donald trump

  1. BlackWizard91

    Zelenskiy made case for security guarantees at Paris meeting with Trump, but there are difficulties in realizing them

    President Volodymyr Zelenskiy used his first meeting with Donald Trump since the U.S. election to explain Ukraine's need for security guarantees in any negotiated end to the war with Russia, two sources familiar with the Dec. 7 discussions said. French President Emmanuel Macron hosted the...
  2. Pastelli

    After a billion dollar raised and recruiting Dems. 'big guns' the Obamas, think she will win?

    And if not? Who will she blame?
  3. Dante Reawakened

    Lady Justice On Line #8 for The Former Guy: "Be Afraid Donald. Be Very Afraid"

    The walls are closing in. While the web of rightwing news and opinion organizations, along with far-right social media have kept the attention of their wild and angry mobs occupied with battles over evidence or lack of, against The Former Guy, for charges insurrection and seditious conspiracy...
  4. T

    McConnell opposes Trump Like a stopped clock, Bitch McConnell gets something right every now and again. This shouldn't detract from the fact he and the Orange Virus are fucking terrible human beings.
  5. C

    BREAKING: Donald Trump Launches Official Website

    It's happened! Donald Trump Launches Official Website. Check it out here
  6. C

    Daily reminder of the 10 Republican traitors in Congress who voted to impeach Donald Trump

    Liz Cheney Tom Rice Dan Newhouse Adam Kinzinger Anthony Gonzalez Fred Upton Jaime Herrera Beutler Peter Meijer John Katko David Valadao Now it's Biden's turn...
  7. C

    What are Trump's next moves?

    Should Trump create The Patriot Party of reform the GOP? There are obvious pros and cons of each side.
  8. C

    'Up To 6 Months In Jail': Dems Makes Horrifying Announcement About Trump

    RIGHT NOW 1/19/21 'Up To 6 Months In Jail': Dems Makes Horrifying Announcement About Trump Democrat Smears Troops ā€” Says 'White Males' In National Guard May Sabotage Biden Inauguration...
  9. C

    Man Arrested In Plot To Have Armed Fight With Pro-Trump Protesters

    Read top stories at Conservative Brief Man Arrested In Plot To Have Armed Fight With Pro-Trump Protesters DC Attorney General Wants To Meet With Donald Trump Jr...
  10. C

    Man Arrested In Plot To Have Armed Fight With Pro-Trump Protesters

    Read all at Conservative Brief Man Arrested In Plot To Have Armed Fight With Pro-Trump Protesters DC Attorney General Wants To Meet With Donald Trump Jr...
  11. TheHardTruth

    Zero chance of President Trump being removed via 25th Amendment.....Get a life Nancy!

    Nancy Looney Loose Dentures Pelosi has absolutely lost her mind and is throwing yet another hissy fit because once again President Donald J Trump ( Yes Nancy, he is the President and you really need to get over it already ) has beat her by withdrawing from Covid relief talks. President Donald J...
  12. F

    IRANIAN Trying & Taste Testing TOP 3 American Candy & Snacks RATED WORST TO BEST ( 4th Of JULY )

    REESE WHITE MINIS , LIFESAVERS GUMMIES SOURS and TWINKIES are all American snacks that are iconic. The most iconic of them all is TWINKIES. I had never had TWINKIES but had always seen them in American TV shows and movies and of course in every " Trying American Snacks " YouTube video. I...
  13. deanrd

    Jeff sessions is standing up to Donald Trump, can you believe it?

    ā€œLook, I know your anger, but recusal was required by law. I did my duty & you're damn fortunate I did. It protected the rule of law & resulted in your exoneration. Your personal feelings don't dictate who Alabama picks as their senator, the people of Alabama do,ā€ Sessions tweeted late Friday...
  14. JGalt

    So is President Trump "Forever Impeached" or "Forever Acquitted"?

    During the House proceedings, Nancy Pelosi stated that President Donald Trump would be "forever impeached." But he was acquitted in the Senate. So will President Donald J. Trump be remembered for being "forever impeached" or "forever acquitted"? Here's what Article One of the U.S. Constitution...
  15. Robert Urbanek

    David Bowie and Donald Trump

    Trump is The Fat White Duke, a product of the 1970s. I stumble into town just like a sacred cow Visions of swastikas in my head Plans for everyone ā€” David Bowie and Iggy Pop, China Girl The Thin White Duke was a controversial figure. While being interviewed in the persona in 1975 and 1976...
  16. Robert Urbanek

    Trump talks turkey

    Donald ā€œThe Donā€ Trump has a visitor in the Oval Office. Trump: We have known each other many years, but this is the first time you've come to me for counsel or for help. But let's be frank here. You never wanted my friendship. And you feared to be in my debt. Turkey: Gobble, gobble Trump: I...
  17. Robert Urbanek

    Trump's new plan to drain the swamp

    Donald Trump announced plans today to drain the swamps in Louisiana. ā€œThese are really horrible places with nasty beasts: snakes, alligators and river rats. So sad.ā€ ā€œWe will make these dangerous places safe for Americans. We will employ thousands of hard workers to remake these ugly swamps...
  18. JGalt

    A mediocre day at the range is better than a good day anywhere else

    I've had this 1978 Ruger Standard .22 pistol for about 10 years now. Iron sights are the shits, so I picked up a scope mount and a used Burris FastFire II red-dot reflex sight at the gun show two weekends ago. The mount cost me $5.00 and I gave $15 for the sight. I got to sight it in this...
  19. JGalt

    Where did the claim that Donald Trump is a "racist" come from?

    That's something I completely don't understand. What was it he did that caused people to call him a "racist"? The reality is, he has had a long history of doing good things for black people.. Let's put away the disinformation and look at some facts: "The Donald and ā€œthe Blacksā€ The Donald...
  20. deanrd

    Fox News going nuts over democratic ā€œmega donorā€ and drug dealer Ed Buck

    Fox News going nuts over democratic ā€œmega donorā€ and drug dealer Ed Buck Democratic megadonor Ed Buck ordered held until end of federal drug case - Fox News California Democratic activist and megadonor Ed Buck was ordered held in federal custody Thursday until the disposition of a drug...
  21. deanrd

    I found the link where Bill Weld said Donald Trump was guilty of treason against the United States.

    I found the link from Morning Joe where Bill Weld said Donald Trump was guilty of treason against the United States. Sorry I wasnā€™t able to post it while I was watching them say it live on TV and thought it was so interesting that I went ahead and made a comment about it while they were...
  22. deanrd

    Republican William Weld said Donald Trump has committed treason and the punishment is death

    Republican William Weld said Donald Trump has committed treason and the punishment is death. I just watched Republicans William Weld, Joe Walsh, and Mark Sanford give a joint conference on morning Joe. And William Weld said Donald Trump has committed treason in the constitutional punishment is...
  23. deanrd

    How come Michael Cohen was the only person to go to prison over the stormy Daniels ā€œaffairā€œ?

    Exclusive: Michael Cohen interviewed for probe into Trump Org You had the guy that was running the gossip rag who withheld information from the American people. And yet he was given immunity. Then you have the Head of finances of the Trump organization. He was given immunity Trump...
  24. deanrd

    How do you think itā€™s going to go at the G6, the G7, or the G8? Whatever they call it.

    Theyā€™re calling the British Prime Minister, the ā€œBritish Donald Trumpā€. Heā€™s the guy with his foot on the table at the French presidentā€™s palace. Trump heading to G-7 summit after insulting allied world leaders In recent weeks, the president has lashed out at some of the United States'...
  25. deanrd

    ISIS in resurgence and growing more powerful under Trump administration

    ISIS in resurgence and growing more powerful under Trump administration Mike Pompeo says ISIS 'more powerful' in some places but downplays overall threat - CNNPolitics "What we've always said is the caliphate's been gone and there's always risks that there'll be a resurgence, not just from...
  26. L

    Reagan exposed as a racist in newly released recording.

    And all the sheep in America thought this guy was a great man.:iyfyus.jpg:whatever.:rolleyes: Its so easy to debunk the lies of the media and hollywood that he was not a great president like they make him out to be,its even easier to expose the lies that he was a great man.Its proven too many...
  27. deanrd

    Why Joe Biden wonā€™t be the Democratic nominee

    Biden: Dems may as well 'go home' if they can't work with Republicans to find 'compromise' Former Vice President Joe Biden defended bipartisanship with Republican lawmakers, saying if a Democratic president can't find compromise might as well "go home" and start a "real physical revolution."...
  28. deanrd

    How many actually watched the George Stephanopoulos and the Trump interview?

    How many actually watched the George Stephanopoulos and the Trump interview? This was such an incredible interview. It touched on everything. And Trump told George exactly how he felt about everything they discussed. But I havenā€™t really seen much discussion here on the USMB about the...
  29. deanrd

    Donald Trumpā€˜s choices versus the house Democrats choices.

    So Donald Trump has basically two choices. One he keeps obstructing every investigation possible and the other one is he stops obstructing and lets witnesses go in front of Congress and talk about his criminality. Thatā€™s it for him. Thatā€™s all heā€™s got. Obstruction, as bad as it looks, is better...
  30. deanrd

    Just watched Michael Cohen give final statement before leaving for prison

    We all know who Michael Cohen is. Heā€™s Donald Trumpā€˜s former lawyer who is going to prison today for committing multiple felonies at the direction and instruction of Donald Trump. Itā€™s even on tape. Michael Cohen is the one who provided details of Donald Trumpā€˜s bank fraud and tax evasion and...
  31. deanrd

    Donald Trump, Wrecker of Reputations

    Trump, Wrecker of Reputations Donald Trump, Wrecker of Reputations In his short time in politics, the President has managed to shred the careers, professional integrity, and dignity of many of those who worked for him. Attorney General William Barr is no exception. ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”- When you think...
  32. deanrd

    How long can Trump's ignorance of the law protect him?

    Look at all the felonies listed from the Mueller report. Then the multiple felonies Trump directed Michael Cohen to commit. In fact, they even have the evidence of Trump's crimes signed by Trump himself: Each one another crime. While he was in office. Even Don Jr. Trump Jr. Dodged...
  33. deanrd

    Watching press conference with Lindsey Graham insisting we should investigate the Clintons.

    Watching press conference with Lindsey Graham insisting we should investigate the Clintons. Ironic is that Bill Clinton started the Automated Records Management System (ARMS) Based on a 1978 law that White House emails should be preserved. And then Bush ended the automated record management...
  34. S

    Is there a superior alternative to the Electoral College?

    Is there a superior alternative to the Electoral College? During the era of stagecoaches, (even within the original 13 colonies crowded at or near our East coast), an on-site, real-time, election to choose our nation's president was much less feasible, if not highly unfeasible. It's difficult...
  35. P@triot

    He is so deep inside her tiny little mind

    Ole Maxy Waters had a complete and total Twitter meltdown... :lmao: Maxine Waters bucks Democratic leadership in unhinged Twitter tirade against Trump
  36. AveryJarhman

    Should President Donald J. Trump Voluntarily Step Down From Public Office?

    #TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions Should President Donald J. Trump Voluntarily Step Down From Public Office? Unfortunately, like his presidential predecessors, Donald Trump chooses to ignore our Nation's *Child Care* Public Health Crisis...
  37. deanrd

    Why Donald Trump is literally terrified of Adam Schiff.

    Why Donald Trump is literally terrified of Adam Schiff. Adam Schiff was in intelligence and he was also a prosecutor and heā€™s been around for a while. He knows how many hundreds of subpoenas Republicans threw at Clinton, Carter and Obama. Adam Schiff knows criminals. Adam Schiff also...
  38. deanrd

    Is Ann Coulter working with Vladimir Putin?

    Is Ann Coulter working with Vladimir Putin? Donald Trump is doing what Ann Coulter says and he shut down our government. So we know Vladimir Putin wants the United States destroyed. And we know that Republicans see Vladimir Putin has a strong leader and many want him for president even...
  39. deanrd

    Trump said Paul Manafort was a very good man! And now? Bus anyone?

    Remember how Donald Trump used to go on endlessly about what a fine person Paul Manafort is? I donā€™t remember hearing that for the last few days. Anyone else? Remember, at the beginning, Trump said the same things about Michael Cohen. What is he saying now? What happens when Paul...
  40. AveryJarhman

    "President Trump Says He Is Halting FEMA Wildfire Aid To Calif."

    #TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions "President Trump Says He Is Halting FEMA Wildfire Aid To Calif." President Trump Says He Is Halting FEMA Wildfire Aid To Calif. Thank you Donald Trump for shaming and punishing our California...
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