If you were on Trump's defense team and you were going to try to.........

Giuliani assigned federal prosecutor Michael Chertoff to take the Commission case to trial. The government called 207 witnesses. Giuliani arranged for his star witnesses, Cleveland Mob underboss Angelo Lonardo, to testify, then the highest-ranking mobster to agree to serve as a witness. The case brought to light the Concrete Club, a scheme where Castellano and other mobsters demanded and received kickbacks on the cost of cement for building projects in New York in exchange for peace from Mob-controlled labor unions. In November 1986, the mobster defendants – including family leaders Salerno, Persico and Corallo – were convicted in the 21-count indictment and made to serve sentences of 40 to 100 years in prison, a crippling blow to the decades-old New York Mafia.

Standard operating procedure for prosecutors.
Sure, and it is fine for them to do that. But it is also fine - very important in fact - to recognize that when a Mob underboss testifies giants his former boss, it is NOT out of any suddenly developed sense of civic responsibility. We can and should recognize that this is not like some law-abiding citizen testifying to a crime they witnessed but weren’t a part of.

That underboss is betraying the man that he took an oath of loyalty to in order to save his own skin. We have no way of knowing the truth of whatever he says, but we do know that it is what the prosecutors want him to say, or they wouldn’t call him.

We don’t just say “hey, a guy called Gianni “Johnny Pinebox” Pinneti must be telling the truth.

Prosecutors frequently threaten criminals to get them to testify against their partners in crime. They don’t ask for “the truth” they ask for incriminating Information about others.

Cohen was threatened in the same way, and had a deal dangled in front of him. They also threatened to go after his family. If he had said, “well fellas, the truth is that Trump wanted the story bought and killed and he was willing to pay for it. But, he left the details to me, as his lawyer,” guess what? No deal for Honest Mikey.

Cohen knew that they wanted him to provide information incriminating for Trump, because Cohen’s lawyer had begged him to solve all his legal problems by providing that information. At that time, Cohen swore that he knew nothing incriminating about Trump.

So, yeah. It goes to credibility.
A slew of legal experts have argued the prosecution has failed to specify a crime committed and pointed out how it is unprecedented for an individual to be prosecuted for election interference at the state level. Jed Handelsman Shugerman, a law professor at Boston University, argued in a New York Times op-ed that the election interference argument is “vague” and “undermines” serious election fraud cases.
Sure, and it is fine for them to do that. But it is also fine - very important in fact - to recognize that when a Mob underboss testifies giants his former boss, it is NOT out of any suddenly developed sense of civic responsibility. We can and should recognize that this is not like some law-abiding citizen testifying to a crime they witnessed but weren’t a part of.

That underboss is betraying the man that he took an oath of loyalty to in order to save his own skin. We have no way of knowing the truth of whatever he says, but we do know that it is what the prosecutors want him to say, or they wouldn’t call him.

We don’t just say “hey, a guy called Gianni “Johnny Pinebox” Pinneti must be telling the truth.

Prosecutors frequently threaten criminals to get them to testify against their partners in crime. They don’t ask for “the truth” they ask for incriminating Information about others.

Cohen was threatened in the same way, and had a deal dangled in front of him. They also threatened to go after his family. If he had said, “well fellas, the truth is that Trump wanted the story bought and killed and he was willing to pay for it. But, he left the details to me, as his lawyer,” guess what? No deal for Honest Mikey.

Cohen knew that they wanted him to provide information incriminating for Trump, because Cohen’s lawyer had begged him to solve all his legal problems by providing that information. At that time, Cohen swore that he knew nothing incriminating about Trump.

So, yeah. It goes to credibility.
Cohen’s motivations are entirely irrelevant to the evidence presented.
Sure, and it is fine for them to do that. But it is also fine - very important in fact - to recognize that when a Mob underboss testifies giants his former boss, it is NOT out of any suddenly developed sense of civic responsibility. We can and should recognize that this is not like some law-abiding citizen testifying to a crime they witnessed but weren’t a part of.

That underboss is betraying the man that he took an oath of loyalty to in order to save his own skin. We have no way of knowing the truth of whatever he says, but we do know that it is what the prosecutors want him to say, or they wouldn’t call him.

We don’t just say “hey, a guy called Gianni “Johnny Pinebox” Pinneti must be telling the truth.

Prosecutors frequently threaten criminals to get them to testify against their partners in crime. They don’t ask for “the truth” they ask for incriminating Information about others.

Cohen was threatened in the same way, and had a deal dangled in front of him. They also threatened to go after his family. If he had said, “well fellas, the truth is that Trump wanted the story bought and killed and he was willing to pay for it. But, he left the details to me, as his lawyer,” guess what? No deal for Honest Mikey.

Cohen knew that they wanted him to provide information incriminating for Trump, because Cohen’s lawyer had begged him to solve all his legal problems by providing that information. At that time, Cohen swore that he knew nothing incriminating about Trump.

So, yeah. It goes to credibility.
Cohen brought receipts.

Too bad for Trump.
Cohen was caught flat out lying. He was busted for it right in front of the jury, during cross-examination.
This amuses me a great deal.

Trump told you dumb rubes during the 2016 campaign that he had no business dealings in Moscow. He had Cohen back him up.

Trump told you dumb rubes he did not know about hush money payments to Stormy Daniels. He had Cohen back him up.

To get a loan to pay off Trump's porn star mistress, Cohen lied to a bank about the nature of the need for that loan.

And, incredibly, you unbelievably stupid rubes think this makes COHEN unreliable?!?!

You completely ignore the fact he was lying on Trump's orders. Yet you trust Trump!!!

I honestly don't know why your fucking pointy little heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance.

The only explanation is that you simply have no cognition.
Sounds like Cohen folded like a deck of cards today.

Sucks to be berg80.

Cohen didn't fold at all. It went as expected. Your side didn't prove he lied to the jury. They didn't have to prove Cohen a liar, he freely admitted he was. Trump doesn't surround himself with honest people. He surrounds himself with people who are as corrupt and criminal as he is.

Legal experts far more experienced than this hack AG and shit judge said there's no crime here. Stick that up your Dem ass with a hot poker you corrupt rat bastards.

What legal experts would those be - the lawyers who defend Trump in his other cases and LOST????? Alan Derschowitz who hasn't been playing with a full deck for decades now?
This amuses me a great deal.

Trump told you dumb rubes during the 2016 campaign that he had no business dealings in Moscow. He had Cohen back him up.

Trump told you dumb rubes he did not know about hush money payments to Stormy Daniels. He had Cohen back him up.

To get a loan to pay off Trump's porn star mistress, Cohen lied to a bank about the nature of the need for that loan.

And, incredibly, you unbelievably stupid rubes think this makes COHEN unreliable?!?!

You completely ignore the fact he was lying on Trump's orders. Yet you trust Trump!!!

I honestly don't know why your fucking pointy little heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance.

The only explanation is that you simply have no cognition.
Cohen only lied “for Trump” when it benefited him. He also has lied not for Trump when it benefited him

Yesterday he was caught lying against Trump because it benefited him.

He is a lying machine and the rubes are the people that thought that he had changed.

Have you at least learned different now?
During the 2016 campaign, Trump was in business negotiations with Russia to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, and he intended to gift KGB Putin with the penthouse, valued at $50 million.

However, Trump denied, denied, and denied he had business relations with Russia all during the campaign. He flat out lied, and he had his man Michael Cohen lie to Congress about it.

1. July 26, 2016:
"I mean, I have nothing to do with Russia. I don't have any jobs in Russia. I'm all over the world but we're not involved in Russia," Trump tells CBS4.

2. July 26, 2016: "For the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia," Trump tweets.

3. Oct. 6, 2016: During the second presidential debate, Hillary Clinton says Russia is trying to help elect Trump, "maybe because he wants to do business in Moscow." Trump calls this assessment "so ridiculous," adding, "I know nothing about Russia ... I don't deal there."

4. Oct. 24, 2016: "I have nothing to do with Russia folks, I'll give you a written statement," Trump says at a campaign rally.

5. Jan. 11, 2017: Trump tells reporters that he has "no deals that could happen in Russia because we've stayed away," adding that he could "make deals in Russia very easily" but "I just don't want to because I think that would be a conflict."

6. Jan. 11, 2017: "Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA - NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!," Trump tweets.

7. Feb. 7, 2017: Trump tweets, "I don't know Putin, have no deals in Russia, and the haters are going crazy."

8. May 11, 2017: Trump tells NBC News that he has "nothing to do with Russia," other than the fact that he "sold a house to a very wealthy Russian many years ago" and hosted the Miss Universe pageant there once.

Trump spit right into the faces of you rubes and lied to you. That's how much contempt he has for you. But his contempt for the rubes rises to a whole new level when he is caught in a lie or disgracing himself in public.

Trump does not backpedal when caught in a lie or disgracing himself. He never backpedals.

In a scene right out of Orwell's 1984, Trump fabricates a completely new reality and feeds it to you rubes and you turn on a dime and swallow his fantastical new lies like sheep!

After Trump's lie about his business dealings with Russia were outed, this is the fantasy Trump fabricated:

"[a project] we were looking at in Moscow. Everybody knew about it. ...it was a well-known project. It was during the early part of '16"
During the 2016 campaign, Trump was in business negotiations with Russia to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, and he intended to gift KGB Putin with the penthouse, valued at $50 million.

However, Trump denied, denied, and denied he had business relations with Russia all during the campaign. He flat out lied, and he had his man Michael Cohen lie to Congress about it.

1. July 26, 2016:
"I mean, I have nothing to do with Russia. I don't have any jobs in Russia. I'm all over the world but we're not involved in Russia," Trump tells CBS4.

2. July 26, 2016: "For the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia," Trump tweets.

3. Oct. 6, 2016: During the second presidential debate, Hillary Clinton says Russia is trying to help elect Trump, "maybe because he wants to do business in Moscow." Trump calls this assessment "so ridiculous," adding, "I know nothing about Russia ... I don't deal there."

4. Oct. 24, 2016: "I have nothing to do with Russia folks, I'll give you a written statement," Trump says at a campaign rally.

5. Jan. 11, 2017: Trump tells reporters that he has "no deals that could happen in Russia because we've stayed away," adding that he could "make deals in Russia very easily" but "I just don't want to because I think that would be a conflict."

6. Jan. 11, 2017: "Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA - NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!," Trump tweets.

7. Feb. 7, 2017: Trump tweets, "I don't know Putin, have no deals in Russia, and the haters are going crazy."

8. May 11, 2017: Trump tells NBC News that he has "nothing to do with Russia," other than the fact that he "sold a house to a very wealthy Russian many years ago" and hosted the Miss Universe pageant there once.

Trump spit right into the faces of you rubes and lied to you. That's how much contempt he has for you. But his contempt for the rubes rises to a whole new level when he is caught in a lie or disgracing himself in public.

Trump does not backpedal when caught in a lie or disgracing himself. He never backpedals.

In a scene right out of Orwell's 1984, Trump fabricates a completely new reality and feeds it to you rubes and you turn on a dime and swallow his fantastical new lies like sheep!

After Trump's lie about his business dealings with Russia were outed, this is the fantasy Trump fabricated:

"[a project] we were looking at in Moscow. Everybody knew about it. ...it was a well-known project. It was during the early part of '16"

Poor Fraudulent G.

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