
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015
#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Trump, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris.png

Should President Donald J. Trump Voluntarily Step Down From Public Office?

Unfortunately, like his presidential predecessors, Donald Trump chooses to ignore our Nation's *Child Care* Public Health Crisis primarily responsible for perfectly healthy American newborns maturing into angry, frustrated, emotionally troubled teen and adult citizens largely lacking compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful or less fortunate neighbors.

Sadly, many abused, maltreated and traumatized kids, who THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN are intentionally introduced to an UNHEALTHY impoverished family and community upbringing, are raised to HATE, or experience HATE from day one.

The late 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) and Gun Violence Victim Tupac Shakur's often misinterpreted, much ignored T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment & Maltreatment *AWARENESS-PREVENTION* Public Service Announcement applies to American and foreign born citizens of ALL backgrounds:

T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. - "The HATE U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE"* ~Tupac Shakur, American Urban-TRUTH-Teller

And what I find even sadder, is witnessing my fellow citizen of all backgrounds frightened to the bone of being called 'RACIST, White Supremacist, C**N, Sell-Out or Uncle Tom' if they address WHO exactly is responsible for raising children and teens experiencing or embracing HATE.

As a reasonably responsible American citizen, regrettably, I would like to see President Donald J. Trump voluntarily resign from office and take the bold step of naming as his successor, 'SOULutions' oriented Child Abuse Awareness, PREVENTION & Education Advocate, California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, FAAP, MPH, Founder and CEO of the 'Center for Youth Wellness'.

Dr Nadine Burke Harris youth wellness_02.png

If you agree, please Like this writing and forward it to President Donald J. Trump!

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations


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#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Should President Donald J. Trump Voluntarily Step Down From Public Office?

Unfortunately, like his presidential predecessors, Donald Trump chooses to ignore our Nation's *Child Care* Public Health Crisis primarily responsible for perfectly healthy American newborns maturing into angry, frustrated, emotionally troubled teen and adult citizens largely lacking compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful or less fortunate neighbors.

Sadly, many abused, maltreated and traumatized kids, who THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN are intentionally introduced to an UNHEALTHY impoverished family and community upbringing, are raised to HATE, or experience HATE from day one.

The late 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) and Gun Violence Victim Tupac Shakur's often misinterpreted, much ignored T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment & Maltreatment *AWARENESS-PREVENTION* Public Service Announcement applies to American and foreign born citizens of ALL backgrounds:

T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. - "The HATE U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE"* ~Tupac Shakur, American Urban-TRUTH-Teller

And what I find even sadder, is witnessing my fellow citizen of all backgrounds frightened to the bone of being called 'RACIST, White Supremacist, C**N, Sell-Out or Uncle Tom' if they address WHO exactly is responsible for raising children and teens experiencing or embracing HATE.

As a reasonably responsible American citizen, regrettably, I would like to see President Donald J. Trump voluntarily resign from office and take the bold step of naming as his successor, 'SOULutions' oriented Child Abuse Awareness, PREVENTION & Education Advocate, California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, FAAP, MPH, Founder and CEO of the 'Center for Youth Wellness'.

If you agree, please Like this writing and forward it to President Donald J. Trump!

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

Not sure what you are actually trying to accomplish but no he should not. The last fellow in the White House should have stepped down or been thrown out.
Why should Trump do that? So the globalists can get back to turning us all into mindless serfs? No!

I get it, you like this Nadine Burke, but do you really think it would be good if she was running the USA? Wouldn't her talents be better utilized doing something else?
Why should Trump do that?

Because the level of hatred and division in this country has multiplied exponentially since Putin got him elected.
Trump should resign for the good of the nation.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Obama is the one who divided the nation
--so, a POTUS is fairly/legally elected in the US and just because those who did not vote for him want him to step down--he should????!!!!!!!!!???????!!

....you people are like NAZIS/Banana Republics/Saddam/Idi Amin---you don't want fair/legal/American elections

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