
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
They loved that phrase when Barack Insane Obama sat in the Oval Office. But after the American people spoke, and elected President Trump, the Democrats have refused to accept the results of the election or the voice of the people.
Today, 126 positions on the U.S. District Court and U.S. Court of Appeals are vacant. In fact, we’re in the longest period of triple-digit vacancies in 25 years. Vacancies today are 52% higher than when Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., declared a “vacancy crisis” in July 2016. They are 88% higher than in September 2015, when then-Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., warned that “we are heading into a judicial vacancy crisis.”
Elections have consequences, Democrats. MaObama smugly declared that over and over and over as he took his victory laps while he should have been leading. You loved it then. You should love it now. Time to fill these vacancies with President Trump's appointments.

By Democrats' Own Standard, We Have a Judicial Vacancy Crisis
The Democrats just can't accept that elections have consequences.
The establishment’s full fury has been unleashed against Donald Trump and is not about to subside until its goal is reached: the removal of the president from office, either through impeachment or defeat in the 2020 election.
The faux "outrage" towards President Trump over actions that they themselves have been more guilty of is remarkable.
Members of Congress who claim Trump violated campaign finance laws by making personal payments to these women are mostly silent about a $17 million congressional fund out of which have come payments in unknown amounts to settle sexual harassment cases.
So they are upset when President Trump pays off a woman to keep an indiscretion quiet, meanwhile they have a multi-million fund set up for that exact purpose for them!

The Establishment's Full Fury Against Trump Is Now Unleashed
Sure do...

Beat Republicans by 9 million votes in the last election
Wow, seems like you're the one that can't come to grips with the November 2018 mid-terms.
Democrats were funny ... and hypocritical ... as hell when Schumer, forced to talk to President Trump in front of the world about funding the border at the WH, made the comment that elections have consequences. He obviously meant that this, like the Cinstitution and US laws, only applies to Republicans.

Immediately after Trump won Schumer declared the Democrats were NOT accepting the fact that elections have consequences but instead that the Democrats had 100% committed themselves to engaging in obstruction, resistance, sedition, and even treason.

They dedicated themselves to undermining everything the President and Republicans in power attempted to accomplish for the success and improvement of the United States.

They dedicated themselves to attempting to UNDO the democratic 2016 election...instead of accepting the consequences of losing the 2016 election they instead became criminal tantrum-throwing children willing to divide the country more than the Russians could ever have hoped to in an attempt to carry out a soft coup.

'Elections have consequences'.

According to Democrats and sbowflakes, nothing the Democrats do or can ever do has consequences.
Wow, seems like you're the one that can't come to grips with the November 2018 mid-terms.
You mean the election where Republicans expanded their majority in the Senate? No, I'm quite good with the outcome of the November 2018 midterms. :laugh:
They loved that phrase when Barack Insane Obama sat in the Oval Office. But after the American people spoke, and elected President Trump, the Democrats have refused to accept the results of the election or the voice of the people.
Today, 126 positions on the U.S. District Court and U.S. Court of Appeals are vacant. In fact, we’re in the longest period of triple-digit vacancies in 25 years. Vacancies today are 52% higher than when Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., declared a “vacancy crisis” in July 2016. They are 88% higher than in September 2015, when then-Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., warned that “we are heading into a judicial vacancy crisis.”
Elections have consequences, Democrats. MaObama smugly declared that over and over and over as he took his victory laps while he should have been leading. You loved it then. You should love it now. Time to fill these vacancies with President Trump's appointments.

By Democrats' Own Standard, We Have a Judicial Vacancy Crisis
You are getting back what you dished out under Obama. You have no right to complain. Reporting my posts because you’re sensitive won’t change that. Enjoy!
I'm impressed that someone cares this much. Imagine all the tens of millions who really don't care or have zero interest really. Must be frightening. Please explain again why we should care. I forgot.
You are getting back what you dished out under Obama. You have no right to complain.
The American people overwhelming elected Republicans to go to Washington to stop MaObama (he lost 69 seats in his first midterm - 61 in the House and 8 in the Senate - and MaObama himself called it a "shellacking"). No such event occurred in the 2018 midterm. In fact, President Trump expanded his party's majority in the Senate.

In addition, there was no "witch hunt" for MaObama. Everything the Republicans did was directly related to policy (which is exactly the way the system was designed to work).

Your sorry excuse fails. Are you incapable of coming up with anything better than that???
The un patriotic do not remember the false count of ballots in Florida that got Bush appointed.
You are getting back what you dished out under Obama. You have no right to complain.
The American people overwhelming elected Republicans to go to Washington to stop MaObama (he lost 69 seats in his first midterm - 61 in the House and 8 in the Senate - and MaObama himself called it a "shellacking"). No such event occurred in the 2018 midterm. In fact, President Trump expanded his party's majority in the Senate.

In addition, there was no "witch hunt" for MaObama. Everything the Republicans did was directly related to policy (which is exactly the way the system was designed to work).

Your sorry excuse fails. Are you incapable of coming up with anything better than that???
You forget that the Dubya you voted for twice was such a disaster that he gave Democrats a massive amount of seats over you republicunts in 2008, giving them a lot to lose. Obama did not do the same when he left. Trump is the most incompetent President ever, and even your fellow *****, I mean republicans, are blocking him whenever they can. You will not end America without a fight.
Democrats were funny ... and hypocritical ... as hell when Schumer, forced to talk to President Trump in front of the world about funding the border at the WH, made the comment that elections have consequences. He obviously meant that this, like the Cinstitution and US laws, only applies to Republicans.

Immediately after Trump won Schumer declared the Democrats were NOT accepting the fact that elections have consequences but instead that the Democrats had 100% committed themselves to engaging in obstruction, resistance, sedition, and even treason.

They dedicated themselves to undermining everything the President and Republicans in power attempted to accomplish for the success and improvement of the United States.

They dedicated themselves to attempting to UNDO the democratic 2016 election...instead of accepting the consequences of losing the 2016 election they instead became criminal tantrum-throwing children willing to divide the country more than the Russians could ever have hoped to in an attempt to carry out a soft coup.

'Elections have consequences'.

According to Democrats and sbowflakes, nothing the Democrats do or can ever do has consequences.
It is their duty to prevent the treasonous fool in the White House from making things worse.
It is their duty to prevent the treasonous fool in the White House from making things worse.
Except that is the EXCUSE the traitors who have no evidence of crimes by the President are using to falsely justify their butt-hurt hate-driven coup attempt.

Your tantrum is a great example of what we are / I am talking about...
Wow, seems like you're the one that can't come to grips with the November 2018 mid-terms.
You mean the election where Republicans expanded their majority in the Senate? No, I'm quite good with the outcome of the November 2018 midterms. :laugh:

Winning the House is what's going to prevent the wall from happening.
That may very well be the case. However, that's not what we're discussing here. We're discussing

A. the minority party blocking and obstructing the appointment of judges (after whining about that same thing). The American people have spoken.

B. the left actively trying to create reasons for a sitting president to be removed simply because he's from the other political party.

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