Your.. Political 3 Wishes

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
First my just 3....:wtf:

1) The government will finally get the message that they work for us and not for their re-election.

2) Government control over the American people will be greatly diminished.

3) We will have divided government in the next election with Republicans and Independents taking over the House and Senate.
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1. That every bill begins with the words "This bill is Constitutional under 'insert relevant section of the Constitution that grants the Government the authority to enact bill'.

2. No Special Interests. The only 'special interest' group acceptable is 'We, The People'.

3. That no further back door deals, pork, and kickbacks are tolerated.

And...... most importantly.....

1. That 'We, The People' recognize that our best interests are not served by stupid, partisan bickering and pathetic point scoring. The Democrats are corrupt. The Republicans are corrupt. Neither side is worthy of your vote. Get smart and stop allowing these corrupt assholes to destroy our once great nation. I don't just blame the politicians, I blame Americans.
I wish for a credible third party presence in the House and Senate that will make it nearly impossible to pass any new laws except those that truly have a consensus.
1. That every bill begins with the words "This bill is Constitutional under 'insert relevant section of the Constitution that grants the Government the authority to enact bill'.

2. No Special Interests. The only 'special interest' group acceptable is 'We, The People'.

3. That no further back door deals, pork, and kickbacks are tolerated.

And...... most importantly.....

1. That 'We, The People' recognize that our best interests are not served by stupid, partisan bickering and pathetic point scoring. The Democrats are corrupt. The Republicans are corrupt. Neither side is worthy of your vote. Get smart and stop allowing these corrupt assholes to destroy our once great nation. I don't just blame the politicians, I blame Americans.

1. the constitution doesn't work like that. we aren't a code state. you'd have to attach caselaw, too. THAT is what a common law country is. it also isn't the province of the legislature to rule on constitutionality.

2. the special interests bus left the gate the day the corporatists sitting on the USSC decided that corps are people with first amendment rights to free speech. what should have happened was complete election finance reform.

3. The country started with backdoor deals. otherwise slavery would have been outlawed from the beginning.

and you people forget that 'we the people' are the ones who voted for THIS government. YOU voted against it. so when you say that 'we the people' stuff, all it says to me is that you are resentful you lost.

I agree that people should stop voting against their own interests...

that way we never have anyone like bush as president again. :thup:
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1. That every bill begins with the words "This bill is Constitutional under 'insert relevant section of the Constitution that grants the Government the authority to enact bill'.

2. No Special Interests. The only 'special interest' group acceptable is 'We, The People'.

3. That no further back door deals, pork, and kickbacks are tolerated.

And...... most importantly.....

1. That 'We, The People' recognize that our best interests are not served by stupid, partisan bickering and pathetic point scoring. The Democrats are corrupt. The Republicans are corrupt. Neither side is worthy of your vote. Get smart and stop allowing these corrupt assholes to destroy our once great nation. I don't just blame the politicians, I blame Americans.

the constitution doesn't work like that. we aren't a code state. you'd have to attach caselaw, too. THAT is what a common law country is.

2. the special interests bus left the gate the day the corporatists sitting on the USSC decided that corps are people with first amendment rights to free speech. what should have happened was complete election finance reform.

3. The country started with backdoor deals. otherwise slavery would have been outlawed from the beginning.

and you people forget that 'we the people' are the ones who voted for THIS government. YOU voted against it. so when you say that 'we the people' stuff, all it says to me is that you are resentful you lost.

I agree that people should stop voting against their own interests...

that way we never have anyone like bush as president again. :thup:

Excuses, not reasons.

I'm really not interested in what you think on my stances, mo chara. There is no need to waste your time thinking you can educate me on the Constitution.

Nor am I interested in who did what to whom in the past. The 'Mom, they did it too' is not acceptable to me.

Nor am I interested in which party does what to whom. Both are full of fucking idiots. I don't vote for fucking idiots... no matter what letter they wear.
1. Repeal the 16th Amendment, this will close the IRS and have the States go back to funding the Gubbamint

2. End, privatize or turn over to the states any Program not specifically enumerated in the Constitution (Adios Tennessee Valley Authority, Rural Electrification, ObamaCare)

3. Make Congress part-time, unpaid work and have them meet only once a month like the local zoning Board.

Number one would be to rule the world.

Number two, is that Political candidates be vetted (sort of like Juries) and have to know NOTHING about Politics, in order to be elected.

And three, ban lobbying while simultaneously enforcing that candidates must fulfill their actual promises. Therefore, the voters are the "lobbyists" and they get exactly what they voted for.
First my just 3....:wtf:

1) The government will finally get the message that they work for us and not for their re-election.

They got the message.

They just happen to know it isn't true.

2) Government control over the American people will be greatly diminished.

For the corporations, they already have become liberals.

For the rest of us? We're essantially serfs.

3) We will have divided government in the next election with Republicans and Independents taking over the House and Senate.

Yeah more good cop/bad cop shadowpuppet threater

That'll accomplish exactly nothing.
1) Balanced budget amendment to the constitution
2) Term Limits
3) Flat Tax system that simplifies the code, and ensures every citizen pays the same rate on every dollar earned

Many more besides that that would require more wishes... but these have to be the starting points to get the others done
1. That every bill begins with the words "This bill is Constitutional under 'insert relevant section of the Constitution that grants the Government the authority to enact bill'.

2. No Special Interests. The only 'special interest' group acceptable is 'We, The People'.

3. That no further back door deals, pork, and kickbacks are tolerated.

And...... most importantly.....

1. That 'We, The People' recognize that our best interests are not served by stupid, partisan bickering and pathetic point scoring. The Democrats are corrupt. The Republicans are corrupt. Neither side is worthy of your vote. Get smart and stop allowing these corrupt assholes to destroy our once great nation. I don't just blame the politicians, I blame Americans.

1. the constitution doesn't work like that. we aren't a code state. you'd have to attach caselaw, too. THAT is what a common law country is. it also isn't the province of the legislature to rule on constitutionality.

2. the special interests bus left the gate the day the corporatists sitting on the USSC decided that corps are people with first amendment rights to free speech. what should have happened was complete election finance reform.

3. The country started with backdoor deals. otherwise slavery would have been outlawed from the beginning.

and you people forget that 'we the people' are the ones who voted for THIS government. YOU voted against it. so when you say that 'we the people' stuff, all it says to me is that you are resentful you lost.

I agree that people should stop voting against their own interests...

that way we never have anyone like bush as president again. :thup:

Obama would never have gotten in if people would vote for whats the right thing and not the fashion of the moment. He is an empty suit, a Chicago thug that bribed and threatened his way into the Senate. He used back door deals to win the Primary against Hilary and he does NOT represent what MOST Americans want as their President. QUIT drinking the Koolaid. Bush won BOTH times because you dumb ass Democrats gave the Country NO CHOICE. In 2004 Bush should have lost, that is until you dumb as rock fucks nominated Kerry. The one sure way to ensure Bush won. As for 2000 Gore was a thief and was caught red handed taking cash from the Chinese. Anyone with half a brain knew better then to vote for him.

The Democrats are the reason we had 8 years of Bush. Because of your dumb ass retarded picks as to who to run for President. The Democrats are the reason we now have Obama, because "oohhh look we can elect the first black man as President" The Democrats and the Press REFUSED to do their Job in 2008 and NO ONE vetted this President. And every time something came up you and the press resorted to the " you are racist cause he is black" routine. And you CONTINUE to play that card. Though now you have added the claim that conservatives are stupid and terrorists.

Jillian you have nothing. Obama is a waste of space. he is NOT a good President, he has violated our laws and has not got a clue how to lead. He is spending this Country into ruin. Bush may have doubled the deficit in 8 YEARS, but Obama will do it again in 4. And you do NOT CARE. Talk about partisan.


Bush gets skewered in the press because of a Mayor and Governor's fuck up with Katrina and you give Obama a PASS for doing NOTHING about this oil leak. TALK about Partisan.

Every thing you type is PARTISAN.
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Id like to see stronger states rights , and a much weaker federal government, Seems everything is based on getting what you can from other tax payers to bringing home the bacon and throwing our weight around over seas. End foreign aid and nation building.

This grows the federal governments power , turning the USA into a homogeneous mess. The American strip mall.

I doubt California would be in the same financial trouble it is , if didn’t have to pay for things in other states.

The federal government should insure reciprocity , and equal protection under the law against discrimination based natural rights ,on matters outside behavior .

There should be borders, If one state wants to outlaw or permit something , the Federal government should stay out of it, let the people vote with their feet.

Voters in states should be allowed to shape their local state government based on matters of conscience .

Its an imperfect vision But perhaps a solution to the unending petty bickering over drugs, abortion , gay marriage and immigration .
1. Require the Congress to cite on EVERY Bill the provision of the Constitution that gives them the power to enact any such Bill.

2. Shut down all the Unconstitutional programs and Government entities that now exist. Requiring EVERY current out lay of money for any purpose be marked with the section of the Constitution that allows the Government that power to spend OUR money.

3. Flat tax for EVERY thing.
First my just 3....:wtf:

1) The government will finally get the message that they work for us and not for their re-election.

2) Government control over the American people will be greatly diminished.

3) We will have divided government in the next election with Republicans and Independents taking over the House and Senate.

Excellent start Lumpy. Here are mine:

1) 75% of all government workers get laid off, and their positions cannot be refilled.

2) 75% of all government agencies are shuttered forever.

3) All the pain of this alteration is absorbed by Big Business, especially by Big Defense Contractor, Big Pharma and Big Agriculture. Funding of the Small Business Administration is expanded 1000 xs and the other savings are used to retire the deficit.
Every single solitary bill signed into law will be followed to the T by those who wrote it; and those who voted for it; and those who signed it. No exceptions.

Term limits

Flat out Fair tax. No exceptions.

Those three things will make this country fly high.
1. Calm it down: Find a middle ground, compromise, engage in civil debate, recognize the value of the other guys opinion.

2. Ignore the noise: 24/7 news commentary, blogs, message boards all screaming partisan rhetoric, all demanding a politicians head for a minor transgression or misstated sound bite.

3. Make us proud of you: Do the right thing, do what is right for people over the long run not whatever short term gain will help you get elected
Excuses, not reasons.

I'm really not interested in what you think on my stances, mo chara. There is no need to waste your time thinking you can educate me on the Constitution.

Nor am I interested in who did what to whom in the past. The 'Mom, they did it too' is not acceptable to me.

Nor am I interested in which party does what to whom. Both are full of fucking idiots. I don't vote for fucking idiots... no matter what letter they wear.

how is the fact that the supreme court is the arbiter of constitutionality an excuse? the fact that there are people who intentionally misconstrue how the constitution is supposed to be interpreted offends me. it is distasteful and goes against everything that constitutional scholars (of which i certainly am not one) have argued about for over 200 years. yet a bunch of yahoos are suddenly going to say THEY are the only ones who know what the constitution says, means and allows. laughable.

you would do well to learn something about the constitution. I'd suggest starting with Marbury versus madison.

i'm also not certain what the view that everyone in government sucks (except for your own suckish people, of course) has to do with properly construing the constitution?

the FACT is that the legislature wouldn't know if something was constitutional if it bit them on the butt... same as YOU haven't a clue as to what is constitutional. That's what constitutional scholars are for. And putting Article II or commerce clause or whatever other secrtion you think applies does nothing to change that. So it's meaningless... and panders only to the pretend constitutionalists who think the constitution is some fundie's bible, without a clue as to its actual purposes.

i'm not sure what the 'mom they did it too comment' has to do with anything other than as a means for you not to acknowledge reality and fess up to the hypocrisy of the right. If you're referring to the fact that politicians always made deals, well that's how things get done... same as they did when the country was formed. And y'all are always the ones running around shrieking about original intent...... not me.

I don't put much stock in original intent when the constitution wasn't even construed that way when they were alive....and certainly a bunch of slave-owning, landed gentry shouldn't be used to make determinations about civil liberties now.
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1) Everyone would have the desire to govern themselves

2) Politicians would not usurp power but honestly keep their oaths.

3) People would be honest about reality instead of trying to spin it toward their parties benefit.
1) Balanced budget amendment to the constitution
2) Term Limits
3) Flat Tax system that simplifies the code, and ensures every citizen pays the same rate on every dollar earned

Many more besides that that would require more wishes... but these have to be the starting points to get the others done

DiamondDave dear, do the math on a balanced federal budget. There are around 300 Million US residents. About 200 Million are taxpayers. The deficit NOW is at:


The Outstanding Public Debt as of 28 May 2010 at 02:42:57 PM GMT is:

$12, 994,227, 159, 751.77

The estimated population of the United States is 308,456,982
so each citizen's share of this debt is $42,126.55.

The National Debt has continued to increase an average of
$4.10 billion per day since September 28, 2007!
U.S. National Debt Clock

In order to retire the deficit and balance the budget immediately the government would need to tax us at the rate of approximately $635,000 per person. That's slightly more than I hope to earn this year.

"Balance the budget" is bullshit sloganering.
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