What Do You Think When You Hear Tea Party?


Gold Member
Oct 17, 2010
On another thread Wry Catcher suggested Tea Party as a Jeopardy Question. Good Idea so here it is.

I think of smaller government with less power and more power at the state level. I also think Ron Paul.
I think of ordinary people who got scared of the increased debt and deficits and the direction the country is going in and decided to do something about it. God bless 'em, they might have saved this country from an economic disaster.
I think people who are pissed off at the way the 2008 elections turned out.
I think amateur hour. When they turned down 3-4 trillion in cuts because of 1 trillion in revenue enhancements, S&P realized it was amateur hour in Congress, because any decent economist will tell you we can't get out of this by cuts alone.
I think amateur hour. When they turned down 3-4 trillion in cuts because of 1 trillion in revenue enhancements, S&P realized it was amateur hour in Congress, because any decent economist will tell you we can't get out of this by cuts alone.

Any decent economist wil tell you we can get out of this without structural reforms to the entitlement programs either.
I hear Tea Party and immediately think of people who are sick of the spending in DC. That are sick of the Clowns who are supposed to represent us.

Dupe or Simpleton?? TDM comes immediately to mind.
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I think amateur hour. When they turned down 3-4 trillion in cuts because of 1 trillion in revenue enhancements, S&P realized it was amateur hour in Congress, because any decent economist will tell you we can't get out of this by cuts alone.

I know... genius' like Krugman contend that we get out debt by borrowing more.

On another thread Wry Catcher suggested Tea Party as a Jeopardy Question. Good Idea so here it is.

I think of smaller government with less power and more power at the state level. I also think Ron Paul.

I think of idiot liberals soiling themselves.
I think of all the hate-filled, bigoted, childish rhetoric spewing from MSNBC and this president.
Google, I am not a moron.

I remember clearly when the tea party hijacked the Ron Paul movement. If you don't like this fact, then please kill yourself.
I applaude their courage to stand up and say "Enough is enough". You don't get out of debt by borrowing more money. That's just insane. Time to live with a budget like good fiscal policy dictates. I think they are absolutely correct and the people who are making the most noise about the Tea Party crowd are the people who need the most education about how to run a government with a little bit of responsibility. The borrow and spend crowd in Washington has just about destroyed this country - not the members of the Tea Party that are resisting their efforts to drive us to the poor house.
Tea Partiers?

Rightwing free lunchers, who pretend they want to balance the budget but aren't willing to pay for it with anything but other people's money.
Google, I am not a moron.

I remember clearly when the tea party hijacked the Ron Paul movement. If you don't like this fact, then please kill yourself.

Dont sweat it, they jsut dont like facts.

The more you tell them facts the more they will insult you personally.

When they call you names is when you know you are winning the arguement and they have no logical or fact based response.

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