Where were you on Nov. 22, 1963:

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
I was at school in San Francisco and had just attended a football rally as we were scheduled to play that afternoon at Kezar Stadium to decide who would play for the City AAA Championship game on Thanksgiving morning, when we learned that the President had been shot.

What do you remember?
I was sitting in science class. The principal came over the intercom and announced he had been shot. Moved on to wood shop. Principal came over again and said he had died. They let school out early. Got on the bus and all the girls were crying. Was glued to the TV for the next four days. Saw Oswald get shot.
I was in France, more concerned with beating up my little brother then with what was happening in the larger world...:redface:
Seventh grade Social Studies class, Wisdom Lane Junior High School.
I was at school in San Francisco and had just attended a football rally as we were scheduled to play that afternoon at Kezar Stadium to decide who would play for the City AAA Championship game on Thanksgiving morning, when we learned that the President had been shot.

What do you remember?

I was still in gestation, and getting ready to be born.

Matter of fact, that may have been the date that I was conceived.
I was in the 6th grade when one of the lunchroom ladies came in and told our teacher Kennedy had been shot...

... Mr. Hoskins let the walkers go early since the schoolday was about to end anyway...

... so I ran home to tell my Mom who was nappin' with my sister `cause she was home sick from school...

... I ran in and hollered, "Mom - the President's been shot"...

... she turned on the TV but by then he had already died...

... I remember Walter Cronkite chokin' up as he reported on the assassination...

... and I still remember little John-john standing at attention a few days later as the hearse went by...

... was a sad day for America and the end of the hope and change for the era.
When Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, John Kenneth Galbraith wrote that he was relieved that the President had died quickly, fearing the destruction of his wit and intellect as the greater evil.

I was home. We had a half day of school because of parent/teacher conferences. I had just changed and was getting ready to go outside to play football. I was in the kitchen with my left foot up on a chair tying one of my sneakers when I heard "this is a bulletin' on the TV in the living room.

I paced from room to room looking out the windows looking for my mom to return from my school (lived within walking distance) I ran out front to meet her on the sidewalk. When I told her the President has been shot she began to cry. It was a horrible day. After the lose of my parents and grandparents, it still ranks as the saddest day in my life.

President Kennedy was so personal to all of use who were old enough to remember. His wit and sense of humor were so endearing. He was loved not only by America, but the rest of the world went into mourning.

I read this article a few years ago...

Kennedy often said he wanted his epitaph to be "He kept the peace." Even Khrushchev and Castro, Kennedy's toughest foreign adversaries, came to appreciate J.F.K.'s commitment to that goal. The roly-poly Soviet leader, clowning and growling, had thrown the young President off his game when they met at the Vienna summit in 1961. But after weathering storms like the Cuban missile crisis, the two leaders had settled into a mutually respectful quest for détente. When Khrushchev got the news from Dallas in November 1963, he broke down and sobbed in the Kremlin, unable to perform his duties for days. Despite his youth, Kennedy was a "real statesman," Khrushchev later wrote in his memoir, after he was pushed from power less than a year following J.F.K.'s death. If Kennedy had lived, he wrote, the two men could have brought peace to the world.

Read more: Warrior For Peace - The Lessons of J.F.K. - TIME

"We may laugh again," said Daniel P. Moynihan, then an assistant secretary of labor, "but we'll never be young again."
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I was in second grade and we were at recess. They called us in from the playground to make the announcement.
Day Kennedy was shot - we were sent home from school. No explanation. Bus dropped us off at home - I walked to the top of the driveway where my Mom was and asked, "Why did they send us home?" She told me the President had been shot.

Moon Landing - In a swimming pool in Florida. We had taken a family vacation - Mom, Dad - three boys - in a 2-door Rambler American - Connecticut to Fla., Route 1 - no air conditioning (of course). There was a speaker mounted outside at near the swimming pool and the first walk on the moon was airing live.
Study hall in the auditorium at Easton Area Junior High School.

It was a sunny day and some of us walked home instead of taking the bus.

Our long walk took up through Easton's large graveyard.
My roommate and I were getting ready for work - second shift at the FBI fingerprint division in DC. Heard the announcement on the radio and told my roommate, who didn't believe me until she heard it for herself. Shocked and stunned. The next month was heavy duty. In those days we had to manually calculate the formulas of the prints, go to the appropriate file section, pull prints from the drawers and manually go through every print card within that formula to search for and verify matches. If we had any kind of print come in from Texas - human, paw, horse or chicken - the thing had to be double and triple checked.

I had been dating this guy who got pulled off the floor for special work at a higher level. We were having a few "difficulties" at the time and all of a sudden he disappeared off the planet. Not a trace of him to be found anywhere. It was some years later a documentary or something was on TV and someone made a statement that floored me. It was then that I realized I had not been dating an FBI co-worker but a CIA implant!

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