Zone1 why the Catholic Church deserves to lose many many members ....

That's why .....

  • because Catholic priests are not allowed to marry

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • because women are not allowed to become Catholic priests

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • because so many priests molested children

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • because so many bishops were helping those child molesters instead of helping the children

    Votes: 4 50.0%
  • still other reasons

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • I dis-agree

    Votes: 4 50.0%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
May 29, 2023

why the Catholic Church deserves to lose many many members ....​

I can give you 4 reasons - maybe you know even more ....

why the Catholic Church deserves to lose many many members ....​

I can give you 4 reasons - maybe you know even more ....
i looked at a few dissertations involving pedophelia by working all industries the rate of diddling was around 3.5% per occupation meaning what it is....the priesthoosd was slightly higher at 3.7, statistically not that significant

now what does that tell you?.........we'll work in riddles
i looked at a few dissertations involving pedophelia by working all industries the rate of diddling was around 3.5% per occupation meaning what it is....the priesthoosd was slightly higher at 3.7, statistically not that significant

now what does that tell you?.........we'll work in riddles
"statistically not that significant"..................except to the victims.
"statistically not that significant"..................except to the victims.
So what about school teachers then? They are statistically the highest when it comes to sexually abusing children, and it’s not even close.

"statistically not that significant"..................except to the victims.
hey Medusa? always wait for me to post wagging your tail???

of course the victims is the same in every industry

you guys should celebrate grooming priests and clergy singing praises....pfffftttttt
I can give you 4 reasons - maybe you know even more ....
The only reason any church "deserves" to lose members is if it fails to draw people closer to God and to their fellowman.

Church also requires effort by each member who is a disciple of Jesus. Not going to go to church because of what some person--or entity--is taking one's eyes and focus off God, the ways of God that Jesus taught and is simply looking for any excuse not to bother.

Church is not about what someone else is doing wrong. It is about what members are doing right in serving God. But gossip is so much more titillating, isn't it.

why the Catholic Church deserves to lose many many members ....​

I can give you 4 reasons - maybe you know even more ....

I will tell you the root of all of those evils.

When I was in the second grade, the age of reason, children were taught to memorize the ten commandments with clear instruction that to violate these commands would result in death, hades, and destruction, in that order. I asked what was a craven image and the nun told me that it was wrong to worship anything made by human hands. Seemed sensible to me. But next when I was learning about mass and the eucharist I sat there in church and saw and heard with my own eyes and ears the priest openly proclaim, "This bread, made by human hands, will become for 'us' the body of Christ and then everyone fell to their knees in the deranged adoration of a matzo.

Thats when I saw that the Law of God was real. People who knowingly did this lost their minds.

Then I learned that Rome used 'the power of death' to subjugate the nations. And this was how.

So the reason that the church deserves to lose members is because they openly teach people to set aside the Divine commands which amounts to murder, all for a nominal service charge (10% of your income for life, your weekly spare change, the ability to think rationally, and all of your children) . Its a scam. An ancient Roman joke, defying the God of Israel, by worshiping a trinity, and desecrating the Body of Christ's teaching, by instructing people to seek eternal spiritual life by eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands and worshipping it, causing their 'death' by rendering their rational mind useless, a practice based on Mithraism, a Babylonian "mystery religion" that is the mother of every abomination on earth.

Screw Church. It has become the habitation of every sort of foul and loathsome beast and bird.
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So what about school teachers then? They are statistically the highest when it comes to sexually abusing children, and it’s not even close.

View attachment 799831
You are comparing a public school system that doesn't cover up child abuse to a religious one that does cover up and hide child abuse. So your point doesn't work. You are also forgetting that there a countless other religions and denominations in the U.S. that have been discovered to also be covering up and hiding mass child abuse to protect their pedophiles.
I will tell you the root of all those evils.

When I was in the second grade, the age of reason, children were taught to memorize the ten commandments with clear instruction that to violate these commands would result in death, hades, and destruction, in that order. I asked what was a craven image and the nun told me that it was wrong to worship anything made by human hands. Seemed sensible to me. But next when I was learning about mass and the eucharist I sat there in church and saw and heard with my own eyes and ears the priest openly proclaim, "This bread, made by human hands, will become for 'us' the body of Christ and then everyone fell to their knees in the deranged adoration of a matzo.

Thats when I saw that the Law of God was real. People who knowingly did this lost their minds.
I say:

Here you are mixing up Old T. and New T.
I say:

Here you are mixing up Old T. and New T.
Thats your response? Is that really the best that you can do? Copra sanctum! Wow! :shok:

No. The Roman Church, even every single one of the over 30,000 Christian denominations, lies.

Jesus taught people to comply with Mosaic Law and it would remain in effect and in full force forever. Read it, carefully. Its a matter of eternal life or eternal death.....see Matthew 5:17-20

Do you really think its no big deal? Do you think its right for anyone to worship anything made by human hands for spiritual life that has no life and can neither hear, speak, see, or walk, ... ever?

Its a government sanctioned fraud of the greatest magnitude and a curse on all of the people.
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I will tell you the root of all of those evils.

When I was in the second grade, the age of reason, children were taught to memorize the ten commandments with clear instruction that to violate these commands would result in death, hades, and destruction, in that order. I asked what was a craven image and the nun told me that it was wrong to worship anything made by human hands. Seemed sensible to me. But next when I was learning about mass and the eucharist I sat there in church and saw and heard with my own eyes and ears the priest openly proclaim, "This bread, made by human hands, will become for 'us' the body of Christ and then everyone fell to their knees in the deranged adoration of a matzo.

Thats when I saw that the Law of God was real. People who knowingly did this lost their minds.

Then I learned that Rome used 'the power of death' to subjugate the nations. And this was how.

So the reason that the church deserves to lose members is because they openly teach people to set aside the Divine commands which amounts to murder, all for a nominal service charge (10% of your income for life, your weekly spare change, the ability to think rationally, and all of your children) . Its a scam. An ancient Roman joke, defying the God of Israel, by worshiping a trinity, and desecrating the Body of Christ's teaching, by instructing people to seek eternal spiritual life by eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands and worshipping it, causing their 'death' by rendering their rational mind useless, a practice based on Mithraism, a Babylonian "mystery religion" that is the mother of every abomination on earth.

Screw Church. It has become the habitation of every sort of foul and loathsome beast and bird.
^^ wow that is one dumb take if I have ever seen one.

Jesus commanded us to take bread and eat of it. This is the New Covenant that was promised us. If the bread isn’t made by human hands then where are we supposed to get it? Outer space?

The bread is not an “image”, it is the body of Christ.
You are comparing a public school system that doesn't cover up child abuse to a religious one that does cover up and hide child abuse. So your point doesn't work. You are also forgetting that there a countless other religions and denominations in the U.S. that have been discovered to also be covering up and hiding mass child abuse to protect their pedophiles.
Bullshit, schools cover it up all the time. Look what they do with tranny grooming now.
^^ wow that is one dumb take if I have ever seen one.

Jesus commanded us to take bread and eat of it. This is the New Covenant that was promised us. If the bread isn’t made by human hands then where are we supposed to get it? Outer space?
Us? How many of you are there? Jesus never instructed me to eat a piece of bread for spiritual life

Bread is a metaphor for teaching like manna from heaven is a metaphor for instruction from God.

You eat his flesh and drink his blood by receiving his teaching, bread from heaven, and acting on it

Life is in the blood, in the doing.

The bread is not an “image”, it is the body of Christ.
The Body of Christ is in actuality the Body of Christ's teaching, words, on how to understand the figurative language used in Divine law and how to comply that fulfills the promise of life and frees people from the burden of the law which is the curse for failure to comply, the death of sanity.

The Body of Christ is not something that you eat one day and flush down the toilet the next. Duh
Do you even have an inkling how much contempt is in that desecration of the words of Jesus?

Hate the break the news to you pal but obviously a demon screwed up your mind, probably many..
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i looked at a few dissertations involving pedophelia by working all industries the rate of diddling was around 3.5% per occupation meaning what it is....the priesthoosd was slightly higher at 3.7, statistically not that significant

now what does that tell you?.........we'll work in riddles
Indeed, the problem is the Church protecting the pedophiles. This seems to go all the way up to the Pope.
Us? How many of you are there? Jesus never instructed me to eat a piece of bread for spiritual life

Bread is a metaphor for teaching like manna from heaven is a metaphor for instruction from God.

You eat his flesh and drink his blood by receiving his teaching, bread from heaven, and acting on it

Life is in the blood, in the doing.

The Body of Christ is in actuality the Body of Christ's teaching, words, on how to understand the figurative language used in Divine law and how to comply that fulfills the promise of life and frees people from the burden of the law which is the curse for failure to comply, the death of sanity.

The Body of Christ is not something that you eat one day and flush down the toilet the next. Duh
Do you even have an inkling how much contempt is in that desecration of the words of Jesus?

Hate the break the news to you pal but obviously a demon screwed up your mind, probably many..
That's not true in Catholicism and presumably Orthodox Christianity too. They believe the eucharist is literally Jesus' body, even though it tastes like cardboard. The wine is literally Jesus' blood, even though it tastes just like wine. The act of transforming the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus is known as transubstantiation.
I'm a bad Catholic, that's why I don't go to Mass. But I believe in all of it, even the stuff most people don't like.

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