Is Ann Coulter working with Vladimir Putin?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Is Ann Coulter working with Vladimir Putin?

Donald Trump is doing what Ann Coulter says and he shut down our government.

So we know Vladimir Putin wants the United States destroyed.

And we know that Republicans see Vladimir Putin has a strong leader and many want him for president even though the former head of the Soviet based KGB wasn’t born here.

So is it a coincidence that Ann Coulter and Vladimir Putin are both trying to bring down the United States? One from within and one from outside?
Is Ann Coulter working with Vladimir Putin?

Donald Trump is doing what Ann Coulter says and he shut down our government.

So we know Vladimir Putin wants the United States destroyed.

And we know that Republicans see Vladimir Putin has a strong leader and many want him for president even though the former head of the Soviet based KGB wasn’t born here.

So is it a coincidence that Ann Coulter and Vladimir Putin are both trying to bring down the United States? One from within and one from outside?
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Everyone not psycho, left, satanist, pedophile, faggot, atheist, NWO admirer is a Putin's friend for Presstitutes
I think Republicans have the market cornered on pedophile.

Is Rdean working with george soros?
He's probably too stupid.
Stupid people are those whom Soros just loves because Deep State keeps dumbing down American population. Look what poor kids have to learn at schools: 72 genders, feminism, etc and their poor parents have to pay big money for stuffing their children's heads with all that crap.
Why attack me?

Didn’t Ann Coulter tell Donald Trump to shut down the government?

Didn’t Trump says that the government shutdown was completely on him?

Isn’t Vladimir Putin trying to destroy the United States?

So right wingers attack me?

It makes them look like they’re working for either Vladimir Putin or Ann Coulter or both.
Why attack me?

Didn’t Ann Coulter tell Donald Trump to shut down the government?

Didn’t Trump says that the government shutdown was completely on him?

Isn’t Vladimir Putin trying to destroy the United States?

So right wingers attack me?

It makes them look like they’re working for either Vladimir Putin or Ann Coulter or both.

just as factual as...

the sun brings light to the day,
the moon brings light to the night,


the moon is never seen during the day.
Why attack me?
*Because you're dumber than a bag of hammers.....But rather than just suffer your stupidity in silence, you come here and tee yourself up for ridicule.

Didn’t Ann Coulter tell Donald Trump to shut down the government?
I don't listen to the guy, so I can't say.

Didn’t Trump says that the government shutdown was completely on him?
Yes, but what does that have to do with the Coulter dude?

Isn’t Vladimir Putin trying to destroy the United States?

If that's true, what does that have to do with the Coulter guy?

So right wingers attack me?
* ^^^
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And Coulter is going to be on Bill Maher this Friday.

Will she make the show or will she cancel?

Seems she’s been hiding lately.

Probably from government workers.

Can you imagine Ann Coulter trying to go through a checkpoint right now?
If post # 2 in this thread is really a person living in, or born in Russia, those who support him may very well be agent provocateurs supporting Russia, and there form of government - despotism; or simply easily led fools.

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