Is there a superior alternative to the Electoral College?


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
Is there a superior alternative to the Electoral College?

During the era of stagecoaches, (even within the original 13 colonies crowded at or near our East coast), an on-site, real-time, election to choose our nation's president was much less feasible, if not highly unfeasible. It's difficult enough to sort out all of the political nominees within each individual state. Unlike the multitude of members within each of our federal legislative chambers, we elect only a single president to serve us during the term of office.

Fewer voters chose President Trump, rather than candidate Hillary Clinton.

I'm a populist, I was and I continue to be opposed to Donald Trump. I do not wish to eliminate the Electoral College unless and until we can replace it with something superior to it. President Donald Trump is the current president of the United States; get over it.

Respectfully, Supposn
The electoral college was genius.
Our founders were geniuses. They had their faults but they created the best govt document in history
Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote
One-page explanation (PDF)

The National Popular Vote interstate compact would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The bill ensures that every vote, in every state, will matter in every presidential election. The National Popular Vote bill preserves the Electoral College and state control of elections.

The National Popular Vote bill has been enacted by 13 jurisdictions possessing 181 electoral votes, including four small jurisdictions (RI, VT, HI, DC), five medium- size states (CO, CT, MD, MA, WA), and four big states (NJ, IL, NY, CA). The bill will take effect when enacted by states with 89 more electoral votes. The bill is on the governor's desk in Delaware and New Mexico. The bill has previously passed at least one chamber in 8 additional states with 72 more electoral votes. A total of 3,125 state legislators from all 50 states have endorsed it.

The shortcomings of the current system of electing the President stem from “winner-take-all” laws that have been enacted by state legislatures in 48 states. These laws award all of a state’s electoral votes to the candidate receiving the most popular votes in each state.

Because of these state winner-take-all statutes, presidential candidates have no reason to pay attention to the issues of concern to voters in states where the statewide outcome is a foregone conclusion. In 2012, as shown on the map, all of the 253 general-election campaign events were in just 12 states, and two-thirds were in just 4 states (Ohio, Florida, Virginia, and Iowa). Thirty-eight states were completely ignored.
Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote
Is there a superior alternative to the Electoral College?

During the era of stagecoaches, (even within the original 13 colonies crowded at or near our East coast), an on-site, real-time, election to choose our nation's president was much less feasible, if not highly unfeasible. It's difficult enough to sort out all of the political nominees within each individual state. Unlike the multitude of members within each of our federal legislative chambers, we elect only a single president to serve us during the term of office.

Fewer voters chose President Trump, rather than candidate Hillary Clinton.

I'm a populist, I was and I continue to be opposed to Donald Trump. I do not wish to eliminate the Electoral College unless and until we can replace it with something superior to it. President Donald Trump is the current president of the United States; get over it.

Respectfully, Supposn

The EC was formed when people rode on horses and used candles for lighting their homes, grew their own food in the backyard and never ventured more than a few miles from where they were born... in their entire lives.

The Elector would ride out to these remote area and gather a consensus. Not an actual vote per individual. It's wildly outdated.

We have something superior. But we don't use it. It's called the individual secretaries of state who gather all the votes from their respective counties and are responsible for reporting to the FEC.

And I'd be willing to go back to PAPER ballots even if it takes two weeks to count them.

Better two weeks of not knowing than four years of someone who didn't win the vote.
Is there a superior alternative to the Electoral College?

During the era of stagecoaches, (even within the original 13 colonies crowded at or near our East coast), an on-site, real-time, election to choose our nation's president was much less feasible, if not highly unfeasible. It's difficult enough to sort out all of the political nominees within each individual state. Unlike the multitude of members within each of our federal legislative chambers, we elect only a single president to serve us during the term of office.

Fewer voters chose President Trump, rather than candidate Hillary Clinton.

I'm a populist, I was and I continue to be opposed to Donald Trump. I do not wish to eliminate the Electoral College unless and until we can replace it with something superior to it. President Donald Trump is the current president of the United States; get over it.

Respectfully, Supposn
Donald Trump won the popular vote in 49 states Lol

Don't worry, Trump Sheeple.
If Donald wins reelection, your fate living in an authoritarian dystopia is almost 100% assured.
Bow down to your Master, Sheeple.
Is there a superior alternative to the Electoral College?

During the era of stagecoaches, (even within the original 13 colonies crowded at or near our East coast), an on-site, real-time, election to choose our nation's president was much less feasible, if not highly unfeasible. It's difficult enough to sort out all of the political nominees within each individual state. Unlike the multitude of members within each of our federal legislative chambers, we elect only a single president to serve us during the term of office.

Fewer voters chose President Trump, rather than candidate Hillary Clinton.

I'm a populist, I was and I continue to be opposed to Donald Trump. I do not wish to eliminate the Electoral College unless and until we can replace it with something superior to it. President Donald Trump is the current president of the United States; get over it.

Respectfully, Supposn

Trump didn't bother to campaign in Kalifornication, New Yawk, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Illinoise, not sure about Joisey. If he campaigned there, it wasn't much. Many other places he only stopped in for a drive-by campaign for a CongressCritter. Not very serious about the entire State. New Mexihole??? Minnesota??

the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM campaigned for Ubercunt nationally, 24/7/365.

But we all know there's no bias in the LSM, right? idiots

Point being, Conservative Patriots in those States don't even bother voting 75% of the time. The elections ar so rigged, they know the Electoral Votes of that State are going to whatever dimocrap scum piece of shit is running...... They don't bother.

I rally think dimocrap FILTH need to be vewy, vewy careful what they wish for here.

I really think that if Patriotic Conservatives in those areas think their voice, their vote, might actually matter.....

I think dimocrap FILTH might be shocked at the results.

And, let's have a Constitutional Convention, dimocrap scum. Let's fucking do it, shitbags.

I think you'd be in even more trouble than you are now.
for our republic there is no better system,,,

There's no better system in the world! Hah! 230+ years and we're going to change voting in America because 1 political party is butthurt over 1 election? Fuck off, bitches, political parties come and go, yet America will remain.
Considering 6 of the last 7 popular votes have gone democrat id say it’s working just like it should. Having the same ideology in place for 24 straight years is scary
Is there a superior alternative to the Electoral College?

During the era of stagecoaches, (even within the original 13 colonies crowded at or near our East coast), an on-site, real-time, election to choose our nation's president was much less feasible, if not highly unfeasible. It's difficult enough to sort out all of the political nominees within each individual state. Unlike the multitude of members within each of our federal legislative chambers, we elect only a single president to serve us during the term of office.

Fewer voters chose President Trump, rather than candidate Hillary Clinton.

I'm a populist, I was and I continue to be opposed to Donald Trump. I do not wish to eliminate the Electoral College unless and until we can replace it with something superior to it. President Donald Trump is the current president of the United States; get over it.

Respectfully, Supposn
Donald Trump won the popular vote in 49 states Lol

Take away a couple of LA counties and Donald Trump won the popular vote PERIOD. Get over it folks. Hillary lost.
So OP sounds like you are for popular counties not the popular vote of the country

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