Woman who miscarried charged with a crime.

I do not dip shit keyboard commandos. There was no crime committed. YOU and YOUR MAGA MAGGOT NUM NUTS cultists do not give two shits about a baby after it is born. A Woman has a right to control her body, her body.....her choice.

Should read as, "I do fear dip shit keyboard commandos." You think that earth trembles under you feet. All you are is a person who needs to feel powerful by threatening others. Unlike I do NOT fall on my knees in adulation to Communist Loving Rapist and Traitor
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That isn't what happened.
Of course it is. Or was Brittany Watts just lying?
Watts had been admitted to the Catholic hospital twice that week with vaginal bleeding, but she left without being treated. A nurse told the 911 dispatcher that Watts returned no longer pregnant on that Friday. She said Watts told her, “the baby’s in her backyard in a bucket,” and that she didn't want to have a child.
Incels hate Women, they feel demeaned and rejected. Their vengence is wanting to control the bodies of those who rejected them.
Nothing especially bad was done to this woman. She received plenty of sympathy. But she has to answer for what she did, like anyone else.

She did not need sympathy, she needed medical care and was refused that care. She went home and had sit on a toilet. That ain't sympathy shit for brains.
Incels hate Women, they feel demeaned and rejected. Their vengence is wanting to control the bodies of those who rejected them.

She did not need sympathy, she needed medical care and was refused that care. She went home and had sit on a toilet. That ain't sympathy shit for brains.
She didn't want to wait. No one told her to leave. She is not being prosecuted for having a miscarriage or anything to do with abortion. The charge is abuse of a corpse. Which she certainly did do.
Frigid Fetus Fetish

Catholics have to believe a sperm cell is a baby. Christofascists are almost as uptight, irrational, unnatural, and repressed about sex.

Your side's handlers are giving you a hand-job. I hope you enjoy that substitute for a healthy sex drive.
The mother called the child her BABY.

Its rotting meat now. When you have a miscarriage you can have a funeral, ceremony, throw a party, whatever. Quit trying to control women.
The Catholics Would Give Last Rites to Used Condoms

To be consistent, the Christian mullahs would make funerals and burial for miscarriages a religious obligation. But they don't dare to, because it would reveal how silly and weird they are.

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