*Free Assange, Let Him Go, No Charges*

No he didn't. He released information embarrassing to the powers that should not be.

Listen Russian Troll. That shit for brains idiot released classified infomation. Your Russian Troll lies will not work. In our country we know lies when they are told us.

Go kiss Papa Putin's ass.
Listen Russian Troll. That shit for brains idiot released classified infomation. Your Russian Troll lies will not work. In our country we know lies when they are told us.

Go kiss Papa Putin's ass.
Information that was classified to protect politicians, not national security.
Remember the two ladies who were "raped" by Assange in Sweden? They signed a pledge.
This pledge allows for all sorts of goodies to be consumed through government funded funds. The ladies from Sweden traveled the planet with funds administered by the U.S. government.
And when asked, they gave Asange a night's lodging and reported the rape to a recommended reliable lesbian, serving as a Crown prosecutor.
Such schemes have been well described by Graham Greene, who knows the workings of the intelligence services from the inside.

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