florida finally get the vote. It's the "Christian" thing to do.

    It's the Christian thing to forgive. That's the line Republicans use to justify Trump. Only Trump's white. By 63%, felons can now vote in Florida. That's over 1.2 million new voters. And I'm talking just the African Americans. Republicans love to put black men in jail. Everyone knows...
  14. deanrd

    What are the most humorous quotes from the candidates so far from either party?

    What are the most humorous quotes from the candidates so far from either party? There have been a couple from Obama I thought was very funny. The Trump administration has enough indictments to field a football team. Gillum said to his opponent: Iā€™m not saying youā€™re a racist. Iā€™m saying the...
  15. longknife

    The Ignored Vote

    It has not been until this morning on Fox&Friends that Iā€™ve seen anyone direct their attention to tens of millions of votes that will affect the midterm elections ā€“ the military. We have 1.28 million men and women currently serving on active duty and 10s of millions vets ā€“ disabled and retired...
  16. S

    2018 elections, ACA, and pre-existing medical conditions.

    2018 elections, ACA, and pre-existing medical conditions. This Tuesday weā€™ll learn to what extent votersā€™ perceptions of the Affordable Care Act have already changed. Republican candidates are fearful and theyā€™re promising to ā€œprotectā€ the prohibition of ACA insurers to increase prices of...
  17. deanrd

    The GOP has been in total control for last two years. Why are they so mad?

    I'm guessing because of all the damage they've caused. Trump ran on no tax cuts for billionaires. How'd that work out? Dairy Farmers going under. Soy Farmers going under. Millions losing healthcare. Increasing wage gap. The US is no longer the leader of the free world. More jobs, sure...
  18. deanrd

    There are a record breaking and astonishing 7.1 MILLION jobs open. Business looking for workers.

    U.S. job openings hit a record 7.1 million, exceed number of unemployed Americans The jobs still waiting to be filled, meanwhile, easily exceeded the number of people officially classified as unemployed. The government previously said 6.23 million people were unemployed in August. Job Openings...
  19. deanrd

    My thread on Republican Congressman Steve King disappeared. No matter.

    Steve King: Members in Austria ā€˜would be Republicansā€™ if they were in US Steve King embracing Trump as he seeks re-election in crowded field Steve King is a VERY popular Republican. I'm sure him making the news is both interesting and exciting for many Republicans on the USMB. Steve King...
  20. deanrd

    I just watched Sarah Huckabee Sanders lie to the country. Such an obvious lie.

    I just watched Sarah Huckabee Sanders lie to the country. Such an obvious lie. A reporter asked which news organizations were enemies of the people. Sarah Sanders said Donald Trump never said news organizations were enemies of the people. She said that heā€™s named a few individual people but...
  21. deanrd

    Trump, without a shred of evidence, is calling Andrew Gillam a thief.

    Trump, without a shred of evidence, is calling Andrew Gillum a thief Wow, can you believe it? Without a shred of evidence Donald Trump is calling the first black nominee for governor of Florida a thief. And this comes from a guy who refused to pay his workers after they did the work. A guy...
  22. P@triot

    When the left canā€™t steal elections, they try to buy them

    Itā€™s ironic that the side that cries the loudest about money in politics spends the most money in politics. George Soros and Tom Steyer attempt to influence every district across America - even though those two POS donā€™t even live in those districts. Beto Oā€™Rourke reports enormous fundraising...
  23. deanrd

    How will Vladimir Putin reward Trump for his amazing job of dividing America?

    How will Vladimir Putin reward Trump for his amazing job of dividing America? During his rally last night Donald Trump was kind enough to once again bring up Maxine Waters. And he led a rousing audience cheer of ā€œCNN sucksā€. If this were Isis or Al Qaeda America would be mobilizing. But...
  24. deanrd

    Something positive: Republicans no longer claim to be the party of God.

    Something positive: Republicans no longer claim to be the party of God. I think thatā€™s one of the more positive things from this new republican party. They no longer claim to be the party of God now that theyā€™ve embraced people like Donald Trump And Vladimir Putin. I think theyā€™re an easier...
  25. deanrd

    Four dozen Republicans wonā€™t be coming back after the midterms

    Republicans who won't be coming back to Congress after 2018 midterm elections Four dozen Republicans wonā€™t be coming back after the midterms. You can get the list of names from the link. Some surprisingly big names there. Why do you think so many Republicans are doing the old cut and run?
  26. deanrd

    Why trump wonā€™t run for a second term.

    Trump doesnā€™t want to lose. And if he runs a second term he most definitely will lose. Whoā€™s going to vote for him besides old white people and racists? Trump is going to not run for a second term and hope that once he leaves office he can say there, I fixed everything. And heā€™s going to...
  27. deanrd

    Here are a lists of things Republicans can and canā€™t run on for the midterms.

    Here are a lists of things Republicans can and canā€™t run on for the midterms. They canā€™t run on tax cuts because the tax cuts went to the top 1%. They canā€™t run on the deficit because theyā€™ve increased it enormously. They can try to run on jobs, but theyā€™ve increased the pay gap enormously...
  28. deanrd

    Even Fox and Friends SPEWED when they saw the 60 Minutes Trump Interview.

    Trumpā€™s ā€˜60 Minutesā€™ interview causes the ā€˜Fox & Friendsā€™ hostsā€™ monocles to pop out Unless youā€™re a ā€œFox & Friendsā€ host, apparently. Earhardt tweeted the above exchange from her show about the Trump interview to her 335,000 Twitter followers on Monday morning. ā€œPresident Trump peppered...
  29. deanrd

    Republicans new and creative ways to deeply screw over the American voter:

    Many Native IDs Won't Be Accepted At North Dakota Polling Places Republicans figured out a brand new way to FUK over Native Americans. On reservations, most don't use Street Address. They us PO boxes. Republicans say unless you have a street address, you can't FUKING vote. This cuts out...
  30. deanrd

    Republican senator assaults man, grabs and steals phone - video

    Video: Senator snatches cell phone from college student asking question in Georgia Georgia senator seen grabbing student's phone amid question about voter ID law And now senator Purdue is saying that he took the film because he thought the guy Wanted a selfie. How these right wing slime balls...
  31. deanrd

    You need to check to see if you are registered to vote

    You need to check to see if you are registered to vote. Republicans in red states have purged millions of black people Hispanics white people from voter rolls in an effort to skew the results of these midterm elections. Register to Vote and Confirm or Change Registration | USAGov Remember...
  32. deanrd

    Republicans are turning the United States into the new South Africa.

    Republicans are turning the United States into the new South Africa. Republicans are packing the courts. They control all three branches of government. They control the presidency even though theyā€™ve lost the majority in six out of the last seven races. Weā€™re watching the Republicans...
  33. deanrd

    Republicans getting the BIG donations from billionaires, Democrats getting the small donations

    Democrats Outperforming Republicans in Small Donations The GOP is buying the House. Literally. If Republicans succeed in keeping the House in November, it will have been bought for them by corporations and the rich ā€” quite literally. Records show House Republican incumbents in seats targeted...
  34. deanrd

    Donald Trump discovers that itā€™s China who interferes with our elections

    Donald Trump has become only the second president to chair the security council at the UN. The first being Barack Obama. The security council meeting is happening while I write this. Donald Trump announced that they discovered itā€™s China who is actually interfering with our elections not...
  35. deanrd

    Women are the majority of the nation. And they are starting to flex their political muscle.

    Women are the majority of the population of the country. Clearly, they are flexing that political muscle with the record number of women running for office. Women don't have the same policies as Republican men. Women want children to have healthcare. Women believe their bodies shouldn't be...
  36. deanrd

    Why do people keep saying the Republican Party is shrinking?

    A Mutiny Amid the Republican Party? Here is an article from the national interest. A conservative organization with the conservative publication. Everyone keep saying the Republican Party is shrinking. Why do they keep saying that? Do Republicans on the USMB believe the Republican Party is...
  37. deanrd

    Donald Trump: The "A nasty person is who I am" defense.

    Trumpā€™s rationalization for calling women ā€˜dogsā€™ helped define his campaign Trump hilariously jokes that women are fat pigs and dogs. So cute, so clever, so Trump. Just what we want in a president. In the mean time, a new Quinnipiac Poll is out. QU Poll Release Detail Only 31 percent of...
  38. deanrd

    Trump was always going to hate the FBI and the DOJ

    Look at trump university and trump foundation. Criminal organizations and scams. Look at the people Trump has surrounded himself with. Grifters scam artists and thieves. And thatā€™s just his family. Coming into office it was clear from the beginning that Trump was going to have problems with...
  39. deanrd

    Does Putin think Trump will protect Russia no matter how much more they interfere?

    We are already seeing signs of more Russian interference. Has Trump been told by Putin to ignore any and all Russian involvement in the mid terms?
  40. deanrd

    Russia is still more dangerous than Republicans

    The difference between Republicans and Russia is that Russia wants this country destroyed. Republicans believe this is a white country they feel they owned and they want it back, whatever that means. Both are dangerous. Russia wants America destroyed because they are an authoritarian...

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