Time to boycott the NFL....spread the word.....this silliness has to stop.

A line was crossed when the American football teams over seas stood for the playing of the British national anthem....and took a knee for the American national Anthem....

The players can do whatever silliness they want on their own time....the NFL is selling a product, we don't have to buy the product if they are going to continue to disrespect this country...

Time to stop watching their games until the NFL ends taking a knee during the anthem......they can keep doing it...it is a free country, thanks to the people who fought for it.....but we don't have to watch them disrespect it.......

Boycott now.

So now you crazies want to bully the NFL like you did the Dixie Chicks. I would love to see you go face to face with Kaepernick and tell him how you feel about the whole thing.
Get me his phone number and address ----- I would be DELIGHTED to have just that exact opportunity.

Why would I want to be involved in your goofy actions? They aren't that hard to find.

Because you like to talk shit, make cheap threats ... but you ain't got the balls to back it up.

What threats did I make?
Everything frightens him. If you disagree he takes it as a threat.
A line was crossed when the American football teams over seas stood for the playing of the British national anthem....and took a knee for the American national Anthem....

The players can do whatever silliness they want on their own time....the NFL is selling a product, we don't have to buy the product if they are going to continue to disrespect this country...

Time to stop watching their games until the NFL ends taking a knee during the anthem......they can keep doing it...it is a free country, thanks to the people who fought for it.....but we don't have to watch them disrespect it.......

Boycott now.
Why do you love Nazi's and traitors but hate black football players? Is it because of the black?

One again, Lambeau Field in Green Bay was sold out for today's game. Trumps heavy handed rhetoric is creating a major blow-back as fans are fed up with him.

A big different situation exists between the fans of the Green Bay Packers and the Packer team than any professional sports teams and fans in the U.S. On that team the fans control the actions of the players. Ask any Packer fan on USMB why it's an entirely different situation.
Because I own a piece of the team !!!
So now you crazies want to bully the NFL like you did the Dixie Chicks. I would love to see you go face to face with Kaepernick and tell him how you feel about the whole thing.
Get me his phone number and address ----- I would be DELIGHTED to have just that exact opportunity.

Why would I want to be involved in your goofy actions? They aren't that hard to find.

Because you like to talk shit, make cheap threats ... but you ain't got the balls to back it up.

What threats did I make?
Everything frightens him. If you disagree he takes it as a threat.
Ahhh --- peanut gallery heard from ...

One again, Lambeau Field in Green Bay was sold out for today's game. Trumps heavy handed rhetoric is creating a major blow-back as fans are fed up with him.

A big different situation exists between the fans of the Green Bay Packers and the Packer team than any professional sports teams and fans in the U.S. On that team the fans control the actions of the players. Ask any Packer fan on USMB why it's an entirely different situation.
Because I own a piece of the team !!!

That dangling part down below their belt? Is that the piece you claim?
A line was crossed when the American football teams over seas stood for the playing of the British national anthem....and took a knee for the American national Anthem....

The players can do whatever silliness they want on their own time....the NFL is selling a product, we don't have to buy the product if they are going to continue to disrespect this country...

Time to stop watching their games until the NFL ends taking a knee during the anthem......they can keep doing it...it is a free country, thanks to the people who fought for it.....but we don't have to watch them disrespect it.......

Boycott now.

So now you crazies want to bully the NFL like you did the Dixie Chicks. I would love to see you go face to face with Kaepernick and tell him how you feel about the whole thing.
Get me his phone number and address ----- I would be DELIGHTED to have just that exact opportunity.
Yeah ok. You know good and well if he were in front of you your eyes would be averted, youre head down, and you would be blushing, alternating between a pallid white and crimson red.
You have no idea just exactly how wrong you are .... your little pissant race tinged accusations notwithstanding, you, sir, are all talk, a pompous windbag seemingly incapable of anything more than sounding like a giant fart ... and projecting just about the same intelligence.
I have a great idea of exactly how correct I am. Youre one of the internet tough white boys that talk a lot of talk but if it came down to business youre running from the action like jack rabbit with a coyote after him.
Talk's cheap --- and I can see you bought your share.

I love little quasi-militants like you and Bulldog - all big and buff and threatening people, trying to subjugate those who might disagree with you by calling them racists and all kinds of vile names. I especially like knowing both of you are no-dicked little hourly workers at the nearest 7-11 who are incapable of honest and intellectual discussion. It is more important that you feed your ego than you feed your knowledge. You two are prime examples of the lobster effect.

It sucks to be you.
So now you crazies want to bully the NFL like you did the Dixie Chicks. I would love to see you go face to face with Kaepernick and tell him how you feel about the whole thing.
Get me his phone number and address ----- I would be DELIGHTED to have just that exact opportunity.
Yeah ok. You know good and well if he were in front of you your eyes would be averted, youre head down, and you would be blushing, alternating between a pallid white and crimson red.
You have no idea just exactly how wrong you are .... your little pissant race tinged accusations notwithstanding, you, sir, are all talk, a pompous windbag seemingly incapable of anything more than sounding like a giant fart ... and projecting just about the same intelligence.
I have a great idea of exactly how correct I am. Youre one of the internet tough white boys that talk a lot of talk but if it came down to business youre running from the action like jack rabbit with a coyote after him.
Talk's cheap --- and I can see you bought your share.

I love little quasi-militants like you and Bulldog - all big and buff and threatening people, trying to subjugate those who might disagree with you by calling them racists and all kinds of vile names. I especially like knowing both of you are no-dicked little hourly workers at the nearest 7-11 who are incapable of honest and intellectual discussion. It is more important that you feed your ego than you feed your knowledge. You two are prime examples of the lobster effect.

It sucks to be you.

What ever you say. Still looking for that threat you claim I made? I'll wait.
So now you crazies want to bully the NFL like you did the Dixie Chicks. I would love to see you go face to face with Kaepernick and tell him how you feel about the whole thing.
Get me his phone number and address ----- I would be DELIGHTED to have just that exact opportunity.
Yeah ok. You know good and well if he were in front of you your eyes would be averted, youre head down, and you would be blushing, alternating between a pallid white and crimson red.
You have no idea just exactly how wrong you are .... your little pissant race tinged accusations notwithstanding, you, sir, are all talk, a pompous windbag seemingly incapable of anything more than sounding like a giant fart ... and projecting just about the same intelligence.
I have a great idea of exactly how correct I am. Youre one of the internet tough white boys that talk a lot of talk but if it came down to business youre running from the action like jack rabbit with a coyote after him.
Talk's cheap --- and I can see you bought your share.

I love little quasi-militants like you and Bulldog - all big and buff and threatening people, trying to subjugate those who might disagree with you by calling them racists and all kinds of vile names. I especially like knowing both of you are no-dicked little hourly workers at the nearest 7-11 who are incapable of honest and intellectual discussion. It is more important that you feed your ego than you feed your knowledge. You two are prime examples of the lobster effect.

It sucks to be you.
You shouldnt be frightened because I call you a name. Dont be such a snowflake. I'm just calling you what your words tell me you are.
So now you crazies want to bully the NFL like you did the Dixie Chicks. I would love to see you go face to face with Kaepernick and tell him how you feel about the whole thing.
Get me his phone number and address ----- I would be DELIGHTED to have just that exact opportunity.

Why would I want to be involved in your goofy actions? They aren't that hard to find.

Because you like to talk shit, make cheap threats ... but you ain't got the balls to back it up.

What threats did I make?
Everything frightens him. If you disagree he takes it as a threat.
Both of you are incapable of disagreeing - you don't have an intellectual approach, you offer no rational position, and your logic is missing, but instead you both rely on junior high school emotion and ridicule to try to push your agenda.
Get me his phone number and address ----- I would be DELIGHTED to have just that exact opportunity.

Why would I want to be involved in your goofy actions? They aren't that hard to find.

Because you like to talk shit, make cheap threats ... but you ain't got the balls to back it up.

What threats did I make?
Everything frightens him. If you disagree he takes it as a threat.
Both of you are incapable of disagreeing - you don't have an intellectual approach, but instead rely on emotion and ridicule to try to push your agenda.
I disagree with you so that pretty much invalidates your claim. i ridicule you because youre such an easy target due to being a full fledged idiot.
Last edited:

One again, Lambeau Field in Green Bay was sold out for today's game. Trumps heavy handed rhetoric is creating a major blow-back as fans are fed up with him.

A big different situation exists between the fans of the Green Bay Packers and the Packer team than any professional sports teams and fans in the U.S. On that team the fans control the actions of the players. Ask any Packer fan on USMB why it's an entirely different situation.
Because I own a piece of the team !!!

That dangling part down below their belt? Is that the piece you claim?
Pretty fucking childish, don't you think?

But then, we expect nothing better from you.
Get me his phone number and address ----- I would be DELIGHTED to have just that exact opportunity.

Why would I want to be involved in your goofy actions? They aren't that hard to find.

Because you like to talk shit, make cheap threats ... but you ain't got the balls to back it up.

What threats did I make?
Everything frightens him. If you disagree he takes it as a threat.
Both of you are incapable of disagreeing - you don't have an intellectual approach, you offer no rational position, and your logic is missing, but instead you both rely on junior high school emotion and ridicule to try to push your agenda.

You want me to give you Kaepernick's phone number and address so you can go fuss at him, and you have the nerve to call ME irrational? You're nuts buddy
Why would I want to be involved in your goofy actions? They aren't that hard to find.

Because you like to talk shit, make cheap threats ... but you ain't got the balls to back it up.

What threats did I make?
Everything frightens him. If you disagree he takes it as a threat.
Both of you are incapable of disagreeing - you don't have an intellectual approach, you offer no rational position, and your logic is missing, but instead you both rely on junior high school emotion and ridicule to try to push your agenda.

You want me to give you Kaepernick's phone number and address so you can go fuss at him, and you have the nerve to call ME irrational? You're nuts buddy
If you were to give him the number you would call his bluff and gig would be up.
Why would I want to be involved in your goofy actions? They aren't that hard to find.

Because you like to talk shit, make cheap threats ... but you ain't got the balls to back it up.

What threats did I make?
Everything frightens him. If you disagree he takes it as a threat.
Both of you are incapable of disagreeing - you don't have an intellectual approach, you offer no rational position, and your logic is missing, but instead you both rely on junior high school emotion and ridicule to try to push your agenda.

You want me to give you Kaepernick's phone number and address so you can go fuss at him, and you have the nerve to call ME irrational? You're nuts buddy
Nope --- I just wanted to point out that the minute you were challenged, when you realized you couldn't bully your way thru, you immediately went into your "well, I'm gonna have my big brother come beat you up --- and you should be scared because he's black" shtick.

Stand up for yourself ---- if you can't defend your position, and you're not man enough to defend yourself - at least have the balls to admit it. But, I suspect, that might be too much to ask of you.

Frankly, you're a fraud.
Because you like to talk shit, make cheap threats ... but you ain't got the balls to back it up.

What threats did I make?
Everything frightens him. If you disagree he takes it as a threat.
Both of you are incapable of disagreeing - you don't have an intellectual approach, you offer no rational position, and your logic is missing, but instead you both rely on junior high school emotion and ridicule to try to push your agenda.

You want me to give you Kaepernick's phone number and address so you can go fuss at him, and you have the nerve to call ME irrational? You're nuts buddy
If you were to give him the number you would call his bluff and gig would be up.

If I give numbers out for such a dumb reason, I will never get another number. I'm not even sure if it's a valid number anyway.
Because you like to talk shit, make cheap threats ... but you ain't got the balls to back it up.

What threats did I make?
Everything frightens him. If you disagree he takes it as a threat.
Both of you are incapable of disagreeing - you don't have an intellectual approach, you offer no rational position, and your logic is missing, but instead you both rely on junior high school emotion and ridicule to try to push your agenda.

You want me to give you Kaepernick's phone number and address so you can go fuss at him, and you have the nerve to call ME irrational? You're nuts buddy
If you were to give him the number you would call his bluff and gig would be up.
You think? Give me the number and let's find out.
What threats did I make?
Everything frightens him. If you disagree he takes it as a threat.
Both of you are incapable of disagreeing - you don't have an intellectual approach, you offer no rational position, and your logic is missing, but instead you both rely on junior high school emotion and ridicule to try to push your agenda.

You want me to give you Kaepernick's phone number and address so you can go fuss at him, and you have the nerve to call ME irrational? You're nuts buddy
If you were to give him the number you would call his bluff and gig would be up.

If I give numbers out for such a dumb reason, I will never get another number. I'm not even sure if it's a valid number anyway.
So now we get to the truth .... you were just pissing in the wind, huh?

Give me the number ... I'll find out if it's valid for you.
Because you like to talk shit, make cheap threats ... but you ain't got the balls to back it up.

What threats did I make?
Everything frightens him. If you disagree he takes it as a threat.
Both of you are incapable of disagreeing - you don't have an intellectual approach, you offer no rational position, and your logic is missing, but instead you both rely on junior high school emotion and ridicule to try to push your agenda.

You want me to give you Kaepernick's phone number and address so you can go fuss at him, and you have the nerve to call ME irrational? You're nuts buddy
Nope --- I just wanted to point out that the minute you were challenged, when you realized you couldn't bully your way thru, you immediately went into your "well, I'm gonna have my big brother come beat you up --- and you should be scared because he's black" shtick.

Stand up for yourself ---- if you can't defend your position, and you're not man enough to defend yourself - at least have the balls to admit it. But, I suspect, that might be too much to ask of you.

Frankly, you're a fraud.

You got a post number where I did that? I'm sure any of my brothers would come to help if I called, as I would them, but what would I ask them to do here? Ask them to come beat up my computer?
What threats did I make?
Everything frightens him. If you disagree he takes it as a threat.
Both of you are incapable of disagreeing - you don't have an intellectual approach, you offer no rational position, and your logic is missing, but instead you both rely on junior high school emotion and ridicule to try to push your agenda.

You want me to give you Kaepernick's phone number and address so you can go fuss at him, and you have the nerve to call ME irrational? You're nuts buddy
Nope --- I just wanted to point out that the minute you were challenged, when you realized you couldn't bully your way thru, you immediately went into your "well, I'm gonna have my big brother come beat you up --- and you should be scared because he's black" shtick.

Stand up for yourself ---- if you can't defend your position, and you're not man enough to defend yourself - at least have the balls to admit it. But, I suspect, that might be too much to ask of you.

Frankly, you're a fraud.

You got a post number where I did that? I'm sure any of my brothers would come to help if I called, as I would them, but what would I ask them to do here? Ask them to come beat up my computer?
Hiding behind your brothers now?

Aren't you embarrassed by your cowardice?
A big different situation exists between the fans of the Green Bay Packers and the Packer team than any professional sports teams and fans in the U.S. On that team the fans control the actions of the players. Ask any Packer fan on USMB why it's an entirely different situation.
That's funny. Ask any Packer fan around Green Bay, where I live, and they'll tell you to stop smoking that weed.

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