We are all in this together..


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
At the end of the day..that's right. We are all in this together.

You don't like the President? Fine..vote him out.

But this nullification shit is for the birds.

We suffered through 8 years of George W. Bush..and for the most part..we gave him what he wanted.

He fucked up. And you know what..we all fucked up. And it's time to fix things.

People should give this guy a chance..and stop hoping he "fails".

He's an American. Like Bush.

Like all of those that voted for him. And like those of you who voted against him.

We are the same nation.

And it's high time we start acting like it.
What fun is that? Getting along. Blah.

Save that shit for gay ass liberal kumbaya patchouli smellin' Dave Mathews concerts.
At the end of the day..that's right. We are all in this together.

You don't like the President? Fine..vote him out.

But this shit is for the birds.

We suffered through 8 years of George W. Bush..and for the most part..we gave him what he wanted.

He fucked up. And you know what..we all fucked up. And it's time to fix things.

People should give this guy a chance..and stop hoping he "fails".

He's an American. Like Bush.

Like all of those that voted for him. And like those of you who voted against him.

We are the same nation.

And it's high time we start acting like it.

You are right, we are in this together.

That said, Obamas policies just suck. More regulation and regulation and regulation. The thing that just POs me the most was OPERATION GUN RUNNER and Drug smuggling. Gun runner was a blatant attempt to undermine the second. I just dont know how else to describe it. That to me borders on treason. Conspiracy of the highest magnitude. Funded by the Stimulus no less.

F'in over investors from Shell and the automakers didnt sit well with just about everyone. Except the Unions of course. They should have been allowed to enter bankruptcy and restructure. They have shot across the bow of many industries, while padding the pockets of donors. The thing about the windows really kills me. A crony gets the only federal contract. That will keep the price competitive.

As far as nullification. Its sounds like the perfect remedy for an over reaching fed. Keep nullification away from civil rights and I dont see a big problem. However continually making excuses for under performance of a minority group is beyond pale. This Justice dept should be held to account. Jailed at the worst. sued in court at the best. Civil court for violating the rights of every other American.

Theres more but then this is more then enough.
He did fail. In case you flunked civics 101 fuzz face, congress acts as a balance for presidential power and that's what we elected them to do. Here's a thought, admit that the Tea Party is a hero and managed to force a crazy president and a doddering old leader of the senate to face reality that out of control spending was driving the Country into bankruptcy.
wow... a cry for reason?

I mean, I'm in... but you are expecting a lot.

He is desperate. Clearly Obama has fucked up to the point that even he doesnt find value in defending him anymore

Well no.

I think he's a smart guy.

We tried Bush's policies..and they sucked.

And Obama tried Bush's policies..and they sucked.

Time to try Obama policies.
You know I would support Obama if he did not tell us one thing and then do the total opposite .. He doesnt listen to the American people. It was clear that almost 70 percent did not want the health care law but he shoved it down our throat weather we wanted it or not and if you dont get insurance you get fined. If I dont want insurance that is my right. And dont say we have to have auto insurance because you dont HAVE to drive..
wow... a cry for reason?

I mean, I'm in... but you are expecting a lot.

He is desperate. Clearly Obama has fucked up to the point that even he doesnt find value in defending him anymore

Well no.

I think he's a smart guy.

We tried Bush's policies..and they sucked.

And Obama tried Bush's policies..and they sucked.

Time to try Obama policies.

Thats what I thought! your more transparent than obamas ideals
At the end of the day..that's right. We are all in this together.

You don't like the President? Fine..vote him out.

But this nullification shit is for the birds.

We suffered through 8 years of George W. Bush..and for the most part..we gave him what he wanted.

He fucked up. And you know what..we all fucked up. And it's time to fix things.

People should give this guy a chance..and stop hoping he "fails".

He's an American. Like Bush.

Like all of those that voted for him. And like those of you who voted against him.

We are the same nation.

And it's high time we start acting like it.

Well then, stop fucking calling your fellow Americans racists and terrorists just because you disagree with our political views, you fucking hypocrite.
At the end of the day..that's right. We are all in this together.

You don't like the President? Fine..vote him out.

But this nullification shit is for the birds.

We suffered through 8 years of George W. Bush..and for the most part..we gave him what he wanted.

He fucked up. And you know what..we all fucked up. And it's time to fix things.

People should give this guy a chance..and stop hoping he "fails".

He's an American. Like Bush.

Like all of those that voted for him. And like those of you who voted against him.

We are the same nation.

And it's high time we start acting like it.

Is this the libturd version of crying "uncle"?
no that would be the reasonable thought process of a reasonable person... something you know nothing about...

BTW...another stellar post by willow...
At the end of the day..that's right. We are all in this together.

You don't like the President? Fine..vote him out.

But this nullification shit is for the birds.

We suffered through 8 years of George W. Bush..and for the most part..we gave him what he wanted.

He fucked up. And you know what..we all fucked up. And it's time to fix things.

People should give this guy a chance..and stop hoping he "fails".

He's an American. Like Bush.

Like all of those that voted for him. And like those of you who voted against him.

We are the same nation.

And it's high time we start acting like it.
At least Sallow's got sense. Listen to him/her people!
We tried Bush's policies..and they sucked.

And Obama tried Bush's policies..and they sucked.

Time to try Obama policies.

Here's the problem: Both Bush and Obama are big government, big spending central planning types...the exact same bullshit policies we've been trying for about 100 years now. They ALL suck. Time to try that which has actually worked: limited government and maximum personal freedom.

You are free to continue to believe that your guy has the magic beans necessary to make socialism and military interventionism work. Best of luck.

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