Why do Transgender people get upset when they are not accepted?


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I fail to understand why Transgender people get upset when the large majority of the public rejects them. First off, they are pretending to be someone who they are not. No one likes to be deceived. If you are a man, then act like a man. Don't pretend to be something that you are not.!
I fail to understand why Transgender people get upset when the large majority of the public rejects them. First off, they are pretending to be someone who they are not. No one likes to be deceived. If you are a man, then act like a man. Don't pretend to be something that you are not.!
Not being a transgender or knowing any transgenders, I cannot answer for them. I can say why the idea of transgender makes me uncomfortable. I know heterosexuals, I know homosexuals--and the one thing we seem to have in common is that we are comfortable in our own skin. Playing it further, people are generally comfortable around people who are comfortable and uncomfortable around people who are uncomfortable. One question that does cross my mind is: In today's society what can one gender do that the other one cannot? Why change?
I fail to understand why Transgender people get upset when the large majority of the public rejects them. First off, they are pretending to be someone who they are not. No one likes to be deceived. If you are a man, then act like a man. Don't pretend to be something that you are not.!

Yeah, it's fraud. If they are committing fraud, of course they won't be accepted! Darn.

Well, this is one of those situations where you just have to think it thru and make a decision --- like not changing language for blacks everytime the euphemism drift switches to some other word to pretend they aren't what they are.

I won't use the word "transgender" because it assumes the answer to the question they are arguing, whether people can change sex, is yes --- but it's no, so I'll call them transvestites if it comes up. Heaven forbid. And I certainly wouldn't call a he a she: not happening.

We should just stay out of Target, that's the great thing. Target wants perverts for customers, so let them have 'em.
Who is anyone to decide what a man must act like?

Trousers are traditionally masculine but women are also wearing them but no one accuses them of transvestites. This is hypocrisy.
And who are you or anyone to decide what a man is supposed to be or act like?

A man, by definition, is a male human adult.

Whatever other social customs and conventions may apply, I think it pretty much fall under common sense and common decency that a man is not supposed to claim to be a woman, pretend to be a woman, try to appear as a woman, and demand that others recognize and treat him as a woman.
It seems to me it doesn't matter if trannies are unhappy at not being accepted: it's important what you and I decide to accept or not accept.

There are a lot of criminals who are very angry at being in jail --- they think killing that guy or raping that woman should have been accepted. I don't care what they think. There are a lot of leftist students howling at college professors and threatening violence and occupying the dean's office -- I'm sure they feel very strongly that all of this should be accepted. And you can if you want, but we all need to consider what we accept and what we don't and act on that and be consistent.

This country is very close to civil war and we each need to have it clear what side we're on.
And who are you or anyone to decide what a man is supposed to be or act like?

A man, by definition, is a male human adult.

Whatever other social customs and conventions may apply, I think it pretty much fall under common sense and common decency that a man is not supposed to claim to be a woman, pretend to be a woman, try to appear as a woman, and demand that others recognize and treat him as a woman.

Many social customs and conventions have been wrong and now no one even defends those. What I have a problem with is the expectations imposed on men, about what they should do and how they should behave, etc.
No one can convince everyone else to share his/her world view, or any other mental images. We all accept that what we see as real is not the way all others do, and sometimes no one else. Someone insisting that all around him/her join her/his reality is not something we are usually confronted with in daily life. In most situations there is give and take or give up. What makes this different? The answer doesn't seem clear.
Honestly I don’t care. I don’t think it’s at all healthy for someone to deny the truth of their gender and pretend to be otherwise. It’s even less healthy to mutilate their body to pretend. But they are accountable to God and not me. If they don’t like that it’s their issue not mine
Not being a transgender or knowing any transgenders, I cannot answer for them. I can say why the idea of transgender makes me uncomfortable. I know heterosexuals, I know homosexuals--and the one thing we seem to have in common is that we are comfortable in our own skin. Playing it further, people are generally comfortable around people who are comfortable and uncomfortable around people who are uncomfortable. One question that does cross my mind is: In today's society what can one gender do that the other one cannot? Why change?

That's a very nice question you asked.

Let me first tell you how I came across this forum, it was because of this link: NSA's covert surveillance technology

Because I felt I was being harassed by similar organizations through similar technology since 2001 and I searched for forums which might provide community support and knowledge for people facing similar harassment and that thread showed up. Even though I never falsely represented myself to be of a different gender than my biological gender, I had been harassed as having done such a thing by good-for-nothing bitches and sons of bitches. It's because of that I wanted to reply with a lot of abuses but I refrained from writing those. I think one of the causes why some people did that was because of doing something which they shouldn't do, they spied on me and one of my email addresses had female gender, this email account was originally created to order something from an International shopping site, and as I was a minor back then, I had to use one of my guardians details, but by the time I reached the point where I had to select the gender, I already selected the user ID with my name, so this account contained mismatched details. For this some of these bitches and sons of bitches were harassing me as transgender, etc, their views and opinions about me may also have been strengthened by my vehement opposition to sexual roles and what I perceived as inexcusable inequalities men suffer in passive sexuality. It makes my blood boil to no end when I'm taunted as "transgender", "transvestite", etc for speaking up. So I thought this thread was created by those same bitches and sons of bitches to lure me and taunt me. Especially because this thread came up after I made this comment: Stormy Daniels donating $130,000 to Planned Parenthood in Trump's and Cohen's name. Bless her!

There are many things that men can't do and women can, and there many things which women can't do and men can and most of these limitations are biological, some of which cannot and must not be changed.

Over time, things became better for women and now they can do more than what men can do, like for example they can live it up enjoying their passive sexuality but men can't.

Despite progressing so much I'm yet to see women adoring men, women are not creating movies, porn or mainstream, which indulges a man's passive sexuality, women are not creating magazines, photographs, etc of men as men do for women. This is inexcusable and unforgivable cruelty! What the fuck is stopping them? Men adore each and every part of women's body and celebrate it with porn movies, photos, etc but women don't do this. And men have buy flowers, open doors, pull up chairs, etc which women don't

And every time I speak about this, I'm taunted as "transgender", etc. Frankly I had enough of this, their mothers and them must be stuffed with dynamite up their anuses and blasted for this.
I am thinking it has something to do with being able to get a job, being welcome by family, friends, etc. You know basic ability to function within society.

Why not?
I am thinking it has something to do with being able to get a job, being welcome by family, friends, etc. You know basic ability to function within society.

Why not?

Was your reply directed me or the thread at general? I'm guessing the thread, since you haven't quoted me.

I think one can get a job, be welcomed by family, friends, etc and function within society being either gender. Why change gender for these?
I am thinking it has something to do with being able to get a job, being welcome by family, friends, etc. You know basic ability to function within society.

Why not?

Was your reply directed me or the thread at general? I'm guessing the thread, since you haven't quoted me.

I think one can get a job, be welcomed by family, friends, etc and function within society being either gender. Why change gender for these?

No, I was replying to the op.

That was my point either...My point was transgenders are discriminated against by society in those ways and life would be so much easier for them if they were accepted.
That's a very nice question you asked.

Let me first tell you how I came across this forum, it was because of this link: NSA's covert surveillance technology

Because I felt I was being harassed by similar organizations through similar technology since 2001 and I searched for forums which might provide community support and knowledge for people facing similar harassment and that thread showed up. Even though I never falsely represented myself to be of a different gender than my biological gender, I had been harassed as having done such a thing by good-for-nothing bitches and sons of bitches. It's because of that I wanted to reply with a lot of abuses but I refrained from writing those. I think one of the causes why some people did that was because of doing something which they shouldn't do, they spied on me and one of my email addresses had female gender, this email account was originally created to order something from an International shopping site, and as I was a minor back then, I had to use one of my guardians details, but by the time I reached the point where I had to select the gender, I already selected the user ID with my name, so this account contained mismatched details. For this some of these bitches and sons of bitches were harassing me as transgender, etc, their views and opinions about me may also have been strengthened by my vehement opposition to sexual roles and what I perceived as inexcusable inequalities men suffer in passive sexuality. It makes my blood boil to no end when I'm taunted as "transgender", "transvestite", etc for speaking up. So I thought this thread was created by those same bitches and sons of bitches to lure me and taunt me. Especially because this thread came up after I made this comment: Stormy Daniels donating $130,000 to Planned Parenthood in Trump's and Cohen's name. Bless her!

There are many things that men can't do and women can, and there many things which women can't do and men can and most of these limitations are biological, some of which cannot and must not be changed.

Over time, things became better for women and now they can do more than what men can do, like for example they can live it up enjoying their passive sexuality but men can't.

Despite progressing so much I'm yet to see women adoring men, women are not creating movies, porn or mainstream, which indulges a man's passive sexuality, women are not creating magazines, photographs, etc of men as men do for women. This is inexcusable and unforgivable cruelty! What the fuck is stopping them? Men adore each and every part of women's body and celebrate it with porn movies, photos, etc but women don't do this. And men have buy flowers, open doors, pull up chairs, etc which women don't

And every time I speak about this, I'm taunted as "transgender", etc. Frankly I had enough of this, their mothers and them must be stuffed with dynamite up their anuses and blasted for this.

Thank you for the thoughtful response. I am still a little puzzled because I, personally, always believed I was more than just a gender, more than just a sexual being. It never occurred to me to focus on either. Naturally, sex and gender are a part of I am--but not the biggest nor the greatest part. Perhaps I had my hands full just trying to become a better person.
My male roommate's boyfriend is really a girl, and a very cute girl at that.
Thank you for the thoughtful response. I am still a little puzzled because I, personally, always believed I was more than just a gender, more than just a sexual being. It never occurred to me to focus on either. Naturally, sex and gender are a part of I am--but not the biggest nor the greatest part. Perhaps I had my hands full just trying to become a better person.

I don't know if you are being sarcastic by the bolded part. I also don't know if you are a boy or a girl(but I'm leaning towards you being a girl because of your user ID), I don't think it has anything to do with you trying to become a better person, and it has everything to do with the kind of childhood you lived, the needs you were able to satisfy, if you were able to satisfy both your passive and active sexuality when they were strong, this would have alleviated you of those needs and be freed from them. If you are a girl you have no right to push that argument, because women live in a state in the society, where there needs satisfied wholesomely and holistically.

People who can't satisfy these needs, their need get carried on into every other following stage of their lives, and they keep on suffering.
I don't know if you are being sarcastic by the bolded part. I also don't know if you are a boy or a girl(but I'm leaning towards you being a girl because of your user ID), I don't think it has anything to do with you trying to become a better person, and it has everything to do with the kind of childhood you lived, the needs you were able to satisfy, if you were able to satisfy both your passive and active sexuality when they were strong, this would have alleviated you of those needs and be freed from them. If you are a girl you have no right to push that argument, because women live in a state in the society, where there needs satisfied wholesomely and holistically.

People who can't satisfy these needs, their need get carried on into every other following stage of their lives, and they keep on suffering.

I was being sincere, not sarcastic. I have one perspective, but there are millions of other perspectives equally as valid. I was interested in your perspective and all you explained, and I thank you.

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