Zone1 why the Catholic Church deserves to lose many many members ....

That's why .....

  • because Catholic priests are not allowed to marry

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • because women are not allowed to become Catholic priests

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • because so many priests molested children

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • because so many bishops were helping those child molesters instead of helping the children

    Votes: 4 50.0%
  • still other reasons

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • I dis-agree

    Votes: 4 50.0%

  • Total voters
That's not true in Catholicism and presumably Orthodox Christianity too. They believe the eucharist is literally Jesus' body, even though it tastes like cardboard. The wine is literally Jesus' blood, even though it tastes just like wine.

Exactly, their teaching is vile and loathsome, their practices are degrading and insane. Not kosher.

The words that Jesus spoke, teaching that he received from God like manna from heaven became the flesh of Jesus, a new metaphor for instruction from God, bread from heaven. Hence "The Word became Flesh.", teaching from God freely given through Jesus for the life of the world.

Words that form the Body of Christ's teaching are what give life. Words cannot be handed out and eaten like a cheap snack food. This practice is a brazen desecration of the Actual Body of Christ.

The act of transforming the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus is known as transubstantiation.

Thank you. I know. Transubstantiation is just another word for bullshit.
I'm a bad Catholic, that's why I don't go to Mass. But I believe in all of it, even the stuff most people don't like.

Sounds like you are at war with yourself. Stick with being a bad catholic until you realize that being a bad catholic is a good thing. Jesus was accused of keeping "bad company" so just start a new life, free from the guilt associated with the lie that there is something inherently evil about being human, and stop pretending to believe that Jesus was an edible triune God in the flesh and died as a perfect sacrifice so believers can escape the consequences of their own words and deeds.

Its just not true. Nothing mysterious about that.

Am I telling you something that you don't already know?

why the Catholic Church deserves to lose many many members ....​

I can give you 4 reasons - maybe you know even more ....

There is only one reason: Also women have to be bishops. This is not guarantee that my church will survive nor exists any duty of women to have to save what men are not able to save - but I am sure without this step my beloved church will not survive.
i looked at a few dissertations involving pedophelia by working all industries the rate of diddling was around 3.5% per occupation meaning what it is....the priesthoosd was slightly higher at 3.7, statistically not that significant

now what does that tell you?.........we'll work in riddles

Single men are the factcor 25 - 36 more seldom envolved and also less dangerous in such sexual crimes than married men - and the deeds of the 90% homosexual deeds in context of the clerics were in a category where I personally prefer to call this "more harmless". The really horrifying crimes had been done from heterosexual men on girls and women. And - whether someone likes to hear this or not - I'm also sure it exists also many lies in this context and many manipulations. Specially in case when the accused persons are dead it is often very difficult to find anything out what defends this persons. Simple example: If I say about a dead person "he has stolen my money" then many of his friends are able to defend him with statements like "I don't think he stole anything in his life" but no one is able to say something about a concrete situation of the past whether this was real or not real.
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,,, to a religious one that does cover up and hide child abuse. ...

What's nonsense. I personally here in Germany knew nearly all cases of child abuse in my diocese before this became a neverending theme in public. Simple reason: When such a crime had happened it was written something about in the newspaper. It was shocking and so the reports were not very detailed - but clear. And our diocese made also rules what to do in such a case which are not very different from the rules which exist today. What's structurally new is only one thing: In former times the people believed someone is able to be healed from pedophilia - today we know that pedophile men have to avoid the contact to children in general because pedophilia is a stable behavioral disposition. The same is by the way also homosexuality and in case of homosexuality it is meanwhile a crime if someone likes to make a therapy to change this stable disposition of behavior. (And I said here not that homosexual men are pedophile!!!)

In 1985 for example some people of the Green political party here in Germany made a concrete legislative proposal for the human right of children to have sex with whomever they like to have sex. This was never realized - but it shows how absurde this all once had been "discussed". A European deputy for example wrote a book where a clear abuse of children was described (also about 40-50 years ago). The only reason he was some years ago not accused for this crimes was it that he said it was a lie what he wrote in this book and no one was able to find out that this statement was not true.
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I will tell you the root of all of those evils. ... Screw Church. It has become the habitation of every sort of foul and loathsome beast and bird....

Ever tried to think about that the root of all evil in your own life could be you on your own?
... Transubstantiation is just another word for bullshit.

Not really. Also normal protestants respect a consecrated bread more than only a symbol. "Transubstantiation" is a word nearly on one is able to speak out the first time without to make a mistake - but the - let me call it "idea" now - the idea behind this word is something what lives in the living heart of much more people than they often know on their own. God is with them ... by eating bread with their hearts.
You are comparing a public school system that doesn't cover up child abuse to a religious one that does cover up and hide child abuse. So your point doesn't work. You are also forgetting that there a countless other religions and denominations in the U.S. that have been discovered to also be covering up and hiding mass child abuse to protect their pedophiles.
The Baptists also covered up child molestation.
What is true?
This is the truth.

Jesus taught that the words used in the law are figurative, the subjects hidden. The command to eat my flesh and drink my blood ( a reference to kosher law) is a command to receive the teaching that Jesus received from God like bread from heaven, food for the mind, the soul, about the only right way to understand the figurative words used in the Divine law and comply with them, do it, that fulfills the promise of eternal life while dwelling within the sanctuary of God, the kingdom of heaven, now while still living on earth, not at at death, in some distant future, or at the end of time.

The Church teaches that Jesus was one third of an unequalled coequal trinity that diddled a virgin to father himself so that he could become 100% human only to be despised ridiculed, rejected and crucified as a perfect human sacrifice who can be turned into a lifeless piece of bread made by human hands by a jerk off in costume that 'believers' (the possessed) worship and eat for spiritual life even though it is not God, has no life of any kind to give, and cannot see, hear, speak or walk. Only those who participate in this degrading charade for life get to go to hebbin when they die.

This is a lie.

Any other questions?
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Not really. Also normal protestants respect a consecrated bread more than only a symbol. "Transubstantiation" is a word nearly on one is able to speak out the first time without to make a mistake - but the - let me call it "idea" now - the idea behind this word is something what lives in the living heart of much more people than they often know on their own. God is with them ... by eating bread with their hearts.

This is the truth.

Jesus taught that the words used in the law are figurative, the subjects hidden. The command to eat my flesh and drink my blood ( a reference to kosher law) is a command to receive the teaching that Jesus received from God like bread from heaven, food for the mind, the soul, about the only right way to understand the figurative words used in the Divine law and comply with them, do it, that fulfills the promise of eternal life while dwelling within the sanctuary of God, the kingdom of heaven, now while still living on earth, not at at death, in some distant future, or at the end of time.

That is what you think about.

The Church teaches that Jesus was one third of an unequalled coequal trinity that diddled a virgin to father himself so that he could become 100% human only to be despised ridiculed, rejected and crucified as a perfect human sacrifice who can be turned into a lifeless piece of bread made by human hands by a jerk off in costume that 'believers' (the possessed) worship and eat for spiritual life even though it is not God, has no life of any kind to give, and cannot see, hear, speak or walk. Only those who participate in this degrading charade for life get to go to hebbin when they die.

This is a lie.

Any other questions?

Yes. What is your religion?

What an idiotic song - better to say: What an abstrahotic song. The music is insteresting but no wonder that he did not sing this in his own language. Here a translation:

I am the heaven
I am the water
I am the dirt under (beneath) your rollers
I am your secret dirt (smut)
And lost metal money
I am down your cracks
I am down your cracks and scratches (crannies)

I am the clouds
I am embroidered
I am the author of all edges (tucks)
And damask piping
I am the chrome dinette
I am the chrome dinette
I am all kinds of eggs (eggs of all persuasions)

I am all days and nights
I am all days and nights

I am here
And you are my sofa...
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By the way: The church not teaches Jesus is a third part of god - the church teaches Jesus is god. 100% god. And she teaches Jesus is a human being. 100% human being.

Mach es wie Gott - werde menschlich!
(Make it like god - become human!)

written on a protest sign in a demonstration
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That is what you think about.

This is what I know. If you ever hope to comply with what Jesus taught you should think about it. How can anyone accept the revelation of Jesus, the Actual Body of Christ, about the commands of God if they do not understand it? How can anyone understand anything they don't think about?

If you don't want to cling to religious flotsam going nowhere in the middle of a never-ending storm in a raging sea with no food or drink or control over anything for the rest of your life think about it.

You can do it!

Yes. What is your religion?

I do not follow any known religion. My God doesn't care about diet, fashion, or the sexual preferences of consenting adults bipeds and never diddled a virgin to become a man. I worship an unknown God, in Spirit and in truth, and by doing so I am creating a new Heaven and a new Earth. New common ground upon which all people of every religion and nationality or ideology can stand together in peace as they watch the old earth sinking like a stone to the very bottom of the ocean.

For ever.
By the way: The church not teaches Jesus is a third part of god - the church teaches Jesus is god. 100% god. And she teaches Jesus is a human being. 100% human being.
Really? Each coequal third of the trinity is 100% God at the same time Jesus was 100% human?


You might as well tatooo "I am an imbecile" on your forehead. Easy prey for every wild beast and bird in this cruel and ruthless Roman wilderness of pain, wherever you are... on or under the earth.
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This is what I know.

This is what you think to know. A typical problem of atheists. For human beings exists no real criterion to make a difference between an intersubjective truth - a truth where all people agree with - or an objetive truth - a truth which is really true per se. Even our best criterions - the paradigmas for science - are "only" ülausiobekl, are only an intersubjective truth. Yesterday for example I heard a lot of things which changeg my "opinion" about solar systems - my knowledge about solar systems.

If you ever hope to comply with what Jesus taught you should think about it.

I'm not a theologists. I trust in god. I don't think about my relation to god. It is what it is. I'm thankful that thsiu relation always is "real" - even in case I don't have any light idea about what'is the will of god. I'm an agnostics who absolutelly trusts in god. That's my personal wonder.

How can anyone accept the revelation of Jesus, the Actual Body of Christ, about the commands of God if they do not understand it? How can anyone understand anything they don't think about?

Eh? Who understands god? You? If you think so, god.

If you don't want to cling to religious flotsam going nowhere in the middle of a never-ending storm in a raging sea with no food or drink or control over anything for the rest of your life think about it.

You can do it!

Good boy - you are funny to say so - that's all. God is truth. God is love. God is logos. This doesn't mean god tells anyone what's true nor that god loves anyone because he has to do so nor that only the logos rules the world although we believe everything is made from the logos. We believe this all. We believe in his truth. We believe in his love. And who likes to go the own way which leads to god respects this all. In every church sercvice we say what I translate now with the words "We do not only call us "children of god" - we are the children of god." That's why truth, love and creating logic are also a part of us - our common elements with our father in heaven, with his son on Earth and in heaven and with the Holy Spirit who blows wherever he wants to blow. That's why we are able to understand. The day before yesterday I understood the universe - my world - in another way than I did do yesterday. And this was every day in my life the same. Only god never changes because he is anyway not only true since ever. He is also always new.

I do not follow any known religion.

So you are not a Christian and in generell this also means you like to follow only your own rules. This means you need strict laws.

My God ...

Have a nice day, atheist.
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