Trump plans audacious Bronx rally but congressman says his borough won't be fooled

So wtf was Feeble Fuck Indiana talking about?
Watch out Liability doesn't come after you claiming--

Wow. Another off topic insult from the meathead -- dead from the neck up.

How completely expected.

I wonder how the meathead’s latest off topic troll post relates to the thread topic?

Oh. That’s right. It doesn’t. The meathead may have an exemption from that “rule.”
Watch out Liability doesn't come after you claiming--

Wow. Another off topic insult from the meathead -- dead from the neck up.

How completely expected.

I wonder how the meathead’s latest off topic troll post relates to the thread topic?

Oh. That’s right. It doesn’t. The meathead may have an exemption from that “rule.”
I told you to refer to me as Theseus.
Now he is thinking outside the box.

If Trump is able to garner a crowd in deep blue districts, it will send alarm bells to those who targeted him in NY. If even one district swings to GOP that otherwise wouldn't have, it would be a worthwhile political payback. Furthermore, this could have a trickle down effect.

Of course, Biden can also hold a rally in similar deep red districts...

Deep blue New York is in play.

In a major throwdown to Democrats, former President Trump will host a campaign rally in the Bronx on Thursday as he sets his sights on flipping the Empire State red this November, a situation that would have been unfathomable in 2021 when he departed the White House.

Trump’s campaign announced Friday night that Thursday’s rally will take place at 6 p.m. in Crotona Park, a 127-acre public park just blocks away from the boundary line of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s district. The New York Post reports that the campaign has a permit to fit 3,500 people into the space.

Look at the line to get in!

I don't know how they got a complete count of those for Trump's NJ rally but RSBN panned the crowd in all directions several times as I watched it live and there were people as far as you could see.
Because it is a public beach. And it was daytime.

5 events at the beach that day.

Yes, you were lied to.
A congressman says his borough "won't be fooled"? So what? It's not news or even a political discussion, it's a cliche and cliches are all the left has these days.
Yeah, won't be fooled by Biden and the Democrats. Obviously, look at the huge turnout for Trump!
That's cultism for ya!

It's too bad for Trump that we count votes, not the squeals and tears of hyperventilating cultists.
You Dems will need this come November

No one knows Trump the grifter and his crooked bullshit better than his fellow New Yorkers. That's why he has never won his home state in any election.

Trump is literally wasting his breath there.
Except that his opponent:

  • is a confused old man who can’t find his way off the stage or answer a pre-screened question without reading from notes his staffers wrote
  • keeps spending unnecessarily, and increasing inflation to a 40-year high
  • enabled Iran to become rich, thereby allowing it to fund terrorist attacks against Israel
  • has opened the border to millions of illegal lowlifes who soak up the resources needed by honest Americans
  • is orchestrating lawfare to send his opponent to prison because he can’t win on policy and achievements
  • revs up racial tensions by telling blacks that America hates them
  • allows antisemitism to spiral out of control on college campuses without saying a word for 10 days
  • was caught with classified docs that he stole while he was a senator
  • has enriched his family by tens of millions by allowing them to use influence to get bribe money from Communists
No, it’s the only place he can go because he’s tethered to the courthouse.

It won’t even be close and you already know that
Yup, it’s a dirty, nasty trick the Dems are playing in NY to keep Trump off the campaign trail. We will have a hung jury by the end of the week, and Trump can hit the trail full-time starting this weekend.

The contrast between him and Trump is stark in this area alone. Trump has boundless energy, and Biden can barely open a beach chair.

For example, PA is definitely in play. Why doesn’t Biden take a 40-minute flight up therr and campaign? The decrepit old man can barely make it across the White House lawn!

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