Trump & New Justices? Look How The GOP Is More Liberal Than Justice Ginsburg Even. what are the issues you disagree with him on?

For just one example of many? Deranged dudes in the women's locker rooms and restrooms. I think that's a good start. Or don't you consider that an issue? I know about 17 million women who consider it an issue (number of women rape victims in the US).
In the unlikely event Trump is elected, his nominees will be conservatives.
Yes, he says one thing, and then the polar opposite, and back again. He gave a list of people he would nominate. Then he changes his mind once in Office.

Proof's in the pudding. Trump is already letting men use the women's restrooms in Trump Tower. The republican nominee is to the left of Justice Ginsburg on this issue. The judges he picks will reflect what happens in Trump Tower. His ego would demand that he never be Found wrong on a key issue.

Trump made this announcement in April 2016. Dick Cheney in May 2016 gave his endorsement of him just after Trump said that publicly. So, the republican party from its internal left to right all are behind men in women's bathrooms apparently. Justice Ginsburg thinks that's going too far.

The Republican nominee is a Dem. what are the issues you disagree with him on?

Trump disagrees with every position held by Trump
WTF is the radical left up to now? Are they trying to make a case that Trump will really appoint a Supreme Court Justice to the freaking left of the little Ginsburg gnome who doesn't seem aware of what the hell is going on much less rule on important cases? The guy is still a civilian and trying to make a buck when he knows the deck is stacked against him in New York and the liberal media. Imagine what the Daily News would do to his wallet not to mention the NYC government when Trump Towers didn't conform to the idiotic left wing mandates.
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WTF is the radical left up to now? Are they trying to make a case that Trump will really appoint a Supreme Court Justice to the freaking left of the little gnome who doesn't seem aware of what the hell is going on because he is bowing to pressure in freaking New York city regarding freaks in the ladies room? Imagine what would happen to Trump Towers during a hateful democrat administration if he didn't conform to their demands? The guy is trying to make a buck and he is smart enough to know when the deck is stacked against him.
You're insinuating that demented men using women's locker rooms and restrooms is a done deal? Did you hear the news about Target Stores losing $10 billion since they pulled the same stunt as Trump did in Trump Tower? If he's such an excellent businessman, why did he copy the same model that is probably going to lead to Target Stores filing for bankruptcy? He supports men using women's' restrooms because he's on board with the minority supporting that LGBT crap. Ergo, watch out for the Justices he might actually pick.

You're in for a seriously bracing reality check coming to a Court in DC.
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Before you bite the bait that Donald Trump is going to be your champion when it comes to US Supreme Court picks, you might want to do a little homework. Too lazy? Never liked homework? Well it's your lucky day. I did it for you:

Uber-Liberal Justice Ginsburg's position on men using women's facilities: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Defends North Carolina Law, by Ed Whelan, National Review

The obvious answer is that a system of single-sex restrooms and showers doesn’t discriminate on the basis of sex but instead recognizes and accommodates the legitimate privacy concerns that arise from the basic biological differences between the sexes. This is an elementary point that everyone used to recognize—yes, even Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who wrote in 1975 that single-sex restrooms were entirely compatible with a norm of nondiscrimination on the basis of sex: Separate places to disrobe, sleep, perform personal bodily functions are permitted, in some situations required, by regard for individual privacy. Individual privacy, a right of constitutional dimension, is appropriately harmonized with the equality principle.

Donald Trump's position on men using women's facilities. He gives an emphatic, unflinching and unapologetic YES to if he would allow men to use women's restrooms in Trump Tower:

Proof's in the pudding. Trump is already letting men use the women's restrooms in Trump Tower. The republican nominee is to the left of Justice Ginsburg on this issue. The judges he picks will reflect what happens in Trump Tower. His ego would demand that he never be Found wrong on a key issue.

Trump made this announcement in April 2016. Dick Cheney in May 2016 gave his endorsement of him just after Trump said that publicly. So, the republican party from its internal moderate to neocon all are behind men in women's bathrooms apparently. No wonder Cruz and Kasich were considered "outsiders"... Men in women's restrooms! Really? Even Justice Ginsburg thinks that's going too far.


1975? :eek:

You Clintonites are sure dishonest....

It's published you idiot. You Trumpsters are so dishonest. You can read something and then say it isn't printed as it sits before everyone's face. Yes, Ginsburg said that in 1975. You got a problem with that? what are the issues you disagree with him on?

For just one example of many? Deranged dudes in the women's locker rooms and restrooms. I think that's a good start. Or don't you consider that an issue? I know about 17 million women who consider it an issue (number of women rape victims in the US).

I do disagree with him on the following issues:
min wage (although he says states should really be the ones to set their own, because different states have different cost of living, which is true), but he'll set it a 10/hr

A couple of things I support but he probably can't get done:

killing terrorists families, it's the only way to get these suicide bombers to stop that shit.
waterboarding AND MORE....waterboarding isn't torture, but I love the AND MORE....time to put the fear of God in these guys.
deporting 11 million people (they will probably have some sort of amnesty, which I'm ok with as long as the wall is built.)...and yes that includes overstayed visas not just Mexicans

That's just off the top of my head.
I do disagree with him on the following issues:
bathrooms....min wage (although he says states should really be the ones to set their own, because different states have different cost of living, which is true), but he'll set it a 10/hr

A couple of things I support but he probably can't get done:...killing terrorists families, it's the only way to get these suicide bombers to stop that shit.

I've come up with a better plan for squelching terrorism at least. There are shadow countries backing them. I suggested pro bono bans on imports from those countries the same day of an attack. The day of the attack, let's say on poor France again, France announces one item it will ban from being imported through its borders. The attack happens, the French officials go on TV to announce the ban without explanation the same day. One for one. Deal it out slowly. My wager is that the attacks will back off. The pocket book always seems to call the shots at the end of the day.

And, though it was just 100 Muslims who prayed with Christians after the priest was killed, this type of display should increase. Radical testosterone-filled wayward Muslim young men, highly susceptible to influence, should be aware that the enemy is not their half-brother, the Christian. They both share the same Father in Heaven. Though their "mothers" (prophets) are different, their Father says what's what at the end of the day. And no father would want to see his two sons fighting and killing each other.

Their real enemy is invisible, stealthy, and moves under the veil of "free love". Their real enemy verily drools with delight at the idea of brothers killing each other. The real enemy believes that no religion at all should exist; and that men and women are better served to roll in physical indulgences to no end, like a dog rolls in a pile of donkey shit. Well, that ilk and oil moguls robbing our Treasury and lying to US citizens about weapons of mass destruction. If the ISIS could only understand we are as pissed off about that as they are, they might change their point of view about most Americans. We are struggling as hard as they are to overcome THE Infidel. We're just using courts, not bombs...Which makes who is selected to sit in our Supreme Court all the more pressing in importance. They have to be conservative. They have to be Christian. A balanced/fair Court is the backbone and key to longevity in a free society.

No need to kill women and children. That's disgusting. Two wrongs don't make a right. You don't become that which you hate. The Muslims think they are going to Heaven with such behavior. I've had a near death experience and I can verify that they are wrong about that. They are 180 degrees opposite of that conclusion in fact.

As to the tranny bathroom issue....It doesn't bother you even a little bit that this "great businessman" Trump has modeled Trump Tower after Target Stores...just after they were recorded as losing over $10 billion in net worth for making the identical policy mistake in their buildings? And how comfortable should women be with a candidate who thinks it's OK to plunge rape victims back into PTSD, all so a demented male cult member can creep in on them while they're using the showers or the bathroom? Yeah, it makes Trump look like a real non-misogynist all right. Not.
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Here's the reason I included the GOP in the title. Trump announced his support for letting demented men use women's restrooms on April 21, 2016. Just 16 days later, with Target Stores beginning to reel from the same policy choice (announced April 19, 2016) and a huge public boycott announcement, Dick Cheney on May 7, 2016 announces his support for a Trump presidency. Cheney knew at the time that Trump if elected (Cheney's smart enough to follow public trends and know he is not electable...but that's fodder for another thread), would be selecting Justices based on a given ideology. Since they were both on the same page, evidently, on the bathroom issue....?????! WTF GOP??

We know Target Stores has lost around $10 billion in net worth so far since the announcement. Apparently this type of poll doesn't count when radical ideologies are promoted forward.

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