What real lynching looks like..

This has to be one of the funniest threads I've read in a while. It seems that whether a person is liberal or conservative is dependent solely on which behavior today's liberals don't want to own, and not at all based on party affiliation. Now that's a diasporic crisis of double identity, AND the cynosure of all eyes that are reading this for the sake of noting the stupidity of today's liberals.

You described the far right reactionaries as well, Sunshine. Both extremes of the spectrum are schizophrenic.

Liberals need to stop bringing up that lynching thing. I can tell you that neither Truman nor Eisenhower were liberals. They just have to throw it at someone, deciding that Truman and Eisenhower were liberals begs the question, 'what was Kennedy.'

The liberals start a thread like this, claim that Republicans of the 20s were liberals, all the while advocating that muslims who are doing the exact same thing to women in this century are the moral equivalent of today's Christians who are not hanging women in the marketplace. Then they assert that the Nazis were Christians, when in fact Christians favor Jews because the Bible tells them to.

The liberals on here are a bunch of stupid mixed up undereducated shit slinging apes. Democrats were always liberals, and it was Democrats who rode in the KKK and lynched blacks. The liberal mindset is that you can do whatever you are big enough to do, then and now. (And if you have herpes you can thank liberals for the sexual revolution that spawned it for you.) There are Democrats in Congress right now who claim to be 'former' KKK members. Truth be told, they are still members in good standing and floating them as much money as they can launder. Just because the Democratic party has been taken over by blacks who now want to lynch whites doesn't mean it wasn't liberal at the turn of the 20th century when it was hell bent on lynching blacks.
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JohnL does not remember that the conservatives in the South were Democrats: race problems.

Conservatives in the South now: Republicans ~ race problems.

Reactionaries on the right will not be allowed to revise historical narratives.

Jake is a pathological liar

Fakey is HOSTILE to honesty.

It apparently causes him actual physical pain.
I much prefer seeing this, instead of actually reading his irrelevant drivel.
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They were murdered by right wing conservative Southerners. What political affiliation do right wing conservative Southerners have today?

That is classic BS

Don't go into submarine building cause he whole structure would be filled with as many holes as that lame argument.

Nope. It is totally valid. The truth frightens you.

It sure wasn't liberals, as we define them today, lynching blacks, now was it. It was right wing conservative Southerners. And today, right wing conservative Southerners are Republicans.

The GOP Southern Strategy was so effective, the modern Republican Southerner is almost identical to the Dixicrats of the past. Anti-communist, big on states rights, hates big government, and racist.

You would not see a modern day Republican on a civil rights march, now would you. You would not see them riding on buses with negroes, or taking abuse at lunch counters with them, or getting themselves shot in Mississippi trying to register negroes to vote.

Nope. The modern day Republican is trying to keep blacks from voting. Living up to the legacy of their lynch-happy Dixiecrat ancestors.

Yet it is the liberals that feel free to hunt down an Hispanic male and ruin his life TODAY even AfTER that Hispanic male was found NOT GUILTY by our judicial system with a juror that was black.

Don't pat yourself on the back until YOU look in the mirror.

SINKING, start bailing
I just want to go on record as stating that I am against lynching. I am not afraid to take a stand.

^ ONE of the BEST posts of the day.

I think George Zimmerman was lynched by the press. Think what it would be like to have your words deliberately altered by the media to make it sound like you made some vile comment that could cost you pretty much everything in today's racial climate. Then think how it would be to tune in to CNN and find your social security number and all your personal information there for those who would destroy you to take and use for that purpose. Apes used to mark their territory by slinging shit. They are still slinging shit except that now it comes from the tip of a pen or keyboard. Zimmerman was theirs and they were going to lynch him. And they are unremorseful.
This has to be one of the funniest threads I've read in a while. It seems that whether a person is liberal or conservative is dependent solely on which behavior today's liberals don't want to own, and not at all based on party affiliation. Now that's a diasporic crisis of double identity, AND the cynosure of all eyes that are reading this for the sake of noting the stupidity of today's liberals.

You described the far right reactionaries as well, Sunshine. Both extremes of the spectrum are schizophrenic.

Liberals need to stop bringing up that lynching thing. I can tell you that neither Truman nor Eisenhower were liberals. They just have to throw it at someone, deciding that Truman and Eisenhower were liberals begs the question, 'what was Kennedy.'

The liberals start a thread like this, claim that Republicans of the 20s were liberals, all the while advocating that muslims who are doing the exact same thing to women in this century are the moral equivalent of today's Christians who are not hanging women in the marketplace. Then they assert that the Nazis were Christians, when in fact Christians favor Jews because the Bible tells them to.

The liberals on here are a bunch of stupid mixed up undereducated shit slinging apes. Democrats were always liberals, and it was Democrats who rode in the KKK and lynched blacks. The liberal mindset is that you can do whatever you are big enough to do, then and now. There are Democrats in Congress right now who claim to be 'former' KKK members. Truth be told, they are still members in good standing and floating them as much money as they can launder. Just because the Democratic party has been taken over by blacks who now want to lynch whites doesn't mean it wasn't liberal at the turn of the 20th century when it was hell bent on lynching blacks.

And you just demonstrated the silliness of the far right in the above bolded.
You described the far right reactionaries as well, Sunshine. Both extremes of the spectrum are schizophrenic.

Liberals need to stop bringing up that lynching thing. I can tell you that neither Truman nor Eisenhower were liberals. They just have to throw it at someone, deciding that Truman and Eisenhower were liberals begs the question, 'what was Kennedy.'

The liberals start a thread like this, claim that Republicans of the 20s were liberals, all the while advocating that muslims who are doing the exact same thing to women in this century are the moral equivalent of today's Christians who are not hanging women in the marketplace. Then they assert that the Nazis were Christians, when in fact Christians favor Jews because the Bible tells them to.

The liberals on here are a bunch of stupid mixed up undereducated shit slinging apes. Democrats were always liberals, and it was Democrats who rode in the KKK and lynched blacks. The liberal mindset is that you can do whatever you are big enough to do, then and now. There are Democrats in Congress right now who claim to be 'former' KKK members. Truth be told, they are still members in good standing and floating them as much money as they can launder. Just because the Democratic party has been taken over by blacks who now want to lynch whites doesn't mean it wasn't liberal at the turn of the 20th century when it was hell bent on lynching blacks.

And you just demonstrated the silliness of the far right in the above bolded.

You cannot deny that Zimmerman was lynched in the press. The liberal media tried to destroy him. Just listen. You will hear the comments by liberals about him needing to look over his shoulder the rest of his life.
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Lynch mobs denied people justice and denied people their very lives.

To get very over simplified, lynch mobs = very bad.

But I believe we all already knew this.

So, what point is served by making sure we hear it again?

Are there a LOT of lynchings going on today?

People seem to be throwing the word around very casually today.

like who?
Clarence Thomas complained of a high tech lynching.

It WAS a high tech lynching by the liberal Democratics in the Senate during his confirmation hearings. You know: shit stains like Teddy "glub glub" Kennedy, that prick motherfucker.

Was it somehow "wrong" to refer to a high tech "lynching" when he was getting royally fucked over by those filthy liberal Democrat rat bastards?
Liberals need to stop bringing up that lynching thing. I can tell you that neither Truman nor Eisenhower were liberals. They just have to throw it at someone, deciding that Truman and Eisenhower were liberals begs the question, 'what was Kennedy.'

The liberals start a thread like this, claim that Republicans of the 20s were liberals, all the while advocating that muslims who are doing the exact same thing to women in this century are the moral equivalent of today's Christians who are not hanging women in the marketplace. Then they assert that the Nazis were Christians, when in fact Christians favor Jews because the Bible tells them to.

The liberals on here are a bunch of stupid mixed up undereducated shit slinging apes. Democrats were always liberals, and it was Democrats who rode in the KKK and lynched blacks. The liberal mindset is that you can do whatever you are big enough to do, then and now. There are Democrats in Congress right now who claim to be 'former' KKK members. Truth be told, they are still members in good standing and floating them as much money as they can launder. Just because the Democratic party has been taken over by blacks who now want to lynch whites doesn't mean it wasn't liberal at the turn of the 20th century when it was hell bent on lynching blacks.

And you just demonstrated the silliness of the far right in the above bolded.

You cannot deny that Zimmerman was lynched in the press. The liberal media tried to destroy him. Just listen. You will hear the comments by liberals about him needing to look over his shoulder the rest of his life.

What happened to blacks who want to lynch whites statements. Now you are talking about the liberal media and liberals who are unhappy with the decision. Their right to do so, Sunshine, just as is your right to criticize them.

You are undoubtedly correct that a few white, black, or brown Americans, if given a chance without being caught, may fantasize an opportunity to kill Zimmerman.

I know if the reverse had happened, and TM had walked, he would have left town and gone to inner city LA or NYC to be safe.

Dangerous events occur when guns are involved.
I agree with Burke:

Lynching = bad.

True, I prefer impaling, it worked for Vlad.

I have heard of dinner by candle light, but Vlad took it to a new place.

And you just demonstrated the silliness of the far right in the above bolded.

You cannot deny that Zimmerman was lynched in the press. The liberal media tried to destroy him. Just listen. You will hear the comments by liberals about him needing to look over his shoulder the rest of his life.

What happened to blacks who want to lynch whites statements. Now you are talking about the liberal media and liberals who are unhappy with the decision. Their right to do so, Sunshine, just as is your right to criticize them.

You are undoubtedly correct that a few white, black, or brown Americans, if given a chance without being caught, may fantasize an opportunity to kill Zimmerman.

I know if the reverse had happened, and TM had walked, he would have left town and gone to inner city LA or NYC to be safe.

Dangerous events occur when guns are involved.

They are still out there. That is why Zimmerman is in hiding.
This is something people should come to understand.

Black Women who were Lynched in America | Henrietta Vinton Davis's Weblog

Jennie Steers
On July 25, 1903 a mob lynched Jennie Steers on the Beard Plantation in Louisiana for supposedly giving a white teenager, 16 year-old Elizabeth Dolan, a glass of poisoned lemonade. Before they killed her, the mob tried to force her to confess but she refused and was hanged. (100 Years at Lynching. Ralph Ginzburg)

Laura Nelson
Laura Nelson was lynched on May 23, 1911 In Okemah, Okluskee, Oklahoma. Her fifteen year old son was also lynched at the same time but I could not find a photo of her son. The photograph of Nelson was drawn from a postcard. Authorities accused her of killing a deputy sheriff who supposedly stumbled on some stolen goods in her house. Why they lynched her child is a mystery. The mob raped and dragged Nelson six miles to the Canadian River and hanged her from a bridge.(NAACP: One Hundred Years of Lynching in the US 1889-1918 )

Ann Barksdale or Ann Bostwick
The lynchers maintained that Ann Barksdale or Ann Bostwlck killed her female employer in Pinehurst, Georgia on June 24, 1912. Nobody knows if or why Barksdale or Bostick killed her employer because there was no trial and no one thought to take a statement from this Black woman who authorities claimed had ”violent fits of insanity” and should have been placed in a hospital. Nobody was arrested and the crowd was In a festive mood. Placed in a car with a rope around her neck, and the other end tied to a tree limb, the lynchers drove at high speed and she was strangled to death. For good measure the mob shot her eyes out and shot enough bullets Into her body that she was “cut in two.”

Marie Scott
March 31, 1914, a white mob of at least a dozen males, yanked seventeen year-old Marie Scott from jail, threw a rope over her head as she screamed and hanged her from a telephone pole in Wagoner County, Oklahoma. What happened? Two drunken white men barged Into her house as she was dressing. They locked themselves in her room and criminally “assaulted” her. Her brother apparently heard her screams for help, kicked down the door, killed one assailant and fled. Some accounts state that the assailant was stabbed. Frustrated by their inability to lynch Marie Scott’s brother the mob lynched Marie Scott. (Crisis 1914 and 100 Years of Lynching)

Where did they get those white ass cracka names...no Malia, Letisha, Chantel, or Beulah???,
Buford or Bucky or Zadok or Gertrude or Clarabelle? Really you want to go down that road.
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