One Quotation Sires Another


Sep 23, 2010
There must be a hundred variations of “You can’t legislate love.” I especially like this one because it addresses human nature rather than ethereal love:

Unfortunately, human nature cannot be changed by an act of the legislature. Calvin Coolidge

This variation says the opposite:

If anyone tells you that you cannot legislate morality, remember that legislation IS morality. Jay Alan Sekulow

Mr Sekulow is wrong. Especially when the government tells you what to do instead of what not to do —— which is immoral in itself —— not to mention that the government telling people what to do fails to change human nature or initiate love.

Mr. Sekulow is tragically mistaken when he fails to separate institutional morality from individual morality:

A prison is every institution unmasked. Flanders.

Institutional morality is nothing more than the morality of whoever happens to run the institution. Here’s a good example that goes back almost 3,000 years:

Doom to you who legislate evil, who make laws that make victims. Isaiah 10:1

It’s not far-fetched to say that Isaiah prophesied Roe v Wade.

This next one shows that organized religions legislated their religion above all else throughout history:

It is a truism that almost any sect, cult, or religion will legislate its creed into law if it acquires the political power to do so. Robert A. Heinlein

Mr. Heinlein is right on the money in that Socialists acquired the political power.

This next one is correct up to a point:

Political correctness does not legislate tolerance; it only organizes hatred. Jacques Barzun

Beyond organizing hatred, legislating political correctness begins and ends with this:

First we abhor; then we tolerate; then we embrace; then we legislate. Author: Unknown

This final quotation is open to interpretation:

If you have no authority to legislate my freedoms, then I'm truly free, at least from you. William A. Dembski

The freedoms guaranteed in the original Bill of Rights are being legislated away by totalitarian-minded lawmakers —— as well as being abolished by constitutional amendments; most notably the XVI Amendment in 1913.
From OP
First we abhor; then we tolerate; then we embrace; then we legislate. Author: Unknown

Judi McLeod really nails it:

The impassable roadblock now facing civilized society can be summed up in a single sentence: While radical Islam becomes increasingly intolerant of all others, the West has become hopelessly hooked on ‘Tolerance Overkill’.

The U.S. is tolerating a president whose life’s passion is a poisonous hatred of America.


Why does our tolerance allow the media to define, shape, propagandize and flat out lie about the current shift of power that is leading the Free World into a helpless Socialist State?


‘Tolerance Overkill’, the same one keeping the masses asleep, but as lethal as nerve gas, is throwing individual rights and freedom into the dust bin of history.

America-hating Obama a Threat to World Freedom
By Judi McLeod Saturday, September 21, 2013

America-hating Obama a Threat to World Freedom

This works, too:

First we abhor; then we tolerate; then we embrace; then we legislate; then we overkill.
"Let him die"

12 September 2011, the Republican base screaming out about a sick American in a coma a la gladiator games pitting lions against Christians in ancient times. Cruelty as entertainment.
In today’s column Judi McLeod elaborates a bit more on tolerance. She opens with this:

The world dramatically changed on November 4, 2008 when a tolerance of hatred came through the door with the election of Senator Barack Obama as US President.

And closes with this:

Meanwhile surely the most nagging unanswered question of the 21st Century should be: “Why is Obama’s hatred of the U.S. being tolerated by the U.S. Congress?

A lot of good stuff in the middle:

Why is Obama’s hatred of America tolerated?
By Judi McLeod (Bio and Archives) Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Why is Obama?s hatred of America tolerated?
" A tombstone hand and a graveyard mine" "just 22 and I don't mind dy'in" "who do you love, who do you love" ....Bo Didily 1956.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.

Words hurt more than anything else can, because they last, sometimes forever.

Americans are still reeling from the Socialist perversion of the word equality. Now it looks like the word tolerance is gaining traction among those who never stop trying to legislate love in search of utopia. Lockup the family jewels when it comes from blood soaked Europe:

The European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation (ECTR), a “tolerance watchdog” and EU pressure group has called on the union to establish units under the guidance of the Ministry of Justice to monitor political, religious & social groups to assure adherence to guidelines of tolerance toward one another.

As the EU broadens its base of power, opposition grows
By David C. Jennings Saturday, October 19, 2013

As the EU broadens its base of power, opposition grows

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