Who loses most from $15 minimum wage???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
While the facts are :
Of the 3.5 million working at minimum wage:
50.6% or 1,797,000 were mostly employed teenagers age 16 to 24 years
Tables 1 - 10; Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2012

Because now more and more restaurants are going to the "no-tipping" rule to absorb increase hourly wages the only people losing are the ones that were suppose to be helped!!!
Here will be the affect:

Most waitresses are paid by the hour and earn tips on top of their hourly wages.
Average tips for a waitress are 15 to 20 percent of the total bill, according to iTipping.com.
Therefore, a waitress that rings up $400 during a four-hour shift should make $60 to $80 in tips.
Average hourly rates for waitresses were $9.95 as of May 2012, according to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics -- or $20,710 per year.
This equates to $1,725.83 per month.
The top 10 percent made over $2,459.16 monthly. Most waitresses have high school diplomas or GEDs, but those with less than high school diplomas can still get hired. Training usually occurs for a few of the first days on the job. Waitresses who work in fine-dining establishments may also need some classroom training. Other essential requirements for waitress jobs include a well-groomed appearance, good memory and customer service, communication, math and teamwork skills
How Much Money Does an Average Waitress Make Per Month?

So if the restaurant raises this waitress salary to $15/hr here are the costs for each party and the benefits.

A) Waitress... Was earning @$9.95 for 4 hours $39.80 plus $70 in tips or $109.80 or $27.45 per hour.
But increasing to $15.00/ hour for 4 hours or $60.00 BUT with no tips.
Waitress is losing $49.80 in tips.

B) Employer costs: $15.00 increase from $9.95 or $5.05 more in salary PLUS another 39¢ in Medicare/SS/Workman's comp/unemployment or $6.44 per hour.

More revenue:
C) Benefit to UNION??? More union due income.

March 30, 2016
$15 Hammer
By Earick Ward


Around one year ago, the company purged about half of its full-time employees, as its expenses outweighed their value. (Thank you, ObamaCare)

We have instituted a scheduling system that imposes labor (read: cost) efficiencies, down to the Nth degree.

Today, the $15 minimum wage hammer hit another half of our already depleted full-time staff. You see, full-time employees require Insurance and a lunch break. The mandatory 30-minute lunch break impedes the scheduling system’s ability to maximize Labor efficiency.

I am angry and saddened. We lost good people today. Young people mostly, but some older (higher wages, you see). Some with families, or single parents raising a child. These are friends that I’d spend much of my week with. Pulling together to provide customer service, replenish inventory, set displays, and handle the demands of retail.

I am not angry with my employer so much, although I think they haven’t completely thought through the impact on top-line sales at the expense of bottom-line expenses.

I am angry at the continued (seeming) acceptance of the new normal of Obamanomics. The economy sucks! It has for some time. The unemployment rate is a sham.

Obamanomics has produced perverse incentives which are accelerating decline and dependency. Where an employee today had a paycheck and insurance, tomorrow, they’ll have unemployment and ObamaCare.

Any doubt that they’ll not think long and hard about Bernie Sanders and/or Hillary Clinton, who have promised to keep the gravy-train rollin’?

Have we accepted the new normal as the status quo? Have we traded freedom and opportunity, for the comforting embrace of the state?

There is open talk in America about socialism, with both Democrat candidates espousing either openly or as dog-whistle, the virtues of a system that has seen nothing but destruction.

We need to wake Americans, mostly younger Americans from their stupor. America is better than our European and Latin American brethren. We were founded by revolution and built by capitalism.

I refuse to accept the premise that a bureaucrat in a far-off land (DC, Sacramento) knows how to better manage the economy than the entrepreneur, the businessman, and even the average Joe or Jane, operating a small business from their kitchen, or out of the back of a truck.

We need to stand and fight! If you’re an employer in California, or anyplace that has decided, or is deciding, to arbitrarily raise the minimum wage, send your governor/mayor a letter. If they don’t respond -- move.


Read more: Blog: $15 Hammer
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