Democrats are running on ideas and inclusion, Republicans are running on fear


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Democrats are running on ideas and inclusion, Republicans are running on fear

Can you really win the presidency based on just trying to scare the other side.....again?

Democrats want to leave a clean and healthy world to our children and grandchildren.

Republicans are calling that socialism.

Democrats want to build a new and better infrastructure.

Republicans are calling that socialism.

Democrats want healthcare to be available for all Americans.

Republicans are calling that socialism.

Republicans are running on fear. They have no new ideas. No solutions. What do they have to run on besides scaring people? Division? Racism?
Inclusion? :lol:
Idk many people who are against infrastructure. Thats just silly.
If you want govt healthcare, pass an amendment. Good luck forcing people to drop their loved employer insurance to get govt insurance regulated by a bunch of fucking retards who almost 90 percent of the country doesnt like or trust.
Democrats are running on fear as well

Telling people they can never make it unless the government steps in to make their lives better because at the heart of it Democrats think that people are too stupid to make it on their own

Republicans are just as bad but in different ways
Dummycrats are running on....

The Democratic Party's hate based politics alienates mainstream voters.
The Democratic Party's idea of "inclusion" seems very strange
La Raza
Nation of Islam
Brown Berets
Black Panthers
Muslim Brotherhood
Aztlan Nationalist
The Democrats have a lot of really bad ideas.
You can observe their ideas being played out in Venezuela.
The Democratic Party's hate based politics alienates mainstream voters.
The Democratic Party's idea of "inclusion" seems very strange
La Raza
Nation of Islam
Brown Berets
Black Panthers
Muslim Brotherhood
Aztlan Nationalist
The Klan working together with black panthers?

That’s too stupid to call ret@rded.

Notice that not a single one of these right wingers say: oh we have ideas.

And then give us their ideas? They can’t.

And look at the stuff they come up with. The klan and Black Panthers?

That’s just more fear.

Do they understand they’re proving my point?
Democrats are running on buying votes with ideas that will explode the budget. They are the worst bigots and racists.

They are attempting to find dirt on a sitting President that they hope can be used to win an election.

They have proven that country, law and order or truth does not matter if it furthers their agenda.

Yeah the so called Democratic Party died with JFK. I would not vote democrat if Jack the Ripper was the only other choice. Jack would in the long run be a better choice.
Democrats are running on ideas and inclusion, Republicans are running on fear

Can you really win the presidency based on just trying to scare the other side.....again?

Democrats want to leave a clean and healthy world to our children and grandchildren.

Republicans are calling that socialism.

Democrats want to build a new and better infrastructure.

Republicans are calling that socialism.

Democrats want healthcare to be available for all Americans.

Republicans are calling that socialism.

Republicans are running on fear. They have no new ideas. No solutions. What do they have to run on besides scaring people? Division? Racism?


You should rename the title of your OP to....

Democrats rerunning SOS and Republicans laughing

...See how much easier that flows and it's not as long.


The Democratic Party's hate based politics alienates mainstream voters.
The Democratic Party's idea of "inclusion" seems very strange
La Raza
Nation of Islam
Brown Berets
Black Panthers
Muslim Brotherhood
Aztlan Nationalist
The Klan working together with black panthers?

That’s too stupid to call ret@rded.

Hey, it's you coalition of hate
Democrats are running on ideas and inclusion, Republicans are running on fear

Can you really win the presidency based on just trying to scare the other side.....again?

Democrats want to leave a clean and healthy world to our children and grandchildren.

Republicans are calling that socialism.

Democrats want to build a new and better infrastructure.

Republicans are calling that socialism.

Democrats want healthcare to be available for all Americans.

Republicans are calling that socialism.

Republicans are running on fear. They have no new ideas. No solutions. What do they have to run on besides scaring people? Division? Racism?


You should rename the title of your OP to....

Democrats rerunning SOS and Republicans laughing

...See how much easier that flows and it's not as long.



Wow look at all those beds. Are those for babies in concentration camps after they’ve been ripped out of their parents arms?
How come Republicans don’t see any problem with that?
It’s just the kind of people they are.
Democrats are running on ideas and inclusion, Republicans are running on fear

Can you really win the presidency based on just trying to scare the other side.....again?

Democrats want to leave a clean and healthy world to our children and grandchildren.

Republicans are calling that socialism.

Democrats want to build a new and better infrastructure.

Republicans are calling that socialism.

Democrats want healthcare to be available for all Americans.

Republicans are calling that socialism.

Republicans are running on fear. They have no new ideas. No solutions. What do they have to run on besides scaring people? Division? Racism?

One notices that there is no attempt to say the ideas are GOOD ideas.
Wow look at all those beds. Are those for babies in concentration camps after they’ve been ripped out of their parents arms?
How come Republicans don’t see any problem with that?
It’s just the kind of people they are.


How come Democrats didn't when Obama was in office?

Hey!!! How's that Solyndra infrastructure coming along?

Is that bullet train infrastructure completed in California?


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Democrats are running on ideas and inclusion, Republicans are running on fear

Can you really win the presidency based on just trying to scare the other side.....again?

Democrats want to leave a clean and healthy world to our children and grandchildren.

Republicans are calling that socialism.

Democrats want to build a new and better infrastructure.

Republicans are calling that socialism.

Democrats want healthcare to be available for all Americans.

Republicans are calling that socialism.

Republicans are running on fear. They have no new ideas. No solutions. What do they have to run on besides scaring people? Division? Racism?

Ideas like the Earth has 12 years left?..... no fear mongering there!
A lot of the things you mentioned can be achieved without using heavy handed socialist methods... yes you are correct. But the Democrats have a tendency to follow the heavy handed socialist methods in acheiving what they want. Plus they are stupid.... look what the F**** they did to my state in California with the 77 billion dollar failed HS rail. Sure we ALL want better infrastructure but we want it done in a good way.... not in a way that burdens peoples lives.
Democrats run on identity and some identities are NOT included.

Heck, they just showed that Jews aren't one of them, didn't they?

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