Why do republicans continue to delude themselves by believing they are Christian?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Sure, they call themselves Christian, but their “I got mine - fuck everyone else” philosophy on politics exposes them as frauds. They just call themselves Christians because it gives them the undeserved warm and fuzzies.

In truth, they idolize the just as fictional Republican Jesus

Sure, they call themselves Christian, but their “I got mine - fuck everyone else” philosophy on politics exposes them as frauds. They just call themselves Christians because it gives them the undeserved warm and fuzzies.

/——-/ Progs philosophy is fuck you and give me all you got.
Sure, they call themselves Christian, but their “I got mine - fuck everyone else” philosophy on politics exposes them as frauds. They just call themselves Christians because it gives them the undeserved warm and fuzzies.

In truth, they idolize the just as fictional Republican Jesus


And that is it in a nutshell, they aren't Christians. They in fact act in all ways opposite of what Christ said and did.
No one is denied healthcare.
All countries control their border crossings and control their immigration.
The food stamp program is shrinking because their are fewer poor people.
Sure, they call themselves Christian, but their “I got mine - fuck everyone else” philosophy on politics exposes them as frauds. They just call themselves Christians because it gives them the undeserved warm and fuzzies.

In truth, they idolize the just as fictional Republican Jesus


Government is only God in your pathetic world ... :thup:

Republican Christians reject the New Testament, and have a way shittier attitude about the Old Testament than Jews do.
Sure, they call themselves Christian, but their “I got mine - fuck everyone else” philosophy on politics exposes them as frauds. They just call themselves Christians because it gives them the undeserved warm and fuzzies.

In truth, they idolize the just as fictional Republican Jesus


And that is it in a nutshell, they aren't Christians. They in fact act in all ways opposite of what Christ said and did.
/——-/ When did Christ say to murder unborn babies? When did Christ say the government should confiscate wealth from the productive and distribute it so the politicians could keep their power? When did Christ say two guys could get married? Need I go on?
Sure, they call themselves Christian, but their “I got mine - fuck everyone else” philosophy on politics exposes them as frauds. They just call themselves Christians because it gives them the undeserved warm and fuzzies.

In truth, they idolize the just as fictional Republican Jesus


Yet we see that the far left religion will Trump any other religion!
Sure, they call themselves Christian, but their “I got mine - fuck everyone else” philosophy on politics exposes them as frauds. They just call themselves Christians because it gives them the undeserved warm and fuzzies.

In truth, they idolize the just as fictional Republican Jesus


And that is it in a nutshell, they aren't Christians. They in fact act in all ways opposite of what Christ said and did.
/——-/ When did Christ say to murder unborn babies? When did Christ say the government should confiscate wealth from the productive and distribute it so the politicians could keep their power? When did Christ say two guys could get married? Need I go on?
When did Christ say anything opposing those things? Oops.
Republican Christians reject the New Testament, and have a way shittier attitude about the Old Testament than Jews do.

Once again proving that the far left does not understand what they post.

But way to bash them Jews in a vain attempt to bash others!
I was praising the Jews. You must be retarded.

And the far left drone just proves my point!
You just proved mine.

See how the far left will justify bashing one group so they can bash another?
Republican Christians reject the New Testament, and have a way shittier attitude about the Old Testament than Jews do.

Once again proving that the far left does not understand what they post.

But way to bash them Jews in a vain attempt to bash others!
I was praising the Jews. You must be retarded.

And the far left drone just proves my point!
You just proved mine.

See how the far left will justify bashing one group so they can bash another?
Proved my point again
Republican Christians reject the New Testament, and have a way shittier attitude about the Old Testament than Jews do.

Once again proving that the far left does not understand what they post.

But way to bash them Jews in a vain attempt to bash others!
I was praising the Jews. You must be retarded.

And the far left drone just proves my point!
You just proved mine.

See how the far left will justify bashing one group so they can bash another?
Kosh, you’re nothing but noise.
Sure, they call themselves Christian, but their “I got mine - fuck everyone else” philosophy on politics exposes them as frauds. They just call themselves Christians because it gives them the undeserved warm and fuzzies.

In truth, they idolize the just as fictional Republican Jesus


Ohhh look, more hatred vomited from the Stalinist left.

Run along and practice with your suicide vest, fuckwad.

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