Trump supporters: Better pray you are right!


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Trump supporters. You had better pray you are 100% right about President Trump and his people being innocent of wrongdoing regarding their dealings with Russia. Bob Mueller will uncover every facet of the truth. He knows every legal trick, dodge, and maneuver criminals use to escape justice. He also has the legal knowledge, power, and staff to bring people to justice.

I'm not sure if President Trump is guilty of anything at this point, but if I were a Trump supporter, I'd stop focusing on slamming the Liberals (though I know it's fun) and I'd break our my prayer rug and ask my personal GOD for a miracle, because things are looking downright grim for the Trump administration.

Oh....and one more thing to think about before you accuse the Liberals of using Russia to launch a smear campaign against Trump: A sitting President is responsible for the actions of his staff, if any of them are guilty of wrongdoing, the President is guilty as well. :bye1:
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I suspect after watching one of Trumps attorneys this morning Trump will end up firing Mueller.
Trump supporters. You had better pray you are 100% right about President Trump and his people being innocent of wrongdoing regarding their dealings with Russia. Bob Mueller will uncover every facet of the truth. He knows every legal trick, dodge, and maneuver criminals use to escape justice. He also has the legal knowledge, power, and staff to bring people to justice.

I'm not sure if President Trump is guilty of anything at this point, but if I were a Trump supporter, I'd stop focusing on slamming the Liberals (though I know it's fun) and I'd break our my prayer rug and ask my personal GOD for a miracle, because things are looking downright grim for the Trump administration.

Oh....and one more thing to think about before you accuse the Liberals of using Russia to launch a smear campaign against Trump: A sitting President is responsible for the actions of his staff, if any of them are guilty of wrongdoing, the President is guilty as well. :bye1:

Political theatre, nothing more. Dog and pony show for the masses.
It's nothing than classic sleight of hand. Keep the folks focused on something in your left hand so they can't see what's in the right.
We’ll just hear how it’s perfectly within his rights to fire someone…again.

The important thing to remember is that there are 2 separate scandals; the collusion of his camp and Russia to influence an election and now, since he fired Comey, the obstruction of justice. Again, the cover-up is always worse than the crime. At most, he was looking to get a censure (if even that) from Congress because, as the Speaker of the House said, Russia didn’t make Hillary ignore the upper midwest and Pennsylvania; which she lost.

But sacking the top cop who is investigating you will result in a worse outcome than the investigation itself.

They never learn (the Presidents).
Trump supporters. You had better pray you are 100% right about President Trump and his people being innocent of wrongdoing regarding their dealings with Russia. Bob Mueller will uncover every facet of the truth. He knows every legal trick, dodge, and maneuver criminals use to escape justice. He also has the legal knowledge, power, and staff to bring people to justice.

I'm not sure if President Trump is guilty of anything at this point, but if I were a Trump supporter, I'd stop focusing on slamming the Liberals (though I know it's fun) and I'd break our my prayer rug and ask my personal GOD for a miracle, because things are looking downright grim for the Trump administration.

Oh....and one more thing to think about before you accuse the Liberals of using Russia to launch a smear campaign against Trump: A sitting President is responsible for the actions of his staff, if any of them are guilty of wrongdoing, the President is guilty as well. :bye1:

/---- An atheist telling Christians we should pray. Funny stuff. Well you better find God and pray your Dem heroes don't get charged with crimes. Payback is a bitch.

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Trump supporters. You had better pray you are 100% right about President Trump and his people being innocent of wrongdoing regarding their dealings with Russia. Bob Mueller will uncover every facet of the truth. He knows every legal trick, dodge, and maneuver criminals use to escape justice. He also has the legal knowledge, power, and staff to bring people to justice.

I'm not sure if President Trump is guilty of anything at this point, but if I were a Trump supporter, I'd stop focusing on slamming the Liberals (though I know it's fun) and I'd break our my prayer rug and ask my personal GOD for a miracle, because things are looking downright grim for the Trump administration.

Oh....and one more thing to think about before you accuse the Liberals of using Russia to launch a smear campaign against Trump: A sitting President is responsible for the actions of his staff, if any of them are guilty of wrongdoing, the President is guilty as well. :bye1:

If there's something there, I'm confident Mueller will find it.

Hopefully this won't take fucking forever one way or the other.

Really? How many years and how many different committees did it take to investigate BenghaziBenghaziBenghazi? I have a feeling this won't be quick at all.
Trump supporters. You had better pray you are 100% right about President Trump and his people being innocent of wrongdoing regarding their dealings with Russia. Bob Mueller will uncover every facet of the truth. He knows every legal trick, dodge, and maneuver criminals use to escape justice. He also has the legal knowledge, power, and staff to bring people to justice.

I'm not sure if President Trump is guilty of anything at this point, but if I were a Trump supporter, I'd stop focusing on slamming the Liberals (though I know it's fun) and I'd break our my prayer rug and ask my personal GOD for a miracle, because things are looking downright grim for the Trump administration.

Oh....and one more thing to think about before you accuse the Liberals of using Russia to launch a smear campaign against Trump: A sitting President is responsible for the actions of his staff, if any of them are guilty of wrongdoing, the President is guilty as well. :bye1:

worst case Pence is loose in the bull pen and the leftists will really be trippin

and Hillary the Hag is out - mission accomplished!
Why would Trump supporters need to pray about this? The supporters of a President aren't responsible for their actions.

Yes you are. You might not go to jail for their actions, but you are responsible for putting that fool in that position.
If there's something there, I'm confident Mueller will find it. Hopefully this won't take fucking forever one way or the other..
Really? How many years and how many different committees did it take to investigate BenghaziBenghaziBenghazi? I have a feeling this won't be quick at all.
As I said, I'm hopeful. I don't have a crystal ball.

Based on Mueller's reputation, I think it's possible we're not heading into another Benghazi mess.
Lessee, on another thread we have proof that this is all misdirection and that Putin really wanted Hillary the money-grubbing, easily corruptible candidate to be president, not the independent businessman. He wanted the candidate that had already done him huge favors like giving him a whole bunch of our uranium and pulling out the missile defense shield that was blocking him from taking the Crimea. The candidate that had already taken huge bribes as speaking fees. Yet the investigation is focusing on Trump being Russia's collaborator? And now we better pray that Mueller doesn't find anything on Trump that several top people close to the investigation have already said just isn't there? And by a special counsel who is now known to be a close friend to the tainted James Comey who just met with him privately to give him a data dump where Comey admits he was conspiring behind the president as a political operative to set him up for the investigation in the first place now bringing questions about the integrity of Mueller?

SO FAR, there is evidence of EVERYONE involved being tainted and compromised, EXCEPT TRUMP, the focus of the investigation, and his supporters need to pray for him?

I think Hillary better pray.
I think Loretta better pray.
I think James Comey better pray.
and I think I think the Democrats better pray!
Lessee, on another thread we have proof that this is all misdirection and that Putin really wanted Hillary the money-grubbing, easily corruptible candidate to be president, not the independent businessman. He wanted the candidate that had already done him huge favors like giving him a whole bunch of our uranium and pulling out the missile defense shield that was blocking him from taking the Crimea. The candidate that had already taken huge bribes as speaking fees. Yet the investigation is focusing on Trump being Russia's collaborator? And now we better pray that Mueller doesn't find anything on Trump that several top people close to the investigation have already said just isn't there? And by a special counsel who is now known to be a close friend to the tainted James Comey who just met with him privately to give him a data dump where Comey admits he was conspiring behind the president as a political operative to set him up for the investigation in the first place now bringing questions about the integrity of Mueller?

SO FAR, there is evidence of EVERYONE involved being tainted and compromised, EXCEPT TRUMP, the focus of the investigation, and his supporters need to pray for him?

I think Hillary better pray.
I think Loretta better pray.
I think James Comey better pray.
and I think I think the Democrats better pray!

The other thread that tried to make that claim failed miserably.

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