What has happened to the Republican Party


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
What has happened to the Republican Party?
The GOP was founded in 1854 by opponents of the Kansasā€“Nebraska Act,[11] which allowed for the potential expansion of chattel slavery into the western territories. The party supported economic reform and classical liberalism while opposing the expansion of slavery.
They are now the party that includes White Nationalism. The America First Caucus (AFC) exists to promote Congressional policies that are to the long-term benefit of the American nation,ā€
A party started on high moral standards to a party of immorality.
What has happened to the Republican Party?
The GOP was founded in 1854 by opponents of the Kansasā€“Nebraska Act,[11] which allowed for the potential expansion of chattel slavery into the western territories. The party supported economic reform and classical liberalism while opposing the expansion of slavery.
They are now the party that includes White Nationalism. The America First Caucus (AFC) exists to promote Congressional policies that are to the long-term benefit of the American nation,ā€
A party started on high moral standards to a party of immorality.
For a long time, there has been two GOP's: One group was/is the DC party politicians, who were just doing what politicians do. The second was/is the rank & file Republicans who get most of their "information" from talk radio and (later) the internet. As time went on, these two elements grew apart more and more, as the rank & file grew angrier and angrier with the GOP establishment. Thank Rush and Sean for that, primarily, because the momentum for all of the right wing media came from them.

So, this frustration, rage and paranoia have been sitting there, boiling just underneath the surface, for several years, and most of the country was unaware of it. So was the GOP establishment. And then, out of nowhere, a most unlikely character came down the escalator one day and let all that frustration, rage and paranoia out of the bag.

Somewhere along the way the GOP had changed from the party of conservative values into the party you describe. And it took an ignorant, uncouth, orange buffoon to be the spark. The establishment is now the minority in the party. Rage, paranoia and white nationalism are now in control.
To belabor the obvious, the Republican Party has always been our more conservative political party, and the South has always been our most conservative region. But Southern conservatives were alienated from the GOP because of slavery and the Civil War. However much affinity they might have for Republicans on issues such as national defense or taxes, they were never going to formally join the party of Abraham Lincoln.

And so America had a historical anomaly, in which conservative Southerners found themselves permanent members of our more liberal political party, the Democrats. It took a great deal of compromise and political skill to keep Northern liberals and Southern conservatives sufficiently allied to win the White House and control of Congress.

The first cracks in this unholy alliance appeared as early as 1938. Franklin Roosevelt, irritated by the lack of support many Southern Democrats were giving to various New Deal programs, tried to purge some of them in the Democratic primaries. This effort failed miserably and Republicans made big gains thanks to Democratic disunity. The result further alienated Southern conservatives from Roosevelt.

The strengthened Republicans greeted the alienated Southerners with open arms. While there was no possibility of them actually becoming Republicans, they were perfectly willing to form a conservative coalitionin Congress to block progressive legislation.

This article provides a good summation of when the GOP shifted further toward the right.
The same thing that happened to the democrat party. They have convinced themselves that Uber wealthy men are somehow going to do things that will magically make them rich.
Another libtard thread focusing on nothing but skin color.

There's a word for that..........................
This nation has never been stronger. Well forged with a new generation of massively productive hard working young people.
The GOP is just appealing to the working class rural folks who the Democrats left behind and continually demean.

They are appealing to those who hate gays, who donā€™t like it that the woman on line at the Supermarket is speaking Spanish, those who fear their whiteness is being challenged
Gay marriage and other gay issues have less to do with the rural-urban divide and more to do with generational viewpoints. Older people take more issue with gays, but young people usually don't. That's true regardless of political persuasion or living arrangement.

As for the "whiteness" canard, it's not that simple. Most people don't have a problem with legal immigration. Some people just don't like illegal immigration.
In 1962, some of Americaā€™s most influential conservatives met to talk about a growing threat: the rise of paranoid conspiracy theories on the right.

In a hotel suite in Palm Beach, Fla., Buckley and Kirk found themselves giving Goldwater advice about how to respond to the ultra-right-wing John Birch Societyā€™s surge in popularity. The society, founded in 1958, was fiercely anti-communist ā€” and fond of crackpot theories.
ā€œHow can the John Birch Society be an effective political instrument while it is led by a man whose views on current affairs are ā€¦ so far removed from common sense?ā€

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The same Republican party that ended Democrat slavery, and pissed off white Democrats so much they invented the Klan, then Jim Crow laws? You folks should worry about your own, you're back to your old tricks, just look at all them kids in cages.
The Republican party, now, attracts the racists who in the past were attracted to the Democrats.
If you join a political party, you are joining what it is now, not what it was.
Educated whites have been a mainstay of the Republican party, they are moving to the Democrats and independents. Uneducated blue collar whites were a mainstay of the Democrats. They are moving to Republican party. They are the predominant demographic of white supremacists.
One could also was what has happened to the Democratic party?This used to be the party that cared about the working class and poor and giving them a fair chance today all they care about is insulting and demeaning these same people and pitting everyone against each other based on their, race, gender or economic standing to try and increase their own power and control.
The same Republican party that ended Democrat slavery, and pissed off white Democrats so much they invented the Klan, then Jim Crow laws? You folks should worry about your own, you're back to your old tricks, just look at all them kids in cages.
The Republican party, now, attracts the racists who in the past were attracted to the Democrats.
If you join a political party, you are joining what it is now, not what it was.
Educated whites have been a mainstay of the Republican party, they are moving to the Democrats and independents. Uneducated blue collar whites were a mainstay of the Democrats. They are moving to Republican party. They are the predominant demographic of white supremacists.

Yet its racist liberals demanding we acknowledge that only one color of lives matter. Stow your projections, nobody is buying it, except the idiot white guilt monkeys that flock to the stupidity that is modern liberalism.

Are you saying white folks are starting to abandon the Democrat party?

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