Why Did Mideast Christians Heckle Pro-israel Ted Cruz?


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
September 14, 2014

Why did Mideast Christians heckle pro-Israel Ted Cruz?

By Rabbi Aryeh Spero

This past Wednesday night, Senator Ted Cruz did a courageous thing. He walked out on an audience that suddenly showed itself to be anti-Israel and even anti-Jewish. The dinner audience was part of a conference called “In defense of Christianity,” made up of mostly Middle Eastern Christian groups persecuted by Islamic jihadists. When he remarked that in this war against Islamic terror we need to stand with Israel and the Jewish people, he was booed…repeatedly. Finally, Cruz said: “If you can’t stand with Israel and the Jewish people, I cannot stand with you. Good night and God bless,” and he walked off the stage. Senator Cruz, like so many, did not come to this meeting realizing the difference between Middle Eastern Christians and those here in America who have been Israel’s biggest supports and our closest friends as Jews.

What is behind the anti-Israel, anti-Jewish attitudes of many Christians from the Middle East?

Articles Why did Mideast Christians heckle pro-Israel Ted Cruz

Watch some dumb Liberal son of a bitch not get this memo!
Someone posted a statement by the organizers. The hecklers were just a few and may not have been Christians at all. They were all arabs who have a blood lust for Jews and always have. They had it when they allied with the nazis.
In the link to your own article on the 'americanthinker' website (incidently a website that redirects to gambling sites - tut tut), you provide us with the answers. Was your post here just rhetorical?

Since according to you the hecklers were all Arab speaking christians, they are no doubt treated in exactly the same manner as muslim Arab citizens in Israel: i.e. second class.

As these Arab christians hecklers were expressing solidarity with the outrages being committed against their fellow arab speaking christians outside Israel (with whom they share incomparably more in common than with their western co-religionists), maybe they have indeed come to the conclusion that coclusion that the emergence of extreme Jihadist behaviour toward their fellow arab christians is a consequence of American and Israeli meddling in the middle east. After all, for centuries they had managed to live in relative peace with their muslim neighbours - albeit by paying extra taxes. They have probably noticed that every time the wonderful 'Western christians' appear on the scene, the shit hits the fan for them. There is nothing new here, as exactly the same happened during the crusades and first world war.

Incidently, Jesus would find far more in common with todays oppressed arab speaking christians than with the greedy organised racket that is the catholic church or crackpot American televangelists. If he could have foreseen what his religion has become he would probably have given up, meaning no St Peter and no St Paul. Just think, there would never have been any chistianity, islam; no holocaust and hence no need for Israel and therefore no need for the rather dubious reasonings in your article's conclusions! ;)

PS: Please don't get me wrong. I do actually despise Islam and the generally uncompromising attitudes of its adherents.

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