Whatever Happened to Electric Cars?

When prices come down, ranges increase, and charging is as easy and fast as filling up a tank, then I will certainly consider buying an electric. I love the quietness of the car and lack of pollution, but I'm not going to pay five or ten thousand dollars more for a car that I have to drive 5 miles to a charging station and wait 4 hours for a charge. Till then, I'll stick with my hybrid.

The range for the Teslas is about 250 miles. A Charging station takes about 30 minutes. Thank you for showing me that "Excu........." er Reasons abound The reason the electrics from the main auto makers is so low (about 40 to 50 miles of real driving) is that they are cutting costs of batteries. Tesla doesn't cut corners. By cutting the cost of their batteries they can drop the price and sell their superior batteries at a reduced cost to other manufacturers. And break the stranglehold that China has.

But reasons are quickly becoming excuses.

The claimed range for the S is 285 miles. Actual achieved range by Motor Trend was 225 miles. That was with easy driving. Speed it up and you lose half the range in hurry. Drive it really fast and you have a range of 90 to 100 miles. The rapid charge from the charging station does not give you a full charge either. The Rapid charge is a half charge, the full charge still takes hours.

Rapid charging at a Tesla EV Supercharge station

So you have to cruise at 65 mph. And you can only go 225 real miles. And the 220 charging station (you can have one of those in the trunk) gets you to 80 % in a half hour and an hour for full charge (go eat lunch). And the 110 volt takes 4 hours for a full charge. It's called planning. Imagine the planning our Grand Parents had to do when the only thing available for long distance was a horse. In my lifetime, dirt roads were the norm and only major US Highways were paved. The Interstate was still a dream. BTW, I am not just talking here. My major vehicle for short distances is an Electric equal to about 800 mpg. This is a NO EXCUSE area.
Why do liberals always want to bring us back. to the 1940s?

Are you aware of just how stupid your post is? Liberal = Progressive. Meaning, striving for change.

It's your bunch that wants us to stay in the 40s since the White Man ruled without peer. And a Conservative is resistant to change.

Now, you are trying to go back to the Lincoln Republicans that your bunch threw under the Bus.

Get used to it. Change is going to happen. What I am saying, we all need to be more self reliant and stop listening to the talking heads. Learn to think for yourself. I would think that you actually did that at one time but maybe not.

Electric Vehicles are here to stay. You saying they aren't doesn't change a thing. The Electric Car was not even looked at for almost 100 years. It gave the Gas Car a huge advantage. In the very near future, prices on the batteries (an electric car battery costs in the upwards of 30,000 bucks now) will continue to fall and be made in the Good Old USA. I know that is contrary to your beliefs that it's better if it's produced overseas but the Made In USA is making quite a swing. It's good for the American Tax Payer but bad for your buddies with their nozzles securely crammed into the corporate feeding trough. And that should not be a left or a right thing but an American thing. Are you trying to be UnAmerican? Is that the way of the extreme right? Must be.

Learn to think for yourself? Learn to be self reliant? Are you for real? Progressivism is nothing but collectivist groupthink. The idea to progress is a good one. However, when a bunch of imbeciles get together and demand change before it is ready bad things happen. That describes progressive policies to a T. I would love for the world to run on EV's. I truly would. But right now they are nowhere near as efficient (that means inexpensive) and they are more environmentally damaging than the ICE vehicles they wish to supplant.

Until those problems are rectified they are not a solution but a problem waiting to happen. Yet again.
But who the fuck would buy one as their primary car?

Someone who wants a luxury car and doesn't need to drive hundreds of miles a day?

The average person drive 12k miles per year. That averages out to 32 miles per day at 7 days a week, or 46 miles a day during the work week. Only 230 miles per week. The Tesla does that quite easily.
From the Blaze tonight:

Bammy promised in his 2011 State of the Union Address, that by 2015, electric cars would swarm this country's landscape thicker than illegal aliens. Yet 99.7% of the hundreds of thousands of electric cars he promised, are nowhere to be found. Yet one more idiotic pipedream by Bammy's warmies. Oh, and you the taxpayer forked over a $7,500 subsidy for every one that was sold. Just makes you feel green and cozy all over, don't it?

what amazes me you republican Idiots never used google, bing, yahoo or what ever search engine there is out there to do some simple research ... so I'll help ya tom sweetnam .... especially this one who made a ignorant rant here about Obammy ... all I did was typed in "car companies that have electric cares released in 2015" ....

to tom Sweetnam .... SURPRISE!!!!! all the car companies are releasing a electric car this year... like Ive always said republicans are just plain stupid and lazy

That's because they are being forced to do so. And they lose money on every one they sell. Use you google search and look that one up too.
But who the fuck would buy one as their primary car?

Not a single post of yours isn't a profane rag. So, you want to be in charge. You will some day. Hell just might need a new leader.

BTW, I happen to be a moderate like MOST Americans. In 2016, the Reps in Congress had better damn well get busy.
But who the fuck would buy one as their primary car?

Not a single post of yours isn't a profane rag. So, you want to be in charge. You will some day. Hell just might need a new leader.

BTW, I happen to be a moderate like MOST Americans. In 2016, the Reps in Congress had better damn well get busy.

You reap what you sow. Your first post was belligerent and accusatory and you're surprised when you receive the same. Really......
But who the fuck would buy one as their primary car?

Not a single post of yours isn't a profane rag. So, you want to be in charge. You will some day. Hell just might need a new leader.

BTW, I happen to be a moderate like MOST Americans. In 2016, the Reps in Congress had better damn well get busy.

You reap what you sow. Your first post was belligerent and accusatory and you're surprised when you receive the same. Really......

You shot first. Then you complain when the other person shoots back. When that happens, you are just bitching.
the real breakthrough for any electric vehicle to get any range

is to be able to produce electricity not simply store it for usage

i mean that is not really the breakthrough since trains have been doing it for a long time

the breakthrough comes when it can be done without the aid of fossil fuels

Most trains that don't do on-board generation use overhead trolley wires or third rails. Not the utmost in convenience for most places in the first case though perhaps a good means of limiting population growth in the second.

If I am not mistaken, aren't most diesel locomotives actually moved by an electrical engine? I thought the diesel generated electricity and that powered the train.

aren't most diesel locomotives actually moved by an electrical engine?

yes diesel-electric
But who the fuck would buy one as their primary car?

Not a single post of yours isn't a profane rag. So, you want to be in charge. You will some day. Hell just might need a new leader.

BTW, I happen to be a moderate like MOST Americans. In 2016, the Reps in Congress had better damn well get busy.

You reap what you sow. Your first post was belligerent and accusatory and you're surprised when you receive the same. Really......

You shot first. Then you complain when the other person shoots back. When that happens, you are just bitching.

Untrue. Your first post in this thread was an attack. Your responses were in kind. And you are the person whining. Not us.
Right now, many have all kinds of "Reasons" not to own a second car that is electric.

No, the Electric would be hard pressed to drive cross country. This is why you have a second car that is used for that.

Yes, the pure electric car costs more due to the expensive batteries. But Telsa and Sony are teaming up on a factory to manufacture those batteries at a much lower cost rate than today. Most batteries are imported from China or India and both keep the prices artificially inflated.

Yes, Lithium Batteries are a bit dirty to make. This is why Tesla is seriously looking at some western states that have millions of unused desolate desert areas that can be used. Arizona, Utah and NM are receptive. This truly creates jobs. And it enables us to have lower priced lithium products.

The fact remains that the Big 3 are still pushing gas over electric or diesel hard. The General public is stupid.
When prices come down, ranges increase, and charging is as easy and fast as filling up a tank, then I will certainly consider buying an electric. I love the quietness of the car and lack of pollution, but I'm not going to pay five or ten thousand dollars more for a car that I have to drive 5 miles to a charging station and wait 4 hours for a charge. Till then, I'll stick with my hybrid.

with the advancement of using ammonia to hold hydrogen

for hydrogen use on demand

the amount of hydrogen will be so available

that the consumer will be able to have the option

having either a electric or combustion engine/motor
Yes, this could be a game changer but, there is no prototype. The group in the UK have a simple method of cracking the ammonia to release hydrogen and nitrogen. The rest is just ideas. If it really works in a vehicle, we're still years before you will see one at a local dealer, but it does seem like good idea.
Hydrogen breakthrough could be a game-changer for the future of car fuels

may be sooner then years away there is already a workable ammonia reactor

however there are other things to consider

anhydrous ammonia can be nasty stuff and needs to be kept under pressure

to keep from evaporating


then what does millions and millions of vehicles

releasing nitrogen into the atmosphere do to the environment if anything

i see it as promising
But who the fuck would buy one as their primary car?

Not a single post of yours isn't a profane rag. So, you want to be in charge. You will some day. Hell just might need a new leader.

BTW, I happen to be a moderate like MOST Americans. In 2016, the Reps in Congress had better damn well get busy.

You reap what you sow. Your first post was belligerent and accusatory and you're surprised when you receive the same. Really......

You shot first. Then you complain when the other person shoots back. When that happens, you are just bitching.

Untrue. Your first post in this thread was an attack. Your responses were in kind. And you are the person whining. Not us.

Disagreeing isn't an attack. I realized something the other day talking to my Sister. She is hard core right wing. Everything brought up sooner or later leads to "Obamasomething" in a negative way. Sitting on my side, the hate just oozes. You don't talk with us, you talk to us. And anything that is said outside of your "Argument" is obviously an attack and deserves a whole series of Profanity. You have taken Liberal to the profane stages in your mind. So, it's equal to you yelling "N...ger" over and over. Well, profane one,, I disagree with you enough levels that forces me to "Disagree" with you.
when did the US last build a nuclear power plant?

Unit 1 at Seabrook, NH was completed in 1986 and ramped up to 100% power in 1990. (Unit 2 was cancelled and never installed.) There are several under construction (expanding existing nuclear power plants in South Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia), but no NEW nuclear plant has broken ground since 1977. (Which is bloody disgraceful...)
I don't know about that. It remains a very expensive way to boil water. Then there is the matter of what to do with the radioactive waste produced by these plants. The public is rightfully pretty leery of these plants after the Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters.

New reactor designs produce no waste. The contrary: they are FUELED BY WASTE!
Maybe it would help if you provided a quote from Obama vs something you made up

There are about 1% electric cars now where before it was zero.

If you're talking about electric cars as a percentile of all automobiles/light trucks registered in the US (not counting hybrids), the number of electric cars registered last year was 130,000 compared to 247 million non-electric/non-hybrid light vehicles. 1% would put the electric car count at 2,247,000, not 130,000. This is why your posts have zero credibility, dean. You're not even a mediochre propagandist, you're just a bad liar and a lazy one at that. Typical useful idiot in other words.

Electric car use by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Average age of U.S. car light truck on road hits record 11.4 years Polk says

Another interesting point in the Polk link above: The average age of petroleum-based vehicles in the US hit a historical high last year: 11.4 years. Because of Obama's marvelous economy, most people can't afford new cars/trucks, so they keep their old ones much longer, and they put the maintenance money into them that keeps them on our roads for 200,000+ miles instead of 100,000 miles.

I bought a new truck at Christmas. The sales manager at the dealership told me "Today, the used car market is pretty much the new car market. Nobody can afford the new ones anymore."

Add the fact that electric cars, from the CO/CO2 belching, coal burning electric generation plants with which they're umbilically attached, actually produce 2.8 times the greenhouse gas emissions of any petroleum powered light car/truck, and warmies really look more and more ludicrous every day, don' you agree? Or in dean's case, more and more ridiculous every day.

Since coal power generating plants only account for 39% of the power generated in the US, your "umbilically attached" comment is accurate in less than half of the country.

In fact, nuclear energy (19%), hydro (7%) and other renewables (6%) account for 32% of the power generated, so there is almost as much generated by renewables as by coal. As these technologies expand it will overtake coal as a source for electric power.

What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration EIA

So you admit (do the arithmetic) that electric cars ad at least 100% more in the way of noxious greenhouse gases to the atmosphere than petroleum-based vehicles?

Of course I don't. Even if you have only coal generated electricity, the controls on pollutants and greenhouse gases are better than those on the thousands of gas powered cars.

Bullshit. The tailpipe emissions of a modern car are basically zero. (Some cars, the emissions ARE zero!)
It was a very bad design. I already said that. But the operators were clueless on what to do once the shit started hitting the fan. The disaster could have been averted if they had been properly trained.

But it was a combination of both.

I recall that many fail-safes had been bypassed, in order to run the plant at greater than 100% rated power. (Seriously.) Also, the obvious fact: as well as being a dreadful graphite-core reactor, Chornobyl had no containment building!
Rightwingers will not allow any actual dialog about electric cars. No matter what you post to back up your challenges to their stupidity, they will only have to yell "but, It's a piece of shit" and that pretty much sums up these stupid threads.
Those who seem so opposed to the EVs have yet to actually do anything to provide an alternative. If hydrogen is the future, then how about some enterprising American Entrepreneur come up with workable models and start selling them? The chief complaint I have seen is that there is no infrastructure in place for refueling. The same could have been said for the Tesla. But they went out and worked on solving the problem.

That problem is not solvable. Hydrogen is an energy SINK...creating a gallon of liquid hydrogen takes more energy than said hydrogen contains Not to mentionm liquid H2 is not an energy-dense fuel: a gallon of gasoline has MORE hydrogen than a gallon of liquid hydrogen!

It always amazes me that so many conservatives seem adamantly against the success of teh Tesla and other EVs.

I'm not against their success...I am against their SUBSIDIES!
If anyone believed that electric cars would overtake gas powered cars in less than a decade, I have a bridge I would love to sell you.

But there have been advances. And there are over 100,000 production electric vehicles on the road now. Not bad considering the entire industry is just a few years old.
A few years old? Lmao, you ignorant fool electric cars are as old as gasoline ones

The current electric-car industry is not, you stupid shit.

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