Trump is the greatest president we had since Reagan.

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..
He has certainly done more for this country than was done in 8 years of democrats. He's restored our strength and integrity.
So far Trump has done well.

He beat hitlery, that alone saved western civilization.

Dropping the scam treaty was icing on the cake.

I supported Cruz, but I dare say Trump may accomplish more in reversing the democrooks regressive agenda than even Cruz could have.

Trump: Prevented our full collapse into Socialism under Hillary, appointed a non-flaming Liberal-Constitution-hating SCOTUS judge and withdrew from the economic suicide AKA; The Paris Accord
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Trump makes Obama look like a tool...a tool sent from hell to ruin the greatest nation on earth. Trump did the right thing yesterday for Americans and any democrats watching the reaction from their elected baboons should make them embarrassed and very angry.
He has certainly done more for this country than was done in 8 years of democrats. He's restored our strength and integrity.

It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..

he does have some Reagan characteristics. ------but much more a SHOWMAN
and a really GLIB TONGUE------Reagan had stunted speech-----based on his
dementia. Donald is not demented-----just mildly dim
It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..
Speak for yourself, all the Donald has given me is a new douche bag in the Oval Office to mock and ridicule, which I do appreciate, since mocking and ridiculing his bumbling predecessor was getting a bit old.

As far as all this "new hope" nonsense, placing your "hopes" in politicians is like buying a thousand lottery tickets and counting on them to all be winners.

"There is a chalk outline slowly being drawn around common sense and most people can't identify the victim." -- Dennis Miller
Trump makes Obama look like a tool...a tool sent from hell to ruin the greatest nation on earth. Trump did the right thing yesterday for Americans and any democrats watching the reaction from their elected baboons should make them embarrassed and very angry.

Obozo didn't need Trump to make him look exactly like the tool he is.

It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..
Speak for yourself, all the Donald has given me is a new douche bag in the Oval Office to mock and ridicule, which I do appreciate, since mocking and ridiculing his bumbling predecessor was getting a bit old.

As far as all this "new hope" nonsense, placing your "hopes" in politicians is like buying a thousand lottery tickets and counting on them to all be winners.

"There is a chalk outline slowly being drawn around common sense and most people can't identify the victim." -- Dennis Miller
It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..

fret not-----the withdrawal from the Paris accords will not alter what the US does------it will,
simply make it legal
Trump makes Obama look like a tool...a tool sent from hell to ruin the greatest nation on earth. Trump did the right thing yesterday for Americans and any democrats watching the reaction from their elected baboons should make them embarrassed and very angry.

Obozo didn't need Trump to make him look exactly like the tool he is.

he's out-------leave it alone-----he did the best he could
I find it interesting that so many try to pawn off Saint Ronnie's disastrous regime as a positive. Jimmy Carter had way more going for America than most knew. As for the dictator in charge he is destroying the nation and the USA's leadership role in the world. Go anywhere in the world today and listen to the jokes about trumps little dick and his having to grab pussy.
Trump makes Obama look like a tool...a tool sent from hell to ruin the greatest nation on earth. Trump did the right thing yesterday for Americans and any democrats watching the reaction from their elected baboons should make them embarrassed and very angry.

Obozo didn't need Trump to make him look exactly like the tool he is.

he's out-------leave it alone-----he did the best he could

Yes that's true "he did the best he could", which makes him that much more pathetic, we'd have been better off if he and those 535 nitwits on Capital Hill would have just went on vacation for 8 years.
Trump makes Obama look like a tool...a tool sent from hell to ruin the greatest nation on earth. Trump did the right thing yesterday for Americans and any democrats watching the reaction from their elected baboons should make them embarrassed and very angry.

Obozo didn't need Trump to make him look exactly like the tool he is.

he's out-------leave it alone-----he did the best he could

Yes that's true "he did the best he could", which makes him that much more pathetic, we'd have been better off if he and those 535 nitwits on Capital Hill would have just went on vacation for 8 years.

no. they held the fort-------he was kinda like an Eisenhower
he's out-------leave it alone-----he did the best he could

Fortunately he failed at nearly everything.

I will never stop ridiculing that meat puppet faggot traitor. Even if the bed wetters finally STFU about Bush, who gave those assholes almost everything they wanted except a surrender to jihad.

I find it interesting that so many try to pawn off Saint Ronnie's disastrous regime as a positive. Jimmy Carter had way more going for America than most knew. As for the dictator in charge he is destroying the nation and the USA's leadership role in the world. Go anywhere in the world today and listen to the jokes about trumps little dick and his having to grab pussy.
Stop shitting your pants over what some socialists think. If leadership is sending billions to the Iranian military and building terrorist groups in the ME, Obama is your man, but that is not my definition of leadership.
I find it interesting that so many try to pawn off Saint Ronnie's disastrous regime as a positive. Jimmy Carter had way more going for America than most knew. As for the dictator in charge he is destroying the nation and the USA's leadership role in the world. Go anywhere in the world today and listen to the jokes about trumps little dick and his having to grab pussy.

Spoken (or parroted) just like one would expect from a mindless fascist drone.

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