What Changes Would Make Our Government Better?


Gold Member
Dec 14, 2009
Rocky Top, TN
Our government was intended to have limited authority, leaving the states to make decisions regarding most matters according to the needs of their population. The only way change can happen is for voters to make the decisions by ballot. What ideas do you have that could improve "business as usual?"

It would never do for me to be President because I would strip government right down to bare bones. Here are some starter ideas:

Term limits are not a bad idea - years of "familiarity" breeds contempt. New blood flowing in the halls of Congress might work out well.

Voters (employers) should set Congressional salaries - via special state ballots if necessary. Congress, as employees, should not be allowed to vote themselves raises (wouldn't WE like to set our own salaries!). If they don't perform the way constituents want them to ... no appreciable raises. Conversely, good performance on sound judgment does merit a raise.

No more pork barrel projects slipped into bills that don't even apply to whatever the project is; also would eliminate some of the wheeling and dealing that goes on to get a supporting vote on a particular bill. These projects should be a separate request from the governor of a state (upon voter approval) that would go to that state's US Senators and brought up on the floor for approval in a separate bill; it should also benefit the people of the state generally. (In other words, John Murtha would not be allowed to build himself an airport that generally benefits no one except himself.)

I have more thoughts on voters running Congress rather than Congress running the voters. What other ideas do you all have?
Strict term limits. Members of Congress have served there for so long that they have become political empires in their own right. Good example is Ted Kennedy and there are many others. Two terms is more than enough and nobody should be allowed to serve for more than two terms. I would also delete many of the perks our Congressmen receive. Why should they live the life of leasure and become wealthy just because they served in Congress? I believe it's time to clean house...
Term limits.

Immediate execution of any politician showing liberal thoughts or tendencies.

Give IQ tests to ALL voters before registration. This last election fully proved that there are too many stupid people voting in this country.
Restrictions on lobbiests. They make a ton of money - sometimes on issues that are detrimental to everyone except their clients. Maybe there should be a set-up sort of like a Congressional hearing - a couple of pros and antis should sit before the appropriate committee and be questioned about the issue being lobbied. The committee could then make a report to the full House or Senate for discussion and vote. Also no kinds of gifts and/or favors should be given to Congressmen - it should be totally illegal and punishable. It's a kind of bribery.
Our government was intended to have limited authority, leaving the states to make decisions regarding most matters according to the needs of their population. The only way change can happen is for voters to make the decisions by ballot. What ideas do you have that could improve "business as usual?"

It would never do for me to be President because I would strip government right down to bare bones. Here are some starter ideas:

Term limits are not a bad idea - years of "familiarity" breeds contempt. New blood flowing in the halls of Congress might work out well.

Voters (employers) should set Congressional salaries - via special state ballots if necessary. Congress, as employees, should not be allowed to vote themselves raises (wouldn't WE like to set our own salaries!). If they don't perform the way constituents want them to ... no appreciable raises. Conversely, good performance on sound judgment does merit a raise.

No more pork barrel projects slipped into bills that don't even apply to whatever the project is; also would eliminate some of the wheeling and dealing that goes on to get a supporting vote on a particular bill. These projects should be a separate request from the governor of a state (upon voter approval) that would go to that state's US Senators and brought up on the floor for approval in a separate bill; it should also benefit the people of the state generally. (In other words, John Murtha would not be allowed to build himself an airport that generally benefits no one except himself.)

I have more thoughts on voters running Congress rather than Congress running the voters. What other ideas do you all have?

i like the term limits.

i dont really care how much they make if its not outlandish.

earmarks would really conjest congress; maybe better how they are.

businesses pay a lot of tax and are entitled to some representation, even if its through slimy lobbyists. is there another way?

my list is something like:

turn nuke power back on.

illegal alien amnesty for profit.

fiscal resposibility bill, maybe a bba.
Our government was intended to have limited authority, leaving the states to make decisions regarding most matters according to the needs of their population. The only way change can happen is for voters to make the decisions by ballot. What ideas do you have that could improve "business as usual?"

It would never do for me to be President because I would strip government right down to bare bones. Here are some starter ideas:

Term limits are not a bad idea - years of "familiarity" breeds contempt. New blood flowing in the halls of Congress might work out well.

Voters (employers) should set Congressional salaries - via special state ballots if necessary. Congress, as employees, should not be allowed to vote themselves raises (wouldn't WE like to set our own salaries!). If they don't perform the way constituents want them to ... no appreciable raises. Conversely, good performance on sound judgment does merit a raise.

No more pork barrel projects slipped into bills that don't even apply to whatever the project is; also would eliminate some of the wheeling and dealing that goes on to get a supporting vote on a particular bill. These projects should be a separate request from the governor of a state (upon voter approval) that would go to that state's US Senators and brought up on the floor for approval in a separate bill; it should also benefit the people of the state generally. (In other words, John Murtha would not be allowed to build himself an airport that generally benefits no one except himself.)

I have more thoughts on voters running Congress rather than Congress running the voters. What other ideas do you all have?

First of all the Federal Government has no business stepping on the rights of individual states-period.. This is according to the U.S. constitution. The one thing I did agree with Obama on--is he backed off the DEA on states that have approved the use of medical marijuana.

But if we as Americans--(regardless of party affliation really want to make a change that will not only benefit us but our kids & grandkids)--we only need to do one thing to get these politicians to stand up & take notice. The reason: They have completely ignored their consituents--regardless of party.

1. Change your status to independent--regardless if your republican or democrat.
2. Write your representatives of your change & tell them you will be supporting a tea party candidate & or support any candidate that the tea party endorses.

You just put a "pox" on both the democrat & republican parties. Something that you can actually do--free of charge that will rock government to it's core--because they NEVER know how an independent is going to vote. :lol::lol:
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Our government was intended to have limited authority, leaving the states to make decisions regarding most matters according to the needs of their population. The only way change can happen is for voters to make the decisions by ballot. What ideas do you have that could improve "business as usual?"

It would never do for me to be President because I would strip government right down to bare bones. Here are some starter ideas:

Term limits are not a bad idea - years of "familiarity" breeds contempt. New blood flowing in the halls of Congress might work out well.

Voters (employers) should set Congressional salaries - via special state ballots if necessary. Congress, as employees, should not be allowed to vote themselves raises (wouldn't WE like to set our own salaries!). If they don't perform the way constituents want them to ... no appreciable raises. Conversely, good performance on sound judgment does merit a raise.

No more pork barrel projects slipped into bills that don't even apply to whatever the project is; also would eliminate some of the wheeling and dealing that goes on to get a supporting vote on a particular bill. These projects should be a separate request from the governor of a state (upon voter approval) that would go to that state's US Senators and brought up on the floor for approval in a separate bill; it should also benefit the people of the state generally. (In other words, John Murtha would not be allowed to build himself an airport that generally benefits no one except himself.)

I have more thoughts on voters running Congress rather than Congress running the voters. What other ideas do you all have?

Oh, I don't know.

Maybe return to the State Legislatures APPOINTING U.S. Senators.

Maybe a Constitutional Amendment rescinding all that Interstate Commerce "analysis" that has led to Federal Preemption stripping Federalism of its underpinnings.

For starters.
Outsource the darned govt. At least then the contractors would be bound by a contract to do their job correctly. And could be fired for corruption, etc.
Our government was intended to have limited authority, leaving the states to make decisions regarding most matters according to the needs of their population. The only way change can happen is for voters to make the decisions by ballot. What ideas do you have that could improve "business as usual?"

It would never do for me to be President because I would strip government right down to bare bones. Here are some starter ideas:

Term limits are not a bad idea - years of "familiarity" breeds contempt. New blood flowing in the halls of Congress might work out well.

Voters (employers) should set Congressional salaries - via special state ballots if necessary. Congress, as employees, should not be allowed to vote themselves raises (wouldn't WE like to set our own salaries!). If they don't perform the way constituents want them to ... no appreciable raises. Conversely, good performance on sound judgment does merit a raise.

No more pork barrel projects slipped into bills that don't even apply to whatever the project is; also would eliminate some of the wheeling and dealing that goes on to get a supporting vote on a particular bill. These projects should be a separate request from the governor of a state (upon voter approval) that would go to that state's US Senators and brought up on the floor for approval in a separate bill; it should also benefit the people of the state generally. (In other words, John Murtha would not be allowed to build himself an airport that generally benefits no one except himself.)

I have more thoughts on voters running Congress rather than Congress running the voters. What other ideas do you all have?

Oh, I don't know.

Maybe return to the State Legislatures APPOINTING U.S. Senators.

Maybe a Constitutional Amendment rescinding all that Interstate Commerce "analysis" that has led to Federal Preemption stripping Federalism of its underpinnings.

For starters.

The federal government is too dam big. It's intervention to all walks of our lives is unbleivable. Our forefathers who wrote the U.S. constitution never intended this & would be rolling over in their graves if they were to witness this.

WE THE PEOPLE CAN STOP THIS Ditch your party affiliation--go independent & KICK ASS.
Independent is also a party. And Lieberman does not impress me.

Our forefathers who wrote the U.S. constitution were not referred to as Demcrats or Republicans--but AMERICANS.

The ONLY way we stop this madness in this country is to go back to that. The ONLY way we do that is to refer to ourselves as "independents" who are not OWNED by either party, & are very capable of going either way.
Independent is also a party. And Lieberman does not impress me.

Our forefathers who wrote the U.S. constitution were not referred to as Demcrats or Republicans--but AMERICANS.

The ONLY way we stop this madness in this country is to go back to that. The ONLY way we do that is to refer to ourselves as "independents" who are not OWNED by either party, & are very capable of going either way.

and vote for what candidate? Who is going to pay their 100 million to run?
Some states are not at all friendly with unafiliated candidates.

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