Are the debates already rigged? How?

Two tier justice system
True dat. Trump has been coddled by the justice system more than any other human in US history.

And people are getting pissed about that, the way the justice system always lets republicans skate.

Now, don't you have some Nazi rectums to suck? That is your thing, after all.
True dat. Trump has been coddled by the justice system more than any other human in US history.

And people are getting pissed about that, the way the justice system always lets republicans skate.

Now, don't you have some Nazi rectums to suck? That is your thing, after all.
Wrong, stop LYING for 5 seconds. Nobody knows who may have won a popular vote because nobody campaigned to win a popular vote. That would require an entirely different campaign strategy hence the outcome of such a contest is unknown.
Nobody knows who won the popular vote? That is one of the most absurd claims I've heard in a while. Were you dropped on your head as a young child?
Stop claiming it was an insurrection
You will more than likely find yourself on the wrong side of justice when trump is president. Leftist show their ass like 2020 insurrection charges for all.
Trump is already telling how he plans to use the presidency to punish his opponents. He's a wannabe tinpot dictator. He can't be let back anywhere near the Whitehouse.
Trump is already telling how he plans to use the presidency to punish his opponents. He's a wannabe tinpot dictator. He can't be let back anywhere near the Whitehouse.
We know exactly how your media takes out of context or blatantly lies about what trump says
Try again Bidentard
We know exactly how your media takes out of context or blatantly lies about what trump says
Try again Bidentard
Nothing out of context. He even repeats many of his dictator like threats, so everybody knows exactly what he intends to do.
Nothing out of context. He even repeats many of his dictator like threats, so everybody knows exactly what he intends to do.
Believe what you want democrat controlled media has a history of doing exactly what I said. Even when you told what was done you continue to believe the bullshit
Bad source

The nonprofit MRC has received financial support primarily from Robert Mercer,[3] but with several other conservative-leaning sources, including the Bradley, Scaife, Olin, Castle Rock and JM foundations, as well as ExxonMobil

Hardly an unbiased source...

In the summer of 2005, Media Research Center launched NewsBusters, a website "dedicated to exposing & combating liberal media bias,"

It is a Conservative hit machine..
Dispute the data, not the source. Your source on the polity leaning of each newspaper yet no science how they came up with it.
Trump finally admitted it was an insurrection.

Trump sent a mob to force Congress to overturn the will of the voters and name him president
How do you seriously bleev this?



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