This is a game changer! Joe Rogan says Israel is committing genocide. And Palestinian Pastor Speaks to American Christians


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May 12, 2022
Lots of gaslighting has been done by fanatical supporters of Israel. Meaning while 30,000 Palestinians have been killed they keep talking about October 7 which was very controversial anyways. Many people in Israel think it was a false flag of some sorts or a stand down order was given. But either way the Israel Palestine conflict goes way back before October 7 anyways. The other gaslighting are the pro Israel folks complaining about “antisemitism in the USA” in other words pot smoking lefty hippies yelling something at people by a synagogue or something like that while 30,000 Palestinians, including Palestinian Christians have been killed by (some while hiding in a church) by the IDF.

But main point this is now turning into something that conservatives or Trump leaning people like Candace Owens, Tucker Carlson, and Joe Rogan are getting into.

The gaslighting Has to stop from some segment of the pro Israel people. It diminishes the many honorable Jewish people fighting for the IDF. And the honorable people in the IDF themselves have even been critical of their government. Of the stupidity of the whole thing.

But regardless of my opinions, this is a game changer what Joe Rogan is saying. His audience is in the many millions. Same thing with Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson who are not peddling a pro Israel line, but one of neutrality and caring about Palestinian civilians, which is in line with Christian values. Especially when we’re talking about Palestinian people which include some of the earliest Christian people who lived among Jesus.
No one stopped the US from killing millions of people after 9/11.

Israel should respond to the STATE SPONSORED terror attack on innocent people,NOT JUST JEWS, HOWEVER THEY WANT TO.

FUCK SIMILAR MAGNITUDE? Fuck that bullshit.

We had 3,000 killed on 9/11 and we killed easily over a million.

Why should the US be “allowed” to respond to 9/11 how they see fit, but Israel may not? Eff that!
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Lots of gaslighting has been done by fanatical supporters of Israel. Meaning while 30,000 Palestinians have been killed they keep talking about October 7 which was very controversial anyways. Many people in Israel think it was a false flag of some sorts or a stand down order was given. But either way the Israel Palestine conflict goes way back before October 7 anyways. The other gaslighting are the pro Israel folks complaining about “antisemitism in the USA” in other words pot smoking lefty hippies yelling something at people by a synagogue or something like that while 30,000 Palestinians, including Palestinian Christians have been killed by (some while hiding in a church) by the IDF.

But main point this is now turning into something that conservatives or Trump leaning people like Candace Owens, Tucker Carlson, and Joe Rogan are getting into.

The gaslighting Has to stop from some segment of the pro Israel people. It diminishes the many honorable Jewish people fighting for the IDF. And the honorable people in the IDF themselves have even been critical of their government. Of the stupidity of the whole thing.

But regardless of my opinions, this is a game changer what Joe Rogan is saying. His audience is in the many millions. Same thing with Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson who are not peddling a pro Israel line, but one of neutrality and caring about Palestinian civilians, which is in line with Christian values. Especially when we’re talking about Palestinian people which include some of the earliest Christian people who lived among Jesus.

It's started, apparently Iran has launched.
Lots of gaslighting has been done by fanatical supporters of Israel. Meaning while 30,000 Palestinians have been killed they keep talking about October 7 which was very controversial anyways. Many people in Israel think it was a false flag of some sorts or a stand down order was given. But either way the Israel Palestine conflict goes way back before October 7 anyways. The other gaslighting are the pro Israel folks complaining about “antisemitism in the USA” in other words pot smoking lefty hippies yelling something at people by a synagogue or something like that while 30,000 Palestinians, including Palestinian Christians have been killed by (some while hiding in a church) by the IDF.

But main point this is now turning into something that conservatives or Trump leaning people like Candace Owens, Tucker Carlson, and Joe Rogan are getting into.

The gaslighting Has to stop from some segment of the pro Israel people. It diminishes the many honorable Jewish people fighting for the IDF. And the honorable people in the IDF themselves have even been critical of their government. Of the stupidity of the whole thing.

But regardless of my opinions, this is a game changer what Joe Rogan is saying. His audience is in the many millions. Same thing with Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson who are not peddling a pro Israel line, but one of neutrality and caring about Palestinian civilians, which is in line with Christian values. Especially when we’re talking about Palestinian people which include some of the earliest Christian people who lived among Jesus.

Russia is still a shithole.
Lots of gaslighting has been done by fanatical supporters of Israel. Meaning while 30,000 Palestinians have been killed they keep talking about October 7 which was very controversial anyways. Many people in Israel think it was a false flag of some sorts or a stand down order was given. But either way the Israel Palestine conflict goes way back before October 7 anyways. The other gaslighting are the pro Israel folks complaining about “antisemitism in the USA” in other words pot smoking lefty hippies yelling something at people by a synagogue or something like that while 30,000 Palestinians, including Palestinian Christians have been killed by (some while hiding in a church) by the IDF.

But main point this is now turning into something that conservatives or Trump leaning people like Candace Owens, Tucker Carlson, and Joe Rogan are getting into.

The gaslighting Has to stop from some segment of the pro Israel people. It diminishes the many honorable Jewish people fighting for the IDF. And the honorable people in the IDF themselves have even been critical of their government. Of the stupidity of the whole thing.

But regardless of my opinions, this is a game changer what Joe Rogan is saying. His audience is in the many millions. Same thing with Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson who are not peddling a pro Israel line, but one of neutrality and caring about Palestinian civilians, which is in line with Christian values. Especially when we’re talking about Palestinian people which include some of the earliest Christian people who lived among Jesus.

Most Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who didn't leave in the first century.

2012 at the UN.

No one stopped the US from killing millions of people after 9/11.

Israel should respond to the STATE SPONSORED terror attack on innocent people,NOT JUST JEWS, HOWEVER THEY WANT TO.


We had 3,000 killed on 9/11 and we killed easily over a million.

Why should the US be “allowed” to respond to 9/11 how they see fit, but Israel may not? Eff that!

Fine. Let Israel attack Iran.. it not our problem .

2012 at the UN.

No one stopped the US from killing millions of people after 9/11.

Israel should respond to the STATE SPONSORED terror attack on innocent people,NOT JUST JEWS, HOWEVER THEY WANT TO.


We had 3,000 killed on 9/11 and we killed easily over a million.

Why should the US be “allowed” to respond to 9/11 how they see fit, but Israel may not? Eff that!

That’s part of the issue. People in the media are trying to gaslight you. Now whether it’s the nonsense point about antisemitism in the USA, another holocaust or October 7 it is extreme gaslighting considering that 30,000 Palestinians have already been killed. And that the IDF holds all the cards, they can do whatever they want whenever they want in Gaza. The people of Gazza don’t have any protection from Hamas

Israel has already attacked Iranian targets in the past 10 years and most recently. So it’s more gaslighting from the media. They are trying to brainwash you my friend. Ok let’s have Israel and Iran make up their minds and do what they want but if they do something that affects America, then we can act on it. If one of those countries tries to invade us, then we act on it. Same thing goes for Russia or Ukraine. If Iran attacks targets that belong to the USA, then of course we attack Iran.

For people who support funding Ukraine, by the same logic, they should support giving 10 times what we give to Ukraine to the Palestinian people to fight Israel. But it’s never really been about morals , it’s been about propping up lobbyists, and people making money off these wars.

The other point is the USA should not get involved. Israel doesn’t need any of our money or military equipment. They are facing one of the weakest militaries in the history of the world in Hamas. Hamas has no Air Force, no tanks no meaningful military ability to stop the IDF.

The USA did not kill 1 million people. When we invaded Iraq, we defeated Iraq in three weeks and the war was over. The problem was the subsequent occupation which is a much different story. Many Iraqis died not from the US guns but from Al-Qaeda.

Also, there is big controversy surrounding October 7. From conservatives like Charlie Kirk, who believe the stand down order might have been given by the IDF to allow the attack to occur for political reasons. Many people in Israel are saying that they want more answers from the government on how in the first place the attack could’ve occurred.

We should allow private individual Americans to send money to or go fight for Israel or Palestine. Just like we did in the Spanish Civil War. But no taxpayer dollars to these countries.
It's started, apparently Iran has launched.
That’s interesting. What has occurred. I haven’t read about it.

I understand that Israel has recently killed a Iranian general. I would expect Iran to do something to try and save face.
Hmm 🧐

Apparently, the drones will take hours to reach Israel.

What are the drones going to do? I suppose we will have to wait and see what damage Iran causes if any.

Lots of Palestinians don’t agree with Iran due to the Arab Persia rivalry. Lots of Palestinians believe that Iran doesn’t actually care about the plate of Palestinians, but is standing against Israel for their own reasons.

Iran is Shia majority Palestine is Sunni so there’s that as well


Are you going to be capable of being civilized here. Are you gonna start the personal attacks again. What are you gonna say to people like Joe Rogan. Or Tucker Carlson or the many many people who disagree with your narratives on supporting Ukraine and Israel.

I mean, I find it fascinating that people who claim to support Israel don’t care about the president of Ukraine giving a standing ovation to a guy who fought for the SS in World War II

Fort Fun Indiana

You to buddy Explain your positions and try and justify them without the rude language.
Hmm 🧐

Apparently, the drones will take hours to reach Israel.

What are the drones going to do? I suppose we will have to wait and see what damage Iran causes if any.

Lots of Palestinians don’t agree with Iran due to the Arab Persia rivalry. Lots of Palestinians believe that Iran doesn’t actually care about the plate of Palestinians, but is standing against Israel for their own reasons.

Iran is Shia majority Palestine is Sunni so there’s that as well

Shia expects the 12th Imam to come forth out of chaos, they don't care what anyone else thinks.
I'm sure Iran warned all the civilians, giving them advance notice and time to move out We know what a kind and caring people Iranians and Palestinians really are.
Yes, it’s a good point, but it Has to be looked at more deeply. I’ve heard an Arab Muslim who fights for the IDF make that exact point. But even he criticized the bad Israelis who have at point blank range killed Palestinian civilians for no reason at all in cold blood ..

I appreciate folks who have a in-depth understanding of this issue or at least are trying to. I am no expert on the situation, but I’m trying to have a more deeper understanding.

But in the past when I’ve spoken with people like irosie91 Fort Fun Indiana XponentialChaos Dogmaphobe they are incapable of speaking intellectually or with civility. They resort to juvenile childish tactics, personal attacks. And that’s really an embarrassment to America. Because our country is the wealthiest country in the world and our citizens should be really educated on these issues or at least try and understanding if they want to get involved in the conversation.

Then again what difference does it make right. It seems like it’s the lobbyist and politicians who make these decisions, even if Americans disagree with them.
Shia expects the 12th Imam to come forth out of chaos, they don't care what anyone else thinks.
Yes i’m aware that they have some segment of their Muslims who believe in that type of apocalyptic scenario. I know some evangelicals also believe in some kind of similar apocalyptic scenario. But I believe it’s a small portion in both cases

Thing is there are still people in Iran who are Muslim and who want to return to the days of the monarchy. Iran and Israel were friendly when Iran was a monarchy.

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