Two Words: Nuclear Option

Doesn't matter. Pelosi announced this AM she doesn't have the votes to pass healthcare. I guess some Dums finally got bright and realized what was flying and backed out.
Health care is dead. Dee Eee Dee dead.

Prepare for more arm twisting to occur and a bribe here and a bribe there.

The Democrats sure were singing a different tune when they were in the minority and obstructing everything the GOP wanted to do.

Guess that is okay though, huh?

LOL did you forget where the term nuclear option came from in respect to the filibuster??

The republicans were singing a different tune when they were in the majority and were attacking the left accusing them of obstructing everything the GOP wanted to do.

Guess that is okay though, huh?

Personally, I haven't changed position and don't think changing the rules in the middle of the game is a valid tactic. Although I do think it's hilarious that the right, which used to rail AGAINST obstruction and proposed the nuclear option to bypass said obstruction, are now guilty of what they once condemned.

Where is your outrage of the hypocrisy of the right?
Super Majority = No Obstruction. The Democrats have been a monumental failure despite having a Super Majority. That ain't no easy feat. Continuing to blame Republicans just sounds ludicrous at this point. The Republicans have been locked out all meetings on all legislation for months so they just haven't been in a position to obstruct anything. They just don't have the numbers to obstruct anything. "Obstruction" allegations are just lame DNC talking points. Anyone with common sense knows that stuff is just plain Bull Chit. Just take Scott Brown's advice and go back to the drawing board on this debacle.
So your on record that the Democrats want to nuke America.

Just making sure. After all, when you make up shit like that, I need to have some clarification of where you stand.

I hope that was a facetious comment.

In case it wasn't, the "Nuclear Option" was the term used to describe taking away the ability filibuster by changing the Senate Rules. Thus making legislation passable by a majority.
I know what it meant. I remember the screams from the Democrats when the Republicans were thinking of changing the rules so that they did not have to have a 60 vote majority.

In fact, I think the howls of outrage can still be heard echoing over the Alps somewhere.

So since the republicans supported back then they should support it now, shouldn't they??

I find it funny how the righties on this board try to attack the left when anyone on the left even mentions acting like the republicans did not so long ago. It's as if the righties pretend the past didn't really happen.
Republicans in general were supportive of the idea behind the nuclear option when republicans were in charge and wanted to do it and now they flip flop to try and condemn someone on the left for even thinking of using a republican tactic. LOL

It's as if they don't even realize how hypocritical they are being. LOL
Where do you get this 25%?

Out of thin air.... where everything else they say comes from. I guess this means that 75% of America wants government run healthcare?

I don't think so Sparky or Marcia Coakely would be the Senator Elect from MA.
I still think Obama's claim that the Republican win was due to the MA voters being upset with Republicans is the best. He must really think his supporters are some ignorant mofo's.
Two More Words: Super Majority. The Democrats have no one to blame but themselves for their miserable failures. Even many Democrats understand that Pelosi & Reid f*cked things up. Their bitter arrogance is now coming back to haunt them. They blew it. It's time for the Kool-Aiders to just accept this and move on. Go with Scott Brown on this one. Back to the drawing board.
I hope that was a facetious comment.

In case it wasn't, the "Nuclear Option" was the term used to describe taking away the ability filibuster by changing the Senate Rules. Thus making legislation passable by a majority.
I know what it meant. I remember the screams from the Democrats when the Republicans were thinking of changing the rules so that they did not have to have a 60 vote majority.

In fact, I think the howls of outrage can still be heard echoing over the Alps somewhere.

So since the republicans supported back then they should support it now, shouldn't they??
Ah.. the old "two really stupid moves makes one smart move" argument.....golden oldie here.

I find it funny how the righties on this board try to attack the left when anyone on the left even mentions acting like the republicans did not so long ago. It's as if the righties pretend the past didn't really happen.
Republicans in general were supportive of the idea behind the nuclear option when republicans were in charge and wanted to do it and now they flip flop to try and condemn someone on the left for even thinking of using a republican tactic. LOL
It's not an "attack" to point out the idiocy of proposing your representatives commit political suicide just because you aren't getting your way.

It's as if they don't even realize how hypocritical they are being. LOL

Who exactly is "they"?
elections have consequences!

LOL It's funny how republicans refused to acknowledge that, and still do, when they lost the election in 08. LOL

Instead they threw fits like spoiled children and started whining about how they weren't being represented all because they were VOTED INTO THE MINORITY.
What a bunch of pathetic whiners. Whining about Republicans when they had a friggin Super Majority? Man,does it get any more pathetic then that? Yikes!
Geeze there little boy... simmer down.

And BTW genius.. you can't be "voted into the minority". Not sure what you are trying to say there, but then again, you probably don't either.
elections have consequences!

LOL It's funny how republicans refused to acknowledge that, and still do, when they lost the election in 08. LOL

Instead they threw fits like spoiled children and started whining about how they weren't being represented all because they were VOTED INTO THE MINORITY.

Since the vast majority of americans oppose Obamas plan it seems that Obama and his democrat minions are the minority.
elections have consequences!

LOL It's funny how republicans refused to acknowledge that, and still do, when they lost the election in 08. LOL

Instead they threw fits like spoiled children and started whining about how they weren't being represented all because they were VOTED INTO THE MINORITY.

The only existing progressive principle on full display here folks ... namely

"Might makes right"

or if you prefer .... "If they disagree with us, screw 'em, we're in charge now and they can just shut up, take what we give 'em and like it!"

Both Republican and Democratic progressives operate exclusively under the above principle.
Pelosi & Reid blew it. It really is that simple in the end. Kool-Aiders have to now accept this and move on. Time for both of them to go. Lets hope this happens soon.
I'm not whining about anything, genius, I'm saying Democrats should bring down the hammer. Now.
You are advocating they bring it on their own heads you damn fool.

see if you can get the damn fool to tell you how he figures it was the "Republicans" who were obstructionists with a 60-40 split.. ya want some popcorn?

How about the fact that the the right voted as a block against anything and everything with next to no dissenting voices? All it would have taken to prevent that was one individiual mind out of all of the lemmings on the right but none existed.

Furthermore, how long was the 60-40 split held by democrats??
I know what it meant. I remember the screams from the Democrats when the Republicans were thinking of changing the rules so that they did not have to have a 60 vote majority.

In fact, I think the howls of outrage can still be heard echoing over the Alps somewhere.

Ah.. the old "two really stupid moves makes one smart move" argument.....golden oldie here.

When and where did I say either was a smart move?? In fact didn't I CLEARLY state in my previous post that I don't support changing the rules in the middle of the game?? Are you really so desperate to defend the right that you would make shite up and then falsely attribute your fiction to a poster so you could attack that poster for something that they NEVER said??

It's not an "attack" to point out the idiocy of proposing your representatives commit political suicide just because you aren't getting your way.

Actually if you look back their are several attacks for even suggesting that the demcorats adopt a republican plan that republicans supported when it would have worked in their favor.
Furthermore, has any actual candidate suggested the nuclear option or did someone on a message board bring it up to see exactly how far the righties on this board would go to defend and excuse the right as they tried to attack the left for the mere thought of adopting a tactic that the right once suggested and supported??

It's as if they don't even realize how hypocritical they are being. LOL

Who exactly is "they"?

I figured that was plainly obvious, so why do you need me to spell it out for you??
two words:

really stupid
Political suicide really.

almost every dem has called for the process to wait until brown is seated before they continue.

i guess they want to be reelected or something.

LOL Either that or it's the fair and honest thing to do. I know that being fair an honest are completely foreign to partisan hacks but it is quite telling that the thought of being fair and honest never crossed your mind. LOL
Wow, this is fascinating. You people are really jumping to put this notion down as fast as you can.

How interesting.

The very best thing Obama could do is burn both the house and the senate versions and start over with tort reform, opening competition, allow small business to group, promote HSA's with pre-tax dollars, promote catastrophic high deductible inexpensive plans., legislate for pre-exisitng conditions and portability and subsidize the poor which we already do in Medicaid. He does that and he could pass a comprehensive health care bill with 90% approval and bi-partisan support and look the hero. He won't, he's not that smart.

I say just open up medicare and make it the public option. That will take a lot of the misinformed supporters away from the right. You know, the ones who scream against socialized medicine even as they scream about keeping hands off of medicare when they fail to realize that they are one and the same.

The sad thing is that even if obama and the democrats did all that you claim I still believe that the right would still be against it becuase that would still give obama and the democrats a victory. The republicans won't stand for that especially since they invested all of this time and money saying NO.
I say just open up medicare and make it the public option. That will take a lot of the misinformed supporters away from the right. You know, the ones who scream against socialized medicine even as they scream about keeping hands off of medicare when they fail to realize that they are one and the same.
I think that's just pandering for votes. Seniors always turn out for elections, so if you can get them in your corner, then the better your chances for re-election. I would agree that it's pathetic and both parties do it to no end. Ugh.

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