Traditional marriage: Bride fined rejecting marriage


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Doesn't get more traditional than this.

Indian child bride faces 25 000 fine for rejecting marriage - Sunday Times

"NEW DELHI (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – The family of a 19-year-old Indian girl has been ostracised and fined 1.6 million rupees (15,932 pounds) by a village council after she rejected a marriage arranged when she was a baby, the girl and her parents said on Wednesday.

Santadevi Meghwal, from the western desert state of Rajasthan, said she was married off at 11 months old to a nine-year-old boy in her village, 60 km (37 miles) south of Jodhpur.

Meghwal became aware of her marriage at the age 16 and, with the support of her parents, refused to go and live with her husband and in-laws as they demanded.

“I was 11 months old when I was married off. It was only when I grew up that I realised what had happened,” Meghwal told the CNN-IBN television station on Wednesday. “I want to study and become a teacher. I don’t want to go there,” she added."

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The tradition in India for arranged marriages, sometimes at birth, have nothing to do with religion. Certainly nothing to do with the Christian religion.

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