Where were you on Nov. 22, 1963:

My Dad came to collect me from a music lesson. It was Friday evening and he said " President Kennedy has been shot" I remember the Autumn leaves on the pavement which was wet and shiney in the street light.

My daughters friend had come to play on the day of the Challenger disaster. Her dad was a USAF pilot. She turned to me and asked : "Is it meant to do that?"

Early afternoon 9/11 and people came in to my place of work saying that a plane had flown into a tower in New York. When I got home it was on TV and I remember thinking that if the events were part of a film then people would say it was too unbelievable to be real.
I was in 5th grade...or 6th. Don't remember. But I DO remember that dark classroom and our teacher being called out of the room...then she coming back in, crying. All of us were shocked. Teacher was crying! Then she said "President Kennedy has been shot and is dead" and quietly sniffled into her hankerchief. I was confused, but sad. Then we were all dismissed and sent home.
Not much, I was 3 months old.

What was your, I was there moment? The Moon Landing? Nixon's Resignation?

The Challenger disaster was my first.

The day was clear, the sky was blue.
Looking up toward that beautiful sky it was almost impossible to believe what had happened.

The next one, for me, was the bombing of the USS Cole.
Living in VA Beach and working @ Oceana...it seemed too surreal in the immediate days that followed.
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On memorable events - for me, the first truly horrific memorable event was the Challenger disaster. I worked at NASA at the time and we had a television that we used for video presentations so we crowded around it glued to the footage. It was surreal - no one could believe it was happening. I couldn't.

Two other events that I'll never forget were OKC bombing and 9/11 but it was 9/11 that stuck in my mind in every detail - a disbelief as it was unfolding.

A memory timeline defined by disasters. They leave an impression.

I remember that, I was at work and they announced it. Soon after that, we had a small earthquake which was unusual here in Ohio.

I was at work when the jury came back with a verdict on OJ, they put it on the intercom and we all got to hear it happening. Everyone was so upset about that.

I was at work again on 911. We worked in the offices above a Pharmacy and they had a small TV going. We were walking downstairs every so often so we got to see just about everything. Driving home, everything was closed, malls, everything. Strange and terrible day.
Oral history puts events of the past into personal frames of reference and makes them more poignant and less abstract to those too young or not born at the time of their occurrence. Much thanks to those who added personal experience to events which impacted all of us.

I remember attending a rally at the SF Civic Auditorium in June, 1968, seeing and hearing Bobby Kennedy hours before he was shot. The auditorium was packed and as he came down the center aisle, the crowd was chanting "Bobby, Bobby, Bobby ...".

He spoke only briefly but the one remark which remains burned in my brain was his comment that the greatest risk to third major war was in the Middle East. Might his election have changed the world we live in today?
I remember these images as if it were yesterday. It was the first live images that day. Air Force One departed Dallas' Love Field at 2:47PM and landed at Edwards AFB at 5PM.

As that beautiful aircraft rolled to a stop, instead of placing stairs up to the door behind the cockpit they rolled a freight collector up to the rear door of AF1. Jackie looked so sad and hurt. You could see the pain on the faces of the First Lady, Robert, Dave Powers and the President's entourage. Jackie was still wearing the pink dress with the President's blood stains.





When Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, John Kenneth Galbraith wrote that he was relieved that the President had died quickly, fearing the destruction of his wit and intellect as the greater evil.
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Funny that Bushwacker sr,Dick Nixon,and E Howard Hunt,a CIA operative who ran covert operations for the CIA for Nixon while he was vice president under Eisenhower and arrested in the watergate burglury were the ONLY ones alive back then who could not remember where they were changing their stories many times over the years.:D

everybody alive even children remembered where they were that day but these 3 men did not.
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Funny that Bushwacker sr,Dick Nixon,and E Howard Hunt,a CIA operative who ran covert operations for the CIA for Nixon while he was vice president under Eisenhower and arrested in the watergate burglury were the ONLY ones alive back then who could not remember where they were changing their stories many times over the years.:D

everybody alive even children remembered where they were that day but these 3 men did not.

This from an author of a book about HW and his questionable involvement in the JFK murder.

It is appalling to think that a future president, as well as many high level American government officials, have shady ties to the JFK killing. This is why so many Americans refuse to accept or believe that a coup de'tat was perpetrated on that fateful day.

“Somewhere in Texas”

George H. W. Bush may be one of the few Americans of his generation who cannot recall exactly where he was when John F. Kennedy was shot in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

At times he has said that he was “somewhere in Texas.” Bush was indeed “somewhere” in Texas. And he had every reason to remember. At the time Bush was the thirty-nine-year-old chairman of the Harris County (Houston) Republican Party and an outspoken critic of the president. He was also actively campaigning for a seat in the U.S. Senate at exactly the time Kennedy was assassinated right in Bush’s own state. The story behind Bush’s apparent evasiveness is complicated. Yet it is crucial to an understanding not just of the Bush family, but also of a tragic chapter in the nation’s history.


Another Memory Lapse

Jack Kennedy’s death in Dallas on November 22, 1963, was one of the most tragically memorable moments in the lives of those who lived through it. So Poppy Bush’s inability or unwillingness to say where he was on that day is extremely odd, to say the least.

Bush and The JFK Hit, Part 3: Where was Poppy November 22, 1963? - WhoWhatWhy
Funny that Bushwacker sr,Dick Nixon,and E Howard Hunt,a CIA operative who ran covert operations for the CIA for Nixon while he was vice president under Eisenhower and arrested in the watergate burglury were the ONLY ones alive back then who could not remember where they were changing their stories many times over the years.:D

everybody alive even children remembered where they were that day but these 3 men did not.

This from an author of a book about HW and his questionable involvement in the JFK murder.

It is appalling to think that a future president, as well as many high level American government officials, have shady ties to the JFK killing. This is why so many Americans refuse to accept or believe that a coup de'tat was perpetrated on that fateful day.

“Somewhere in Texas”

George H. W. Bush may be one of the few Americans of his generation who cannot recall exactly where he was when John F. Kennedy was shot in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

At times he has said that he was “somewhere in Texas.” Bush was indeed “somewhere” in Texas. And he had every reason to remember. At the time Bush was the thirty-nine-year-old chairman of the Harris County (Houston) Republican Party and an outspoken critic of the president. He was also actively campaigning for a seat in the U.S. Senate at exactly the time Kennedy was assassinated right in Bush’s own state. The story behind Bush’s apparent evasiveness is complicated. Yet it is crucial to an understanding not just of the Bush family, but also of a tragic chapter in the nation’s history.


Another Memory Lapse

Jack Kennedy’s death in Dallas on November 22, 1963, was one of the most tragically memorable moments in the lives of those who lived through it. So Poppy Bush’s inability or unwillingness to say where he was on that day is extremely odd, to say the least.

Bush and The JFK Hit, Part 3: Where was Poppy November 22, 1963? - WhoWhatWhy

I reported this and asked it be sent to conspiracy forum
Funny that Bushwacker sr,Dick Nixon,and E Howard Hunt,a CIA operative who ran covert operations for the CIA for Nixon while he was vice president under Eisenhower and arrested in the watergate burglury were the ONLY ones alive back then who could not remember where they were changing their stories many times over the years.:D

everybody alive even children remembered where they were that day but these 3 men did not.

This from an author of a book about HW and his questionable involvement in the JFK murder.

It is appalling to think that a future president, as well as many high level American government officials, have shady ties to the JFK killing. This is why so many Americans refuse to accept or believe that a coup de'tat was perpetrated on that fateful day.

“Somewhere in Texas”

George H. W. Bush may be one of the few Americans of his generation who cannot recall exactly where he was when John F. Kennedy was shot in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

At times he has said that he was “somewhere in Texas.” Bush was indeed “somewhere” in Texas. And he had every reason to remember. At the time Bush was the thirty-nine-year-old chairman of the Harris County (Houston) Republican Party and an outspoken critic of the president. He was also actively campaigning for a seat in the U.S. Senate at exactly the time Kennedy was assassinated right in Bush’s own state. The story behind Bush’s apparent evasiveness is complicated. Yet it is crucial to an understanding not just of the Bush family, but also of a tragic chapter in the nation’s history.


Another Memory Lapse

Jack Kennedy’s death in Dallas on November 22, 1963, was one of the most tragically memorable moments in the lives of those who lived through it. So Poppy Bush’s inability or unwillingness to say where he was on that day is extremely odd, to say the least.

Bush and The JFK Hit, Part 3: Where was Poppy November 22, 1963? - WhoWhatWhy

I reported this and asked it be sent to conspiracy forum

So, it is safe to conclude that you think anyone who believes the JFK assassination did NOT occur the way our government has claimed, is a conspiracy theorist?

Poll: Belief in JFK conspiracy slipping slightly
This from an author of a book about HW and his questionable involvement in the JFK murder.

It is appalling to think that a future president, as well as many high level American government officials, have shady ties to the JFK killing. This is why so many Americans refuse to accept or believe that a coup de'tat was perpetrated on that fateful day.

I reported this and asked it be sent to conspiracy forum

So, it is safe to conclude that you think anyone who believes the JFK assassination did NOT occur the way our government has claimed, is a conspiracy theorist?

Poll: Belief in JFK conspiracy slipping slightly

what the title of this post ??? and BTY i said nothing bad about you. just put it where it belongs. not here
I reported this and asked it be sent to conspiracy forum

So, it is safe to conclude that you think anyone who believes the JFK assassination did NOT occur the way our government has claimed, is a conspiracy theorist?

Poll: Belief in JFK conspiracy slipping slightly

what the title of this post ??? and BTY i said nothing bad about you. just put it where it belongs. not here

It would not be the first time a thread got hijacked and won't be the last. It is the nature of things...and you and I are both guilty of it in this thread.
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So, it is safe to conclude that you think anyone who believes the JFK assassination did NOT occur the way our government has claimed, is a conspiracy theorist?

Poll: Belief in JFK conspiracy slipping slightly

what the title of this post ??? and BTY i said nothing bad about you. just put it where it belongs. not here

It would not be the first time a thread got hijacked and won't be the last. It is the nature of things...and you and I are both guilty of it in this thread.

well at least i can opt out. im finished here
Married young and we had kids right away--I was eight months pregnant with my daughter but at my desk where I worked for a small oil company in Farmington NM at the time. It was just before lunch in New Mexico and we were discussing ordering take out when one of my coworkers received a phone call and announced to the rest of us that the President had been shot. At that time nobody knew it was a fatal shot.

The boss did not complain when we all turned on transister radios then and by 3 p.m. when it was obvious not a lot of work was going to be done, he let us go home early and subsequently closed down on Monday too. The whole weekend we were all glued to our television sets to what the incredible unfolding drama of a state funeral that topped all others culminating on Monday when the President was finally laid to rest. And intermittently of course we received news accounts of the investigation, the conspiracy theories that were already developing, watched Ruby shoot Oswald, etc.
So, it is safe to conclude that you think anyone who believes the JFK assassination did NOT occur the way our government has claimed, is a conspiracy theorist?

Poll: Belief in JFK conspiracy slipping slightly

what the title of this post ??? and BTY i said nothing bad about you. just put it where it belongs. not here

It would not be the first time a thread got hijacked and won't be the last. It is the nature of things...and you and I are both guilty of it in this thread.

thats why I suggest to go on over to this thread here and post there about it.
cause your right,this thread below in this link is where it belongs,not here.


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