*What Is Death To An Ahteist*?


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. I can't imagine how dark and empty death must seem to an atheist?
2. Does anyone who is an atheist want to share their thoughts about this?
3. And can you explain why I would want what you believe in about death, and being dead?

I'm an agnostic, but here:

It's not a matter of what you "want to believe," because an atheists' point of view is not "I choose to believe X or Y," the atheists' point of view is that "there is not significant evidence for x or y, THAT'S why I don't believe it."

It's not so much a choice, but a rationalization of the facts as they see them.
GT, sounds like a choice to me. There's no evidence that X or Y is true, but there's also no evidence that it doesn't. So, you made a decision. Which is fine, it's your right.
GT, sounds like a choice to me. There's no evidence that X or Y is true, but there's also no evidence that it doesn't. So, you made a decision. Which is fine, it's your right.

You don't go around proving negatives of things that are totally made up, as far as the facts can tell. It's not a choice, it's simple rationality absent of blind faith.
I'm an agnostic, but here:

It's not a matter of what you "want to believe," because an atheists' point of view is not "I choose to believe X or Y," the atheists' point of view is that "there is not significant evidence for x or y, THAT'S why I don't believe it."

It's not so much a choice, but a rationalization of the facts as they see them.

I don't understand how anyone could say there is no God. From the tiniest details of the planet to the vastness of the universe - it is truly and utterly amazing. So beautiful. And here, Earth, the perfect set up within our solar system to sustain life. The air, the trees, the waters, the mountains, the plains, the whitest of snows, the beautiful creatures....it boggles my mind that anyone would believe it's just an accident and that we came from nothing. With or without the "proof" of seeing God Himself.

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I'm an agnostic, but here:

It's not a matter of what you "want to believe," because an atheists' point of view is not "I choose to believe X or Y," the atheists' point of view is that "there is not significant evidence for x or y, THAT'S why I don't believe it."

It's not so much a choice, but a rationalization of the facts as they see them.

I don't understand is how anyone could say there is no God. From the tiniest details of the planet to the vastness of the universe - it is truly and utterly amazing. So beautiful. And here, Earth, the perfect set up within our solar system to sustain life. The air, the trees, the waters, the mountains, the plains, the whitest of snows, the beautiful creatures....it boggles my mind that anyone would believe it's just an accident and that we came from nothing. With or without the "proof" of seeing God Himself.


Well, unlike you, I can understand it. Complexity does not imply Omniscience. It implies complexity, and that's it.

And there are plenty of other planets that can sustain life. Do some research.
I'm an agnostic, but here:

It's not a matter of what you "want to believe," because an atheists' point of view is not "I choose to believe X or Y," the atheists' point of view is that "there is not significant evidence for x or y, THAT'S why I don't believe it."

It's not so much a choice, but a rationalization of the facts as they see them.

I don't understand is how anyone could say there is no God. From the tiniest details of the planet to the vastness of the universe - it is truly and utterly amazing. So beautiful. And here, Earth, the perfect set up within our solar system to sustain life. The air, the trees, the waters, the mountains, the plains, the whitest of snows, the beautiful creatures....it boggles my mind that anyone would believe it's just an accident and that we came from nothing. With or without the "proof" of seeing God Himself.


Well, unlike you, I can understand it. Complexity does not imply Omniscience. It implies complexity, and that's it.

And there are plenty of other planets that can sustain life. Do some research.

My apologies if I sounded arrogant, but it's just always been that way for me. To me, it is common sense that there is a God, a Creator. Although I didn't truly know who the correct "God" was, until I came to Jesus Christ our Lord.

Now I realize you may think my saying that is arrogant too, but that is what happens through Jesus Christ. We actually KNOW. (Thats why you hear it said, "I once was blind, but now I see.") That's part of the song Amazing Grace, and also in the Bible. And we may stumble, we may fall, even lack in faith sometimes, but He is faithful and reminds us when we stumble, etc.. to confess to Him, to ask for forgiveness, (and He promises to forgive when we do) and to move on.

When we truly seek God He promises He will answer. (Yes, that means praying to Him personally and asking Him, "Are you real?", "What is the truth?".. I really want to know now, God. "Why are there so many religions?" "Who is the true God?" You see, He WILL answer. He is God, He is not a man, that He would lie, He is The God Almighty. The King of kings. He has promised that when we seek Him with full heart and soul, we will find Him. (This is because He knows our hearts, if they are true. If we are set out just to deny Him or mock Him, that won't work)

Many people who say they do not believe say they want "proof" of actually seeing Him. But as it is written in His Word, that is not how it will be for the majority of us while we are alive. He told us so and He told us that blessed are those who believe, but who have not seen. (When Jesus Christ walked the earth).

The first thing we repent of upon coming to the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, is asking forgivness for not believing He IS Who He said He is. We ask for forgiveness for not believing Him. Words cannot describe that moment either. After that point, it still is not easy, sometimes even harder as some friends and family reject us, and actually can be very very very difficult.... but it is more than words can describe to have that knowledge of the truth of this world, and more than anything, knowing His love and learning from Him. My words cannot do Him justice.

As for life elsewhere, I understand what you are saying, however it is not like it is here on earth. I think science is great! I wish I could afford cable so I could watch programs of the like, nature channels, etc. But the difference between you and I is that I give the Glory to God for it all, instead of just "nothing." And I understand that it's impossible for someone to give Him Glory, until they know Him.

Hope that helps and thank you for discussing.

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Death is the natural and inevitable end of life. Nothing more nothing less.
Sorry bout that,

1. I can't imagine how dark and empty death must seem to an atheist?
2. Does anyone who is an atheist want to share their thoughts about this?
3. And can you explain why I would want what you believe in about death, and being dead?


The key to your post is the word want.

You see reality is not what you want it to be.

reality is what it is reguardless of how you FEEL.

You choose to believe in a god.

I merely face the reality the facts shows to be in place.

When you face your REAL mortality you feel great.

You see the facts are what makes my beliefs so beautiful.

I face reality and you choose not to.

More power to you dude but you will end up the same place I will after death.......no where.

The end. Lights out. Game over.

And until someone out of the countless billions who have died over the eons comes back and reports something different, that's what I'll believe.
Sorry bout that,

I'm an agnostic, but here:

It's not a matter of what you "want to believe," because an atheists' point of view is not "I choose to believe X or Y," the atheists' point of view is that "there is not significant evidence for x or y, THAT'S why I don't believe it."

It's not so much a choice, but a rationalization of the facts as they see them.

1. So do you feel sort of *hopeless*?

Sorry bout that,

GT, sounds like a choice to me. There's no evidence that X or Y is true, but there's also no evidence that it doesn't. So, you made a decision. Which is fine, it's your right.

1. Everyone has choice, when too and not to raise their voices, its you who decides.

Sorry bout that,

1. I can't imagine how dark and empty death must seem to an atheist?
2. Does anyone who is an atheist want to share their thoughts about this?
3. And can you explain why I would want what you believe in about death, and being dead?


Why would death being the end be dark and empty or scary?

Isn't it more scary to contemplate that if your religion isn't the right one, or if you've not done enough, been good enough, done the right thing you're going to spend an eternity in hell?

Just sayin'.
Sorry bout that,

I'm an agnostic, but here:

It's not a matter of what you "want to believe," because an atheists' point of view is not "I choose to believe X or Y," the atheists' point of view is that "there is not significant evidence for x or y, THAT'S why I don't believe it."

It's not so much a choice, but a rationalization of the facts as they see them.

1. So do you feel sort of *hopeless*?


Not at all. I feel great to be alive.
Sorry bout that,

To me death is just the end and nothing after.
Why is this concept so scary?

1. So going into an abyss wouldn't scare the hell out of you?
2. Not only a dark place but a dark place without even a thought?
3. *Zoinck* = *nothingness*?
4. Wow just the thought of that should make you want to scream out for Jesus.
5. Just to not be anymore is terrible, but we know Gods words say, that there is an *everlasting hell*, that would determine there is consciousness.

Sorry bout that,

I'm an agnostic, but here:

It's not a matter of what you "want to believe," because an atheists' point of view is not "I choose to believe X or Y," the atheists' point of view is that "there is not significant evidence for x or y, THAT'S why I don't believe it."

It's not so much a choice, but a rationalization of the facts as they see them.

I don't understand how anyone could say there is no God. From the tiniest details of the planet to the vastness of the universe - it is truly and utterly amazing. So beautiful. And here, Earth, the perfect set up within our solar system to sustain life. The air, the trees, the waters, the mountains, the plains, the whitest of snows, the beautiful creatures....it boggles my mind that anyone would believe it's just an accident and that we came from nothing. With or without the "proof" of seeing God Himself.


1. Just the reproductive system alone is a miracle.
2. How this is so well designed is totally a wonder.
3. How the eye works too, how your brain functions is amazing, well my brain, most libs have some issues, who are the bigger part of atheists.

If you believe death is the end, there is no abyss of darkness without thought. You're just done. No consciousness, no thought, no feeling, no sound, no light. Just done. Game over.

And you can't use "God says" to debate with atheists. It's like trying to teach a pig to sing - it wastes your time and annoys the pig. ;)

That being said, I've some very close friends that are atheists and generally speaking, they know the Bible better than most "religious" folks. See, the ones I know actually read it and think about it, trying to sort things out for themselves, as opposed to just parroting it back as it was taught to them.

Personal thought, personal discovery is much better than mass indoctrination and I applaud those who do think for themselves, whether I agree with them or not.
Sorry bout that,


The end. Lights out. Game over.

And until someone out of the countless billions who have died over the eons comes back and reports something different, that's what I'll believe.

1. Game on.
2. Jesus came back from the dead, and made his report, why haven't you heard it yet?

Sorry bout that,

1. I can't imagine how dark and empty death must seem to an atheist?
2. Does anyone who is an atheist want to share their thoughts about this?
3. And can you explain why I would want what you believe in about death, and being dead?


Normally I wouldn't respond to your religious insanity but you seem to be on your meds enough to pose a responsible question.

#1 There is nothing to imagine.

#2 Not really

#3 It gives me more reason to make what I do have in life more meaningful.

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