What Do You Think When You Hear Tea Party?

Google, I am not a moron.

I remember clearly when the tea party hijacked the Ron Paul movement. If you don't like this fact, then please kill yourself.

Dont sweat it, they jsut dont like facts.

The more you tell them facts the more they will insult you personally.

When they call you names is when you know you are winning the arguement and they have no logical or fact based response.

You are right, but it pisses me off. It pisses me off when I see a valid movement to change America for the better that was corrupted by vile and opportunistic assholes.

I remember clearly when teabaggers banned Ron Paul from an open debate.
I also think of Sharron Angle, Christine O'Donnell,

and the Rand Paul Brownshirt who stomped on the head of that girl who was demonstrating.

...ah, yes, you'd forgotten about that one hadn't you? An incident that proved that the occasional Nazi reference when talking about the Tea Party was not entirely inappropriate.
Google, I am not a moron.

I remember clearly when the tea party hijacked the Ron Paul movement. If you don't like this fact, then please kill yourself.

Dont sweat it, they jsut dont like facts.

The more you tell them facts the more they will insult you personally.

When they call you names is when you know you are winning the arguement and they have no logical or fact based response.

You are right, but it pisses me off. It pisses me off when I see a valid movement to change America for the better that was corrupted by vile and opportunistic fucks.

I remember clearly when teabaggers banned Ron Paul from an open debate.

They dont, they rewrite history every week
I think of a frumpy middleaged woman in a hat decorated in tea bags,

on her knees giving Grover Norquist head,

while Paul Ryan is behind her banging her up the butt.

(..and yes, for that, the best visual image you will get all day, you're welcome...)
I think of a frumpy middleaged woman in a hat decorated in tea bags,

on her knees giving Grover Norquist head,

while Paul Ryan is behind her banging her up the butt.

(..and yes, for that, the best visual image you will get all day, you're welcome...)

You need to find some better porn sites.:lol:
They dont, they rewrite history every week

They even removed Thomas Jefferson from History Books.....how disturbing is that!?

They even pretend the civil war had nothing to do with slavery.

They claim FDR caused the Great depression.

Hell they claim the US is not a democracy.

They dont care about reality they want to make the world fit their historically failed ideas instead of just getting new ideas that might work
I think of a frumpy middleaged woman in a hat decorated in tea bags,

on her knees giving Grover Norquist head,

while Paul Ryan is behind her banging her up the butt.

(..and yes, for that, the best visual image you will get all day, you're welcome...)

You are a vile fuckwit.. and accordingly, a Democrat.

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They dont, they rewrite history every week

They even removed Thomas Jefferson from History Books.....how disturbing is that!?

They even pretend the civil war had nothing to do with slavery.

They claim FDR caused the Great depression.

Hell they claim the US is not a democracy.

They dont care about reality they want to make the world fit their historically failed ideas instead of just getting new ideas that might work

New ideas? Like failed Keynesian economics? This kinda brave new thinking?
They dont, they rewrite history every week

They even removed Thomas Jefferson from History Books.....how disturbing is that!?

They even pretend the civil war had nothing to do with slavery.

They claim FDR caused the Great depression.

Hell they claim the US is not a democracy.

They dont care about reality they want to make the world fit their historically failed ideas instead of just getting new ideas that might work

Awwww.....TM found a play-mate.

Should have quit while your were slightly ahead though.

You just lost any hint of credibility from your previous post by replying with this one.

On another thread Wry Catcher suggested Tea Party as a Jeopardy Question. Good Idea so here it is.

I think of smaller government with less power and more power at the state level. I also think Ron Paul.

I think of a bunch of ignorant lower middle class white men who just don't like paying taxes.

I USED to think of the "no taxation w/o representation" guys from the 18th century, but the modern "tea party" has shortened that to "no taxation" - unless of course for Washington, DC, where taxation w/o representation is A-OK.
I am not a play-mate, asshole. I am a person.

Threatening another poster is not tolerated.

Bwahahaha....horty found your button.:D

Why is that an accomplishment? Why do you value pushing people's button when they insult you?

Only a mental midget would think that they achieved anything by calling me a play-mate.

I find it amusing that you are thin-skinned....people will have a lot of fun here with you. Your second statement is hilarious, since you're calling yourself a mental midget.:lol:
I find it amusing that you are thin-skinned....people will have a lot of fun here with you. Your second statement is hilarious, since you're calling yourself a mental midget.:lol:

Come back when you can produce something of value besides diarrhea of the mouth.

I have a funny feeling that you are simply incapable.

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