RFK Jr is starting to sound like a democrat from the 1960s or even 2002.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
More than 60% of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck, with no savings for an emergency. Take-home pay after inflation and taxes has fallen 9% since Biden took office.

Under the Biden administration, the price of an average home has risen from $250,000 to around $400,000, and mortgage rates have more than doubled. Rents have followed the trend, putting more and more people on the edge of catastrophe.

But we can turn it around. Being able to afford a decent life doesn’t mean working more hours. It means higher pay and lower bills. Here is what Bobby Kennedy will do to make that a reality.

  1. Raise the minimum wage to $15, which is the equivalent to its 1967 level .
  2. Prosecute union-busting corporations so that labor can organize and negotiate fair wages.
  3. Expand free childcare to millions of families with programs like that pioneered by the state of New Mexico.
  4. Drop housing costs by $1000 per family and make home ownership affordable by backing 3% home mortgages with tax-free bonds.
  5. Cut energy prices by restricting natural gas exports.
  6. Support small businesses by redirecting regulatory scrutiny onto large corporations.
  7. Secure the border and bring illegal immigration to a halt, so that undocumented migrants won’t undercut wages.
  8. Negotiate trade deals that prevent low-wage countries from competing with American workers in a “race to the bottom.”
  9. Rein in military spending and use the resources to fund infrastructure, health care, higher education, child care, and domestic prosperity.
  10. Reverse the chronic disease epidemic that is a $3.7 trillion drag on families and the American economy.
  11. Clean out the corruption in Washington, D.C., which funnels so much of our nation’s wealth to giant corporations and billionaires.
  12. Establish addiction healing centers on organic farms across the country.
  13. Make student debt dischargeable in bankruptcy and cut interest rates on student loans to zero.
  14. Cut drug costs by half to bring them in line with other nations.
People always ask, “How are we going to pay for all this?” The answer is simple. First is to end the military adventures and regime-change wars, like the one in Ukraine. The wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Libya already cost us over $8 trillion. That’s $90,000 per family of four. That’s enough to pay off all medical debt, all credit card debt, provide free childcare, feed every hungry child, repair our infrastructure, and make college tuition free – with money left over. That’s enough to make social security solvent for another 30 years.

Seems like it’s been 20 years since I have seen this type of incredible leader ship from Democrats. Robert F Kennedy Junior is talking about things that I haven’t heard in 20 years really from Democrats. Or certainly haven’t heard from Democrats at all during the Trump administration or the Biden administration. He’s talking about the minimum wage, he’s talking about the US not needing to be involved in foreign wars.

He’s bringing forth policies and solutions to the brutal economic issues that many Americans face today.
More than 60% of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck, with no savings for an emergency. Take-home pay after inflation and taxes has fallen 9% since Biden took office.

Under the Biden administration, the price of an average home has risen from $250,000 to around $400,000, and mortgage rates have more than doubled. Rents have followed the trend, putting more and more people on the edge of catastrophe.

But we can turn it around. Being able to afford a decent life doesn’t mean working more hours. It means higher pay and lower bills. Here is what Bobby Kennedy will do to make that a reality.

  1. Raise the minimum wage to $15, which is the equivalent to its 1967 level .
  2. Prosecute union-busting corporations so that labor can organize and negotiate fair wages.
  3. Expand free childcare to millions of families with programs like that pioneered by the state of New Mexico.
  4. Drop housing costs by $1000 per family and make home ownership affordable by backing 3% home mortgages with tax-free bonds.
  5. Cut energy prices by restricting natural gas exports.
  6. Support small businesses by redirecting regulatory scrutiny onto large corporations.
  7. Secure the border and bring illegal immigration to a halt, so that undocumented migrants won’t undercut wages.
  8. Negotiate trade deals that prevent low-wage countries from competing with American workers in a “race to the bottom.”
  9. Rein in military spending and use the resources to fund infrastructure, health care, higher education, child care, and domestic prosperity.
  10. Reverse the chronic disease epidemic that is a $3.7 trillion drag on families and the American economy.
  11. Clean out the corruption in Washington, D.C., which funnels so much of our nation’s wealth to giant corporations and billionaires.
  12. Establish addiction healing centers on organic farms across the country.
  13. Make student debt dischargeable in bankruptcy and cut interest rates on student loans to zero.
  14. Cut drug costs by half to bring them in line with other nations.
People always ask, “How are we going to pay for all this?” The answer is simple. First is to end the military adventures and regime-change wars, like the one in Ukraine. The wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Libya already cost us over $8 trillion. That’s $90,000 per family of four. That’s enough to pay off all medical debt, all credit card debt, provide free childcare, feed every hungry child, repair our infrastructure, and make college tuition free – with money left over. That’s enough to make social security solvent for another 30 years.

Seems like it’s been 20 years since I have seen this type of incredible leader ship from Democrats. Robert F Kennedy Junior is talking about things that I haven’t heard in 20 years really from Democrats. Or certainly haven’t heard from Democrats at all during the Trump administration or the Biden administration. He’s talking about the minimum wage, he’s talking about the US not needing to be involved in foreign wars.

He’s bringing forth policies and solutions to the brutal economic issues that many Americans face today.
He's someone who wants The State to act as a co-parent for life, which is abhorrent.

While his work against the pharmaceutical-industrial complex, the military-industrial complex, and the federal police-industrial complex is highly admirable and valued, he's still a nanny satist undeserving of the vote of anyone who holds the individual as supreme.
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He's someone who wants The State to act as a co-parent for life, which is abhorrent.

While his work against the pharmiceutical-industrial complex, the military-industrial complex, and the federal police-industrial complex is highly admirable and valued, he's still a nanny satist undeserving of the vote of anyone who holds the individual as supreme.

I dunno.

I seem him as the torpedo aimed directly at the SS Biden.

And that can't be a bad thing.
More than 60% of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck, with no savings for an emergency. Take-home pay after inflation and taxes has fallen 9% since Biden took office.

Under the Biden administration, the price of an average home has risen from $250,000 to around $400,000, and mortgage rates have more than doubled. Rents have followed the trend, putting more and more people on the edge of catastrophe.

But we can turn it around. Being able to afford a decent life doesn’t mean working more hours. It means higher pay and lower bills. Here is what Bobby Kennedy will do to make that a reality.

  1. Raise the minimum wage to $15, which is the equivalent to its 1967 level .
  2. Prosecute union-busting corporations so that labor can organize and negotiate fair wages.
  3. Expand free childcare to millions of families with programs like that pioneered by the state of New Mexico.
  4. Drop housing costs by $1000 per family and make home ownership affordable by backing 3% home mortgages with tax-free bonds.
  5. Cut energy prices by restricting natural gas exports.
  6. Support small businesses by redirecting regulatory scrutiny onto large corporations.
  7. Secure the border and bring illegal immigration to a halt, so that undocumented migrants won’t undercut wages.
  8. Negotiate trade deals that prevent low-wage countries from competing with American workers in a “race to the bottom.”
  9. Rein in military spending and use the resources to fund infrastructure, health care, higher education, child care, and domestic prosperity.
  10. Reverse the chronic disease epidemic that is a $3.7 trillion drag on families and the American economy.
  11. Clean out the corruption in Washington, D.C., which funnels so much of our nation’s wealth to giant corporations and billionaires.
  12. Establish addiction healing centers on organic farms across the country.
  13. Make student debt dischargeable in bankruptcy and cut interest rates on student loans to zero.
  14. Cut drug costs by half to bring them in line with other nations.
People always ask, “How are we going to pay for all this?” The answer is simple. First is to end the military adventures and regime-change wars, like the one in Ukraine. The wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Libya already cost us over $8 trillion. That’s $90,000 per family of four. That’s enough to pay off all medical debt, all credit card debt, provide free childcare, feed every hungry child, repair our infrastructure, and make college tuition free – with money left over. That’s enough to make social security solvent for another 30 years.

Seems like it’s been 20 years since I have seen this type of incredible leader ship from Democrats. Robert F Kennedy Junior is talking about things that I haven’t heard in 20 years really from Democrats. Or certainly haven’t heard from Democrats at all during the Trump administration or the Biden administration. He’s talking about the minimum wage, he’s talking about the US not needing to be involved in foreign wars.

He’s bringing forth policies and solutions to the brutal economic issues that many Americans face today.
Sorry, all the government cares about now is climate change and continuing a borderless border, that and spending as much money as possible to fuel more inflation.

That is the sole purpose of government from now until it implodes.
More than 60% of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck, with no savings for an emergency. Take-home pay after inflation and taxes has fallen 9% since Biden took office.

Under the Biden administration, the price of an average home has risen from $250,000 to around $400,000, and mortgage rates have more than doubled. Rents have followed the trend, putting more and more people on the edge of catastrophe.

But we can turn it around. Being able to afford a decent life doesn’t mean working more hours. It means higher pay and lower bills. Here is what Bobby Kennedy will do to make that a reality.

  1. Raise the minimum wage to $15, which is the equivalent to its 1967 level .
  2. Prosecute union-busting corporations so that labor can organize and negotiate fair wages.
  3. Expand free childcare to millions of families with programs like that pioneered by the state of New Mexico.
  4. Drop housing costs by $1000 per family and make home ownership affordable by backing 3% home mortgages with tax-free bonds.
  5. Cut energy prices by restricting natural gas exports.
  6. Support small businesses by redirecting regulatory scrutiny onto large corporations.
  7. Secure the border and bring illegal immigration to a halt, so that undocumented migrants won’t undercut wages.
  8. Negotiate trade deals that prevent low-wage countries from competing with American workers in a “race to the bottom.”
  9. Rein in military spending and use the resources to fund infrastructure, health care, higher education, child care, and domestic prosperity.
  10. Reverse the chronic disease epidemic that is a $3.7 trillion drag on families and the American economy.
  11. Clean out the corruption in Washington, D.C., which funnels so much of our nation’s wealth to giant corporations and billionaires.
  12. Establish addiction healing centers on organic farms across the country.
  13. Make student debt dischargeable in bankruptcy and cut interest rates on student loans to zero.
  14. Cut drug costs by half to bring them in line with other nations.
People always ask, “How are we going to pay for all this?” The answer is simple. First is to end the military adventures and regime-change wars, like the one in Ukraine. The wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Libya already cost us over $8 trillion. That’s $90,000 per family of four. That’s enough to pay off all medical debt, all credit card debt, provide free childcare, feed every hungry child, repair our infrastructure, and make college tuition free – with money left over. That’s enough to make social security solvent for another 30 years.

Seems like it’s been 20 years since I have seen this type of incredible leader ship from Democrats. Robert F Kennedy Junior is talking about things that I haven’t heard in 20 years really from Democrats. Or certainly haven’t heard from Democrats at all during the Trump administration or the Biden administration. He’s talking about the minimum wage, he’s talking about the US not needing to be involved in foreign wars.

He’s bringing forth policies and solutions to the brutal economic issues that many Americans face today.
And he has a brilliant campaign manager in Dennis Kucinich.
And word on the street is he's about to run as an Indie.

If I were in the Biden camp, my assessment would be:

I think it is kind of sweet that people like RFK think that the system is not rigged against them.

You almost wish they remain innocent like a child till they die.
He's someone who wants The State to act as a co-parent for life, which is abhorrent.

While his work against the pharmaceutical-industrial complex, the military-industrial complex, and the federal police-industrial complex is highly admirable and valued, he's still a nanny satist undeserving of the vote of anyone who holds the individual as supreme.
There may be some things I disagree with RFK Junior on.

Here’s the most important thing. I admire Donald Trump and RFK Junior. I’m not voting for Biden. I’ll say it again because I think it’s most important. I’m not voting for Joe Biden.

Under Biden the individual is suffering in America. They can’t afford a home. We spent many billions of dollars on Ukraine and only 1/4 of that money is going to their military efforts. 75% of it is going to prop up their social services. And it is RFK Junior, talking about having sensible border policies which will help the American middle-class. He wants to stop the illegal immigrants coming to our country. I don’t think I’ve ever heard any modern day Democrats talk like that. They are repeating BLM propaganda that’s what most Democrats do. Not RFK Junior.

I can’t recall any democrats talking about how the lockdowns were wrong, how the coronavirus vaccine can be dangerous for people I haven’t really heard many Republicans even say this kind of thing aside for maybe those from the freedom caucus. And those lockdowns and the vaccine were monumental aspects of American history. Robert F Kennedy Junior is out there fighting back against the lockdowns. He said that they were wrong, he is for proven vaccines, but not rushed ones.

Weighing the pros and cons I like what I see from RFK Junior.
There may be some things I disagree with RFK Junior on.

Here’s the most important thing. I admire Donald Trump and RFK Junior. I’m not voting for Biden. I’ll say it again because I think it’s most important. I’m not voting for Joe Biden.

Under Biden the individual is suffering in America. They can’t afford a home. We spent many billions of dollars on Ukraine and only 1/4 of that money is going to their military efforts. 75% of it is going to prop up their social services. And it is RFK Junior, talking about having sensible border policies which will help the American middle-class. He wants to stop the illegal immigrants coming to our country. I don’t think I’ve ever heard any modern day. Democrats talk like that. They are repeating BLM propaganda that’s what most Democrats do. Not RFK Junior.

I can’t recall any democrats talking about how the lockdowns wrong, how the coronavirus vaccine can be dangerous for people I haven’t really heard many Republicans even say this kind of thing aside for maybe those from the freedom caucus. And Robert F Kennedy Junior, is out there fighting back against the lockdowns. He said that they were wrong, he is for proven vaccines, but not rushed ones.

All of it so true.
He's someone who wants The State to act as a co-parent for life, which is abhorrent.

While his work against the pharmaceutical-industrial complex, the military-industrial complex, and the federal police-industrial complex is highly admirable and valued, he's still a nanny satist undeserving of the vote of anyone who holds the individual as supreme.
One thing that the US government should do really must do is to provide programs to help out drug addicts. Now hear me out because I think you’re a cool guy. It’s not just to help out the drug user it’s to help out children of drug addicts… because if you have more and more kids in this country growing up in single parent household(that always a bad thing but statistically speaking more of those kids end up in jail), growing up with parents in jail, or totally doped up every day, that’s a problem for the whole country.

We have a terrible fetnal issue in this country. It’s killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. We have a guy in Joe Biden who’s not even talking about that thing. I haven’t heard Democrats talk about it. They’re not talking about the fetnal that’s being brought over the border illegally which is then killing Americans. It’s breaking up American families creating parentless homes for children.

I consider the children of drug addicts in this country. And I don’t see Democrats and many Republicans talking about policies that will actually fight that issue. It’s one of the greatest issues of our time. Drug addiction, suicide, and depression in this country are at all time highs. RFK Junior is telling us the policies he will bring forth to combat that. …Ramaswamy has also done the same thing. These are guys out there talking about the issues like huge swaths of young Americans who are not patriotic. We have seen it in the polls. Massive numbers of young Americans no longer feel a need to help out the community to help the country. They’re all about narcissism. Watching TikTok all day going on Instagram all day. Getting a dog not starting a family. Why not try and start a family and get a dog that’s the American way.

Freedom is under attack in this country. And you have conservatives being banned on YouTube. And other platforms conservatives have been banned on. RFK Junior wants freedom of speech like we should have.
More than 60% of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck, with no savings for an emergency. Take-home pay after inflation and taxes has fallen 9% since Biden took office.

Under the Biden administration, the price of an average home has risen from $250,000 to around $400,000, and mortgage rates have more than doubled. Rents have followed the trend, putting more and more people on the edge of catastrophe.

But we can turn it around. Being able to afford a decent life doesn’t mean working more hours. It means higher pay and lower bills. Here is what Bobby Kennedy will do to make that a reality.

  1. Raise the minimum wage to $15, which is the equivalent to its 1967 level .
  2. Prosecute union-busting corporations so that labor can organize and negotiate fair wages.
  3. Expand free childcare to millions of families with programs like that pioneered by the state of New Mexico.
  4. Drop housing costs by $1000 per family and make home ownership affordable by backing 3% home mortgages with tax-free bonds.
  5. Cut energy prices by restricting natural gas exports.
  6. Support small businesses by redirecting regulatory scrutiny onto large corporations.
  7. Secure the border and bring illegal immigration to a halt, so that undocumented migrants won’t undercut wages.
  8. Negotiate trade deals that prevent low-wage countries from competing with American workers in a “race to the bottom.”
  9. Rein in military spending and use the resources to fund infrastructure, health care, higher education, child care, and domestic prosperity.
  10. Reverse the chronic disease epidemic that is a $3.7 trillion drag on families and the American economy.
  11. Clean out the corruption in Washington, D.C., which funnels so much of our nation’s wealth to giant corporations and billionaires.
  12. Establish addiction healing centers on organic farms across the country.
  13. Make student debt dischargeable in bankruptcy and cut interest rates on student loans to zero.
  14. Cut drug costs by half to bring them in line with other nations.
People always ask, “How are we going to pay for all this?” The answer is simple. First is to end the military adventures and regime-change wars, like the one in Ukraine. The wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Libya already cost us over $8 trillion. That’s $90,000 per family of four. That’s enough to pay off all medical debt, all credit card debt, provide free childcare, feed every hungry child, repair our infrastructure, and make college tuition free – with money left over. That’s enough to make social security solvent for another 30 years.

Seems like it’s been 20 years since I have seen this type of incredible leader ship from Democrats. Robert F Kennedy Junior is talking about things that I haven’t heard in 20 years really from Democrats. Or certainly haven’t heard from Democrats at all during the Trump administration or the Biden administration. He’s talking about the minimum wage, he’s talking about the US not needing to be involved in foreign wars.

He’s bringing forth policies and solutions to the brutal economic issues that many Americans face today.
I'm stunned a Dem is running on actual issues important to the poor and working class.
Let’s say RFK wins, I would not be surprised if the radical left Dems impeached him.
he’s got a uphill climb. But perhaps if he does end up running as an independent, he will take away Democrats who were going to vote for Biden . It would be a breath of fresh air if an independent becomes president.

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